Chapter 136 Interview Invitation

   There are white and tender tofu piled in the clear soup. Just looking at the appearance, Liu Yifei would never have imagined that its taste would be so strong.

  The aroma and slightly spicy taste made her really think she was eating mapo tofu.

   But the refreshing taste without any greasy feeling reminded her that what she was eating was mapo tofu in clear soup, which made her feel a sense of dislocation between impression and reality.

  Zhao Jinmai noticed her surprise, scooped up a piece of tofu curiously, and put it into his mouth.


   She too was surprised by the dislocation of the eyes and mouth.

   "This really tastes like mapo tofu!"

  Zhao Jinmai was amazed, but full of curiosity: "How did this happen?"

  Another spoon was brought over, and Wu Lei also took a sip, and was immediately impressed.

   "Wow! So enjoyable!"

  He finished eating with a spoonful, and immediately scooped up another spoonful, put it into his mouth, and praised: "I can eat this dish as an indulgent meal. It's delicious and not greasy at all, it's perfect!"

   "This prickly ash is really fragrant."

  Liu Yifei was tasting the soup.

   "I tasted it too."

  Wu Lei had a great time eating: "No wonder Brother Yi would rather let the program crew send people to buy it locally than buy it in the market. This pepper has a strong taste, but it is also very fragrant and not choking at all."

  Hearing what he said, Zhao Jinmai couldn't help but asked Li Yi: "Brother Yi, why does the prickly ash you bought locally smell so much more fragrant than ordinary prickly ash?"

   "Because I bought fresh first-order products."

  Li Yi heard this and patiently explained: "Whether it's pepper, star anise, or cumin, the fresher it is, the stronger the taste.

  Because the flavor substances in these seasonings will dissipate over time, fresh products are often much more expensive than old ones.

   But in fresh goods, there are also grades.

  For example, after the peppercorns are ripe and harvested, the first batch of selected peppercorns is called the top product. The grains are particularly full, and each peppercorn is fully opened, and there are no pepper seeds.

  The best prickly ash is still a few prickly ash growing on one petal, just like a plum blossom.

  The quality of the second and third batches is slightly inferior.

  The prickly ash sold by many merchants in the market are not pure first-class products, and are more or less adulterated.

  Some are sold by mixing first-class and second-class products, and some are mixed with aged peppercorns or soaked peppercorns.

  Some people also mix the oil peppers that have been extracted from the pepper oil in those factories. What’s more, the pepper seeds and pepper branches are mixed with peppercorns to make pepper noodles, which is cheaper.

  So, I was afraid of trouble, so I simply sent someone to go to the local area to buy pure fresh products, so as to save me from looking around here and wasting time. "

  After listening to his explanation, Zhao Jinmai seemed to have seen the other side of the world, and sighed: "It turns out that there are so many ways of pepper."

   "Of course, the seasoning industry is still very deep."

   While joking, Huang Xiaoming had already calculated the cost.

   After calculation, he was surprised to find that although the name and appearance of Li Yi's dishes were very ordinary, the cost was not low at all, even much higher than the cost of the tofu feast.

   After sighing for a moment, he put away the booklet.

  【Mapo Tofu in Clear Soup】seeing that there are not a few pieces left, and half of 【Stir-fried Eggplant Strips】has been eaten.

   If he doesn't eat anymore, then he really has nothing to eat.

   It’s delicious to rush to eat. After a while, everyone wiped out all the dishes and rice.

  Too much work today, and Li Yi doesn't have much time to make staff meals for the staff, so they can only watch the few people in front of the camera feasting, while they eat the ordinary big box lunch with three meat and two vegetables.

  But after they finished their meal, they could rest behind the camera, but Li Yi and the others had to continue to work.

   After putting the dishes and dishes into the dishwasher, everyone started to continue their work in the morning.

   By the time the work at hand was done, it was already late at night.

   After a busy day, Master Li lifted the lid of the soup bucket that had been simmering for a whole day, and the bucket full of water that he poured in in the morning has turned into a small half bucket of broth.

  A bowl of fragrant broth is the best comfort for everyone.

  Different from vegetarian broth, the meat broth cooked with old hen, whole duck, big bone, ham and other ingredients is irresistible for all meat lovers.

  When Li Yi lifted the lid, exclamations and swallowing sounds echoed throughout the restaurant.

  The staff looked at the artist in front of the camera, envious, and couldn't help whispering.

   "It smells so good! It smells even better than vegetarian broth!"

   "It must be delicious."

   "I really want to try it!"

   "Don't think about it, this is the broth that we are going to try tomorrow. With so many of us, if we all try it, why don't we finish it?"

   "Let's drink with the artists! The effect of the show is important."

   "I looked at Meituan yesterday, and there seems to be a restaurant near the hotel that makes Cantonese-style soup. I'll order some when I get back to the hotel."

   Just when the staff thought that the broth could only be smelled this time, Li Yi greeted them: "Come and help me get the smell, and see if there is anything missing, so I can make adjustments."

  Hearing Li Yi's greeting, the staff were stunned for a moment before they realized it. They immediately cheered and rushed to Li Yi.

   "Serve it yourself! Be careful it's hot."

  Li Yi helped them serve the soup, and reminded: "Each person only has half a bowl, if you spill it, it will be gone."

   "Thank you Brother Yi!"

   "Long live Brother Yi!"

  The staff cheered happily.

  Looking at the jubilant and extremely lively kitchen, the audience in the live broadcast room were also envious.

   But what they are greedy for is not only the soup, but also the joyful atmosphere.

   "That's great! It feels like our company having dinner together after working overtime. It's fun."

   "Brother Yi is really nice. In other programs, how could the staff get such good soup?"

   "Actually, after watching the live broadcast for a few days, the family portrait before the broadcast every day is my favorite, and it feels very real."

   "These post-production staff are also working hard, thanks to Brother Yi who still thinks about them!"

   "I am also willing to work overtime when recording a program in such a program group, so happy!"

  Wang Tian also came to the show and shared a bowl of soup.

  Blowing on the hot air while holding the soup, she said to Li Yi: "A reporter contacted me and wanted to interview you."

   "Why interview me?"

  Li Yi is not interested in interviews.

   "Do you still remember the yellow sprout cabbage manufacturer you mentioned on the show yesterday?"

Wang Tian explained: "I arranged for someone to contact him, and then during the live broadcast today, I put his contact information on the public screen. As a result, he sold out directly, and all the production capacity until the end of the year has been booked, and now There are still many people looking for him to order.

  The local media thought this was a successful case of helping farmers, so they wanted to do an exclusive interview with you. "

  Li Yi was a little surprised: "I just said that, so many people asked him to buy cabbage?"

   "Do you think your influence is still small now?"

  Wang Tian smiled and said, "You can say a word on the show, which is more effective than spending money on advertisements on many TV stations!"

  After learning the reason for the interview, Li Yi thought about it, and did not refuse again.

  Helping farmers is a good thing, and if it can help local farmers increase their income, it is also a merit.

  However, this media is not here to lobby him to be the spokesperson of cabbage, right?




  (end of this chapter)

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