A Mouthful of Sky-high Fried Rice, Lao Tang Apprenticed on the Spot

Chapter 175: Bitter then sweet or sweet then bitter

  Chapter 175 Bitter before sweet or sweet before bitter


  Wu Lei took a breath, and then choked on the saliva sucked into his throat.


  He coughed twice, and quickly explained to the camera: "I'm not spicy! I choked on my saliva."

   Huang Xiaoming watched it amusedly, and joked with a smile: "Really? Is it really not spicy?"

   "Hiss! Not spicy, really not spicy."

  Wu Lei swallowed his saliva, then picked up a chopstick of rice noodles and stuffed it into his mouth.

  He wasn't just trying to cover up, it was just the spicy taste in his mouth that made him unable to stop.

  Seeing this scene, the audience was amused.

   "Hahaha! Our main focus is a stubborn one!"

   "Actually, Leizi has been burned to death, but her mouth is still hard."

   "One more bite is his last stubbornness before dying."

   "Thanos snapped his fingers, and all human beings disappeared, leaving only one mouth, shouting: Not spicy! It's really not spicy!"

   "It is recommended to add a special effect of eating while breathing fire in the later stage. It is absolutely fun! Haha!"

  After eating another rice noodle with chopsticks, Wu Lei's forehead was already sweating.

Seeing the barrage of jokes in the live broadcast room, he took out a napkin, wiped his sweat, and explained with a smile: "Well, it's actually a little spicy, but it's not as exaggerated as it looks. This rice noodle is not as spicy as it was before. The perverted spicy sixties eaten in Guijie are too spicy!

Don't look at me sweating because of the hotness, but the spicyness of this rice noodle is the kind of spicy that is very enjoyable and comfortable. It is not dry when it is spicy, but it is mainly fragrant, which makes people unable to stop eating. The kind that you want to eat after eating it in one bite. "

  Behind the camera, the errands have delivered the milk Liu Yifei bought.

  Liu Yifei stepped forward to take it, took out a box, and handed it to Wu Lei.

  Wu Lei didn't try to be brave anymore, he inserted a straw and took a big gulp.

  Milk is imported, and the spiciness is instantly relieved.

  He hiccupped and exclaimed: "Comfortable!"

  Following that, he immediately picked up the chopsticks and continued to fight.

  The audience in the live broadcast room looked at the milk packaging box that flashed by his hand, and were a little curious, because it was mosaic on it, and they couldn't tell what brand it was.

  Backstage, Wang Tian instructed the on-site director: "Remove the milk box, and the cameraman should be careful not to take pictures of the packaging box. This is a very important advertising space."

   After speaking, she took out her mobile phone and put it on the table.

  She knew that it would not be long before a milk manufacturer would come to her door.

   In front of the camera, Wu Lei ate fried rice noodles, sweating profusely, but couldn't bear to stop.

   "Huh! Exciting!"

  He didn't bother to wipe off his sweat, but just wiped it with the back of his hand, and then continued to eat, sighing again and again while eating.

   In the pot in front of Li Yi, fried rice noodles with soy sauce are about to come out of the pot.

  Different from the red color of spicy fried rice noodles, the color of sauce-flavored fried rice noodles looks a bit like fried noodles, and the sauce inside is black.

  The smell it wafts out is not as intense as hot sauce, but thicker and more layered.

   After the soup was thickened, Li Yi turned off the fire.

  He didn't call for the bowl, because Liu Yifei and Huang Xiaoming brought the bowl to him early, waiting for the rice noodles to arrive.

   Picking up the pot with one hand, Li Yi was about to divide the rice noodles into two portions.

  Huang Xiaoming swallowed his saliva, reminding him again and again: "Give me less fans, less."

  He is controlling his weight and dare not eat too much.

  Liu Yifei waved her hands: "Give me more, and more sauce."

  Li Yi acted according to the instructions, and quickly divided the sauce-flavored fried rice noodles into two portions, one large and one small.

  Liu Yifei couldn't wait a long time ago, she stepped forward and took the big bowl, and said with a smile: "Brother Xiao Ming, I'm not welcome!"

   "It's okay, I'll just eat a small bowl."

  Huang Xiaoming took the small bowl, lowered his head and smelled it, and couldn't help admiring: "Wow! It smells so good!"

  Liu Yifei took the chopsticks and picked up a piece of beef.

  The beef covered in brown-black sauce looks a bit like the beef in black pepper beef tenderloin, and the sauce on top reflects the oily light, which is extremely attractive.

   After taking a look at it, Liu Yifei directly stuffed the beef into his mouth.


  She exclaimed, then narrowed her eyes with a smile: "So tender!"

  Seeing this, Huang Xiaoming picked up a small piece of beef and put it in his mouth.

   "Mmm! It's really tender!"

  He chewed the beef carefully, nodding in admiration.

  Following, he picked up a chopstick of rice noodles and stuffed it into his mouth.

   "Wow! This rice noodle is so chewy."

  He was instantly amazed by the rice noodles of the Q bomb.

   Picking up a piece of rice noodles, he looked at it and praised: "I have eaten rice noodles from many places, and this kind of rice noodles is the most chewy I have ever eaten. It tastes a bit like QQ candy."

   As he spoke, he looked at Liu Yifei, only to find that Liu Yifei was looking for beef to eat in the bowl. Every time he ate a piece, he felt as if he had won a prize, and his face was full of happiness.

   "Why don't you stay at the end to eat?"

   Huang Xiaoming asked with a smile.

   "Why leave it until the end?"

  Liu Yifei was eating beef, and asked puzzledly, "You have to eat something delicious?"

  Huang Xiaoming heard the words and said with a smile: "I still like to save my favorite food for the last, it will be very satisfying."

  Hearing their conversation, the audience in the live broadcast room also started discussing.

   "I'm just used to saving my favorite food for last, such as the meat in the rice, I will eat it last, so that after the meal, I still have the smell of meat in my mouth."

   "Why do you have to wait until the end to eat? There are delicious things, of course you have to eat them first before talking about them! You will be full until the end, no matter how delicious something is, the taste will be greatly reduced."

   "That's right, when I eat, I eat my favorite first. I'm the most hungry when I just eat. Eating what I like is the most enjoyable thing. I don't feel that way when I'm full."

   "This is the difference between bitterness before sweetness or sweetness before bitterness. I am used to putting the delicious ones last, just like the finale of the story. I am satisfied and leave no regrets."

   "There must be no brothers and sisters in the back to eat. If I dare to leave the meat in the bowl behind to eat, my sister will definitely **** it!"

  The audience was discussing, and Zhao Jinmai's head poked out from the kitchen door.

   "It smells good."

  She sniffed the aroma in the kitchen, but her voice was still a little hoarse.

   "Is the herbal tea ready?"

  Li Yi turned around and asked her.

   "It's ready."

  Zhao Jinmai nodded, and walked in: "I listen to you, I boiled a pot of water into a half pot, and I put it outside to dry, and I can drink it in a while."

  Hearing this, Li Yi came to the stove next to him, lifted the lid of the radish and pear syrup and looked at it: "The syrup is ready, you can drink some syrup first."

As he spoke, he took a small bowl, filled it for her, and scooped up some softly stewed radishes and pears, and signaled to her: "Eat the radishes and pears too, it's good for your throat. "

   "Thank you, Brother Yi."

  Zhao Jinmai held a bowl of sugar water, lowered her head and blew it. The temperature was a bit high, so she put it on the table first, and drank it after it cooled down.

   "Sister Yifei."

  She walked up to Liu Yifei, looked at the sauce-flavored fried rice noodles in her bowl, and swallowed: "This noodle looks delicious!"

  Hearing this, Li Yi turned around and told her: "Your throat is bad, you can't eat this."


  Zhao Jinmai straightened up in disappointment, bit his lip and took two mouthfuls of saliva.

   "Mai Mai, come here."

  Li Yi called her closer: "You have a bad voice, and you can't eat spicy food. There is still some broth in the refrigerator. I'll make you some soup and rice noodles. It's warm and feels good in your stomach."

  Zhao Jinmai became happy when he heard the words: "Thank you, Brother Yi!"




  (end of this chapter)

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