Chapter 189 Reba's Barrage

   "This noodle is so chewy!"

  After taking a bite of the noodles, Huang Xiaoming was also shocked by its chewy texture: "Do people in the Western Regions usually eat such chewy noodles?"

   "The sunshine time in the Western Regions is long, and it doesn't get dark until after ten o'clock in the evening in summer. If you don't have a full meal at noon, how can you stand it?"

  Li Yi explained with a smile, stepped forward to pick up a plate of noodles, scooped some fried meat with wild mushrooms, and covered the noodles.

  Compared with oily meat and spicy skin meat, he prefers this kind of noodles with wild mushroom meat.

  He has bought this kind of mushroom before, which is the Bachu mushroom used in the soup.

  Compared to hanging broth, this kind of mushroom is stir-fried with mutton, which tastes more delicious, with a strange fragrance, even better than meat.

   It was meal time, watching everyone in front of the camera each have a plate of noodles, eating deliciously, the audience in the live broadcast room also watched enthusiastically.

   "Haha! I'm also eating noodles at noon, and I'm eating while watching the video. It's so delicious!"

   "Yesterday I heard from Brother Yi that we are going to make Western Region noodles today. Today I specially found a Lanzhou noodle restaurant and ordered Western Region noodles. It is really delicious."

   "When you go to a Lanzhou ramen shop to order Lanzhou beef noodles, it may not be authentic, but you actually order Western Region noodles?"

  “I traveled to the Western Regions last year and ate authentic fried pork noodles. It was really delicious. I ate a lot of meat in the Western Regions, but after I came back, it was the fried pork noodles that haunted me the most.”

   "This is the first time I've seen someone fry such authentic oily and spicy pork on the show. Brother Yi is amazing."

   "Fuck! The wild mushroom that brother Yi ate is the real good thing! We have a restaurant here that specializes in making wild mushroom soup rice with this kind of mushroom. It tastes very delicious!"

   Just as the audience was discussing, a special barrage suddenly floated over the screen of the program.

  【Reba: It looks delicious! 】

  After noticing this barrage, the audience in the live broadcast instantly became excited.

   "Fuck! Reba? Is this really Reba?"

   "Eh? Reba is here? Haha! Did you find it by smelling the scent?"

   "Reba, when will you be on the show?"

   "Haha! Foodie Reba really won't miss the food in his hometown."

   In front of the camera, the few people who were immersed in eating also heard the director's reminder and noticed Reba who came to the live broadcast room.

  Huang Xiaoming said with a smile: "Reba is here? Look, we are preparing delicacies from your hometown! We are waiting for you, come quickly!"

  In the live broadcast room, Reba's barrage drifted past again.

  【Reba: Haha! Hello, Brother Xiao Ming, I have already finished work, and I am going to the capital tonight, we can meet tomorrow! 】

   "Then we will wait for you!"

  Huang Xiaoming asked with a smile: "Will Teacher Duan Yihong come with you?"

  【Reba: I'm not sure, I'll ask him in the group later! 】

  Seeing the conversation between Huang Xiaoming and Reba, the audience became more and more excited.

   "Great! I can see Reba tomorrow!"

   "Is Captain Long coming too?"

   "Old Duan is finally willing to appear on variety shows!"

   "I probably came here because I heard that Western Region cuisine is going to be made, otherwise he must find it troublesome."

   "Who made the noodles? It's delicious!"

   "Reba and Lao Duan are in the same group? What group? Pull me in?"

  Not only the audience was curious about the group mentioned by Reba, Liu Yifei also asked curiously: "What group is it?"

Hearing this, Huang Xiaoming explained with a smile: "Aren't there many groups organized by fellow villagers from various provinces in the circle? For example, I am among the artist groups in Lu Province, and there are also Jin Dong, Zhang Yuqi, Huang Zitao, and Jin Chen in the group. .”

   "We also have Moduqun."

  Wu Lei smiled and said, "Teacher Hu Ge, Sister Tang Yan and the others are all here."

  Hearing what they said, many viewers were aroused, and they all made barrage jokes.

   "A lot of money to ask for a group number!"

   "I didn't expect actors to have their own group, would they secretly scold the director in the group?"

   "If the artists in this group don't have a representative work, wouldn't it be difficult to get along?"

   "Is there a group in Hebei Province? Call Baoqiang, and say that old A called him to return to the team."

Seeing that the audience's attention was drawn away by the star group, Huang Xiaoming hurriedly ended the topic and waved at the camera: "Then Reba, we will wait for you here, just tell me if you want to eat, Brother Yi Will do anything!"

  【Reba: My manager has already shown me the fried rice noodles made by Brother Yi. I'm so hungry, I must eat like crazy when I go! 】

  Seeing that they were talking about him, Li Yi also smiled and said to the camera: "No problem, the hot sauce has been fried, just waiting for you to come, what degree of spiciness do you like?"

  【Reba: Haha! We girls from the Western Regions must eat spicy food! The kind that can burn contact lenses off! 】

   "Okay, then you remember to wear contact lenses."

  Li Yi made a joke and ended the conversation.

   Reba also left the studio after making a few jokes in the barrage.

  Her appearance was specially arranged by Wang Tian to warm up for tomorrow's live broadcast.

  The results proved that the preheating effect was very good. After the appearance of Reba, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room and the number of bullet screens surged.

  During the audience's discussion, Li Yi and the others also finished their lunch.

   A meal of solid noodles made everyone satisfied. Wu Lei ate this meal as an indulgent meal, but it was too indulgent.

  He ate three plates of noodles and tried all three toppings before giving up.

  However, after eating, he even felt that he still had enough energy, and even wanted to have another plate of noodles with wild mushroom meat.

  The deliciousness of this topping was beyond his expectation, so much so that he regretted that he only hung this noodle dish at the end.

  By the time he ate it, there was not much left of this topping, only some dish base and soup remained.

   But even so, he still ate heartily and happily.

   After finishing the meal, Li Yi and the others continued to work.

   There is still a lot of work in the afternoon. Li Yi has to mix the second bag of noodles, divide the mutton in advance, pick out the meat from the stir-fry and marinate it.

  In addition, he has to soak the rice for pilaf in advance, try the firepower of the naan pit, and fry a pot of Western Region cakes.

  Nan is fairly simple, and the noodles are all reconciled.

   But cutting the cake is quite troublesome. Not to mention the solid ingredients for this dessert, it is even more troublesome to make. It takes at least two hours to make it in one pot.

   After a lot of work, everyone in the restaurant finally made all the preparations before eleven o'clock in the evening.

  It was too late, Li Yi had no time to cook for the staff.

  However, Li Yi promised them that tomorrow he will cook a pot of pilaf for them, so that they can enjoy it.

  He returned to the hotel to rest exhausted. Before going upstairs, Li Yi asked Wang Tian about tomorrow's gourmet appraiser.

   "Tomorrow's gourmet appraiser is also a gourmet account. There are three people who appear on the scene, and their names are the three soldiers who can't eat enough."

  After hearing the news, Li Yi looked at Huang Xiaoming and asked, "Shop Manager, do you want to change the rules for adding rice to the menu?"

  There is a stipulation in the menu that he and Huang Xiaoming set, that is, staple foods such as noodles and pilaf can be added with noodles and rice for free.

   This is also an unspoken rule of the local catering industry in the Western Regions, mainly to ensure that guests can eat enough.

  But this time the gourmet appraisers are three big eaters. If they are allowed to add noodles and rice for free, can they fill up the whole pot?

  Huang Xiaoming thought for a while, shook his head and said: "It's okay, if you don't change it, let them add it. I want to see how much they can eat."




  (end of this chapter)

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