Chapter 153 Purchasing

  Fried rice with soy sauce was indeed not difficult for Li Yi.

   But for everyone else, that's not necessarily the case.

   Fortunately, Shuzhi and Mu Shang didn't expect to learn fried rice comparable to Li Yi's level, they only hoped to learn a simple version, and they were satisfied.

  After listening to Liu Yifei talk about their purpose of learning fried rice, after dinner, Li Yi took them to the kitchen and began to teach them how to make soy sauce.

"You can't learn my frying skills, so I won't teach you how to fry. You just follow the practice of ordinary fried rice. You should put oil and eggs, and you should put eggs. As long as the soy sauce is boiled well, fry it out Just as delicious."

  Li Yi knew that what they wanted to learn was the quick version, so he focused on soy sauce.

  The core secret of soy sauce fried rice lies in soy sauce. Once the soy sauce is cooked, the lower limit cannot be lowered.

  Stir-frying skills and the quality of rice are the conditions that restrict the upper limit of taste, and they cannot be learned in a short time.

  So, Li Yi was in the kitchen, let Mu Shang and Shutiao do it himself, and taught them to cook a pot of soy sauce.

  In order to help them learn, Li Yi explained to them the details and principles that need to be paid attention to in as much detail as possible, explaining everything to them in every detail.

  After an hour of operation and listening to the explanation, Mu Shang and Shuzhi broke out in sweat.

   But not hot, but tense.

   "Do you remember everything?"

   Li Yi asked them.


   Mu Shang and the treetop looked at each other, a little embarrassed: "I didn't remember."

   "My mind is all messed up, I just follow what you said."

   Mu Shang was the main operator. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, and said with emotion: "I didn't expect so many details and techniques to make soy sauce. It's too difficult."

   "It's okay."

  Li Yi comforted them with a smile: "Anyway, they've all been photographed. Just watch it slowly after you go back, and it will be fine after a few more times."

  What he said in such detail just now is also to leave more video materials for them to go back and study on their own.

   "Thank you so much Brother Yi."

   Mu Shang thanked with a smile.

"You're welcome."

  Li Yi said with a smile: "You can put these soy sauces back! Count it on me, just treat it as me doing my part for the children!"

   "That won't work, so much soy sauce, so many ingredients, the cost is not low."

   The Pirates of the Moon Society refused to accept it.

  At this time, Wang Tian's voice sounded on the internal channel: "This pot of soy sauce belongs to the program group, ask me to sign the bill for reimbursement."

  Everyone cheered when they heard her voice: "The director is magnificent!"

  If the program group is reimbursed, Mu Shang and Shuzhi are no longer polite.

  Zhao Jinmai helped them bring over the original glass bottle containing soy sauce and put the soy sauce in it.

  These glass bottles were originally used to hold soy sauce, and they are useless after being washed and put away. This time it just came in handy.

   After packing up the soy sauce, all the members of Pirates of the Moon reciprocated and helped to clean up the restaurant before preparing to leave.

  However, after being reminded by the on-site director, they realized that this time they still had the duty of a food appraiser to be fulfilled.

   "What is your evaluation of today's food and service?"

   Huang Xiaoming, as the store manager, asked them.

   "Service? Aren't we always serving people?"

   Mu Shang made a joke, and then hurriedly laughed: "Just kidding, it is our honor to be able to come to this show, not to mention eating such delicious food."

   “Yes, today is definitely an experience we will never forget.”

Treetop smiled and added: "Actually, we are not here to enjoy the service. The service is for the guests. For us, this place is really like a big family. There are brothers and sisters, younger brothers and sisters, and uncles." uncle."

   As she spoke, she turned her head and looked in the direction of the Iron Triangle.

  Zhang Tielin nodded immediately: "Yes, I am an uncle, and they are uncles."


  Zhang Guoli almost blurted out, but changed his words halfway: "Go to the side, you are so old, and you are still an uncle?"

  Wang Gang on the side didn't speak, just looked at Li Yi, thinking a little.

   "Yes, we are here, we really feel like having dinner with many good friends, very happy."

   Mu Shang nodded in agreement, then glanced at the treetops, and said, "So, today we give the Chinese restaurant a score of 10!"


   Treetop and he spoke in unison.

  The audience was also very happy when they saw this, which means that they can get the most generous gifts and rewards.

  After recording the epilogue, the program ended the whole day of recording.

  It was already late at night, and the staff of the Forbidden City had come to urge several times to clear the venue.

  Everyone in the program group hurriedly packed up their equipment and prepared to leave.

  At this time, Wang Gang, who hadn't spoken much during dinner, suddenly came up to Li Yi, and pulled him to signal: "Xiao Li, come with me, I have something to tell you."

   Li Yi followed him to the corner, and it was only then that Wang Gang revealed his purpose.

   "Xiao Li!"

  He smiled all over his face, and asked Li Yi: "Tell me honestly, don't be kidding, where did this Wanshou Wujiang bowl come from?"

  Li Yi smiled: "Ancestral."

   "Haha, I knew it!"

Wang Gang smiled and patted his arm: "I am also a collector. The craftsmanship of cloisonne has been lost for a long time, and there is no possibility of fakes. Moreover, I also know several experts from Gubo. I still believe it."

  Li Yi smiled and didn't say much, he was very clear about Wang Gang's purpose.

Sure enough, Wang Gang lowered his voice, moved closer, and said in a low voice: "Xiao Li, I really like your set of bowls. When I saw it just now, I felt like I lost my soul. Oh! Then Call an uncomfortable.

  Of course, I know that such a good thing should be kept as a treasure and passed down as a family heirloom. If I let you give it to me, you will definitely feel distressed.

   But I really like it, so be it! When you are free, go to my house, there are many old things in my courtyard.

  Huanghuali table from Ming and Qing Dynasties, paintings by Qi Baishi and Fan Zeng, and some blue and white bottles and jars.

  As long as you can see it, you can take whatever you like, even take it all away, as long as you are willing to bear the pain and give me this bowl, what do you think? "

  Hearing his words, Li Yi was not surprised.

   When he had just eaten, he discovered that Wang Gang didn't eat much, but kept watching while holding the Wanshou Wujiang bowl.

  Looking at Wang Gang's distraught appearance, even outsiders can tell that he is tempted by this set of bowls.

   Li Yi was well prepared for this situation.

  He smiled, and then said seriously: "Mr. Wang Gang, I have no intention of selling this set of bowls, but if you really want it, I can sell you a set of replicas later."


  Wang Gang sighed: "Xiao Li, you still don't believe my sincerity, the craftsmanship of cloisonne has been lost, how do you reproduce it?

  I really like this bowl. Otherwise, if you make an offer, I will never counter-offer. I will make enough for you. What do you think? "

   "Teacher Wang Gang, I know you won't believe me no matter how I explain it, so let's do it this way!"

Li Yi said with a smile: "I made a bet with the experts from the old blog that I will use my set of bowls as the blueprint to re-engrave a new set. The re-enactment time will be half a month later. .

   If you don’t believe it, you can come and see it for yourself, what do you think? "

  Seeing his serious look, Wang Gang hesitated.

   This kid doesn't seem to be joking. He really plans to reproduce this set of bowls?

   But how is this possible? Could it be that he has learned the craft of cloisonne?

   But listening to the determination in Li Yi's words, he also understood that it was obviously impossible to buy Li Yi's set of bowls.

  In this case, it would be nice if you could buy a set of replicas as a souvenir.

   But can Li Yi really reproduce it?

   "Okay then, I will definitely come when the time comes."

  Wang Gang finally took Li Yi's suggestion.

  He still has a little fantasy left.

  If Li Yi can't reproduce it, he still has a chance to negotiate terms with Li Yi again.

   After adding Li Yi's WeChat, he left with Zhang Tielin and Zhang Guoli.

   And Li Yi, together with the program team, packed up his things and prepared to return to the hotel.

   After counting the staff, everyone left the restaurant and locked the door.

  Li Yi looked back at the Hall of Mental Cultivation in the night, and his eyes fell on a group of buildings on the left.

  There is the place where the cloisonné utensils were originally made in the palace, the Zaoban Office.




  (end of this chapter)

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