Chapter 142 [Nanliang Cake]

   "No, this..."

  Zhang Tielin did not expect Wang Gang to have such a voice.

  He originally wanted to buy one, and then share it with Wang Gang to taste it.

   Calculated in this way, he can accept one thousand yuan per person.

  But when Wang Gang shouted, Zhang Guoli came, and he couldn't divide the one egg, so he had to buy three.

  The thing that was supposed to stop at 2,000 yuan has tripled, and I have to pay 6,000 yuan. Zhang Tielin is also a little bit pained.

   But Bee had already pretended, so he couldn’t go back on his word. He could only save face and signaled to Wu Lei, “Give me three tea eggs, and they will be deducted from my notification fee.”

   "Yo, Master Fan Wu is getting richer?"

  As soon as Zhang Guoli came over, he laughed and joked.

   "What's the matter? Are you happy!"

  Zhang Tielin pretended to be indifferent: "You should eat and drink, money is a bastard, if you don't bring it with you when you are born, you don't take it with you when you die..."

  Listening to his words, the audience in the live broadcast room were all joking.

   "Haha! My heart hurts."

   "Does this tea egg have marinated shrimp oil? Be careful that he won't give you money after eating it!"

   "Don't explain, you will be timid once you explain."

   "What is this little money? Didn't you earn back just by writing one line?"

Wang Gang obviously also saw Zhang Tielin's distress, so he smiled and said to Zhang Guoli: "My nephew brought me a bottle of good wine two months ago. Aren't you free the day after tomorrow? Come and sit with me, let's have a good taste." taste."

  Hearing what he said, Zhang Tielin hurriedly interjected: "I'm free the day after tomorrow!"

   "Oh! What a coincidence?"

  Wang Gang smiled and smashed his palm, and asked Zhang Guoli with a smile: "How about another day?"

   "What day will change? Just the day after tomorrow!"

  Zhang Tielin hummed and smiled: "None of you should try to run away."

   "Let's go, don't run."

  Wang Gang laughed.

  He said that on purpose, so that Zhang Tielin could step down.

  While speaking, Wu Lei had scooped out three tea eggs for them.

   "Come on! Try it!"

   Zhang Tielin didn't feel bad when he learned that there would be good wine to drink the day after tomorrow, and greeted Wang Gang and Zhang Guoli generously.

   "I'll try it first."

  Wang Gang picked up the chopsticks first.

   Picking up 【Jin BuHuan】, he followed it with his hands, lowered his head and took a bite.

  One egg costs two thousand yuan, but a little scum can cost dozens of yuan!

   As soon as he took a bite, the strong medicinal aroma occupied his mouth, followed by the dense egg aroma.

"How about it?"

  Zhang Tielin asked him curiously.

"really not bad."

Wang Gang nodded earnestly: "I thought eggs boiled with so many medicinal materials would be bitter and not so fragrant. It's just the effect of eating them, but I didn't expect them to be really delicious! They are indeed more delicious than ordinary tea eggs. many."

  Zhang Guoli also took a sip, and exclaimed in amazement: "This egg white is much tougher than ordinary tea eggs! It's very chewy, and it's a bit like meat when you eat it. The egg yolk has a particularly strong fragrance, which is delicious."

   Zhang Tielin listened to what they said, and picked up the egg curiously, biting half of it in one bite.

   "Ouch! This is really good!"

  He widened his eyes in surprise: "It still tastes sweet!"

   "There's brown sugar in it."

   Wu Lei explained the sentence.

   "No wonder."

  Zhang Tielin ate the remaining half in one gulp, chewed with satisfaction, and nodded repeatedly: "Not bad, really good."

   Seeing them eating deliciously, the audience in the live broadcast room was also hungry.

   "This egg is called eating clear, it tastes like a scallop, it must be delicious!"

   "Next time I cook tea eggs, try adding some brown sugar."

   "Brothers, simply eat a tea egg today, please break it! Let's eat!"

   "It looks delicious, but it may not be good to eat. I still like to eat country bumpkins."

   "The egg white is firm and the yolk is fragrant. How does it sound like a salt-baked egg?"

   "Salt-baked eggs seem to be only found in the south. I haven't seen much since I came to the north to go to college. I like salt-baked duck eggs the most. I can eat several without a mouth."

   "Show me I'm hungry, it's time for a bucket of instant noodles and eggs!"

  Between the three of Iron Triangle tasted [Gold Doesn't Change], Li Yi had already ordered three more [Inlaid Silver Buds].

  However, the accumulated list not only did not decrease, but increased instead.

   Soon, the bean sprouts used in [Inlaid Silver Sprouts] will be in a hurry.

  So, Huang Xiaoming had to take on all the work in the front office.

  The rest of the people came to the back kitchen to help put on the bean sprouts.

   It's not even noon yet, and the stock of [Bingxin Melon Seeds] is also sold out.

  But Li Yi didn't ask everyone to do it again, because [Bingxin Melon Seeds] was too time-consuming to make, and there was no time at all.

  Under the continuous operation of all staff, everyone was busy until 2:30 in the afternoon, before the last table of guests was sent away.

   This is when many guests really can't wait and leave early.

   Just like this, everyone is exhausted.

  There are diners outside the restaurant who want to come in to eat, but they are all told to take a break at noon and ask them to come again after 4 pm.

   After all, this is still a variety show, and artists have to eat.

  After a busy morning, everyone was already hungry.

  So, after hurriedly hanging up the closed sign, everyone came to the back kitchen and began to help make staff meals together.

   "Brother Yi, what shall we eat?"

   "Brother Yi, I'm so hungry! Is there anything I can eat?"

  Zhao Jinmai and Wu Lei are like two children waiting to be fed, moaning around the stove.

   "It will be ready soon, don't worry."

   While cooking the soup, Li Yi told Wu Lei, "Go and see if the cake in the oven is ready? It's almost time."

  Wu Lei heard the words, and immediately ran to the oven, leaned over to look at the shortbread inside, and reported: "Brother Yi, it's already puffed up."

   "That's fine."

  Li Yi ordered: "Take it out and eat! Be careful it's hot!"


   As Wu Lei said, he put on oven gloves and opened the oven door.

  Zhao Jinmai also followed, holding a plate, looking expectantly at the round shortbread in the oven.

  As soon as the oven door was opened, a smell of pastry mixed with meat came out.

   "Wow! It smells so good!"

  Zhao Jinmai's mouth was drooling from the fragrance, and he almost choked.

   Several other people were also attracted by the strong aroma, curiously looking at the shortbread in the oven, amazed again and again.

   "Is this stuffed with meat?"

  Wang Gang looked at the shortbread and asked in surprise.

   "It looks quite ordinary, doesn't it?"

  Zhang Guoli was a little puzzled: "It feels like the dim sum in Daoxiang Village. It's nothing special. How can it be so fragrant?"

At this time, Liu Yifei explained: "This kind of cake is called [Nanliang Cake], which is known as the best cake in the world. Its recipe is recorded in "Cake Talk" written by Wu Jun in the Southern Dynasty. It is very complicated, and it can be regarded as the pioneer of high-end pastry."

  Hearing her explanation, Wang Gang smiled and praised: "The little girl knows a lot, it's awesome, this is called knowledgeable and sensible!"

  Hearing the compliment, Liu Yifei hurriedly explained: "Brother Yi told me, I just wrote it down and introduced it to the guests."

   "Out of the pot!"

  Wu Lei, wearing heat-insulating gloves, has already taken out the tray from the oven and placed it on a wooden backing board.

  Following, he picked up a piece of cake.

   But he didn't use much effort at all, the body of the cake was already cracked, revealing layers of thin and crispy cake skin, which kept dropping crumbs.

   "It's so crispy!"

   Wu Lei was amazed.

   At this moment, a drop of gravy came out from the crack of the pie crust, and the rich meaty fragrance permeated instantly.


  Everyone present swallowed their saliva in unison.

   "Smells good!"




  (end of this chapter)

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