Chapter 133 Eggplant

  Li Yi's ideal tacit understanding means that he can casually mention the name of a dish, and the assistant chef can help him prepare all the raw materials.

   But obviously everyone still can't meet this requirement, so they can only follow his instructions to carry out the instructions.

   As a result, the entire back kitchen soon became a game called "Where is Brother Yi?"

   "Brother Yi? How do you do this?"

   "Brother Yi! Did I damage it?"

   "Where's Brother Yi?"

  After the morning, Li Yi's temples had already started to ache.

  He felt like a goose dad who took a group of goose babies out on the street, but if he walked too fast, there would be a burst of panic shouts.

  Although he is the commander-in-chief, he has been busy all morning, but he is the most tired one, and he doesn't even have time to go to the bathroom.

  Here, just as he came to the front hall to pick up a glass of water, Wu Lei ran out with his buttocks and asked, "Brother Yi, the kitchen steamer has stopped, what should I do? Do you want to reopen it?"

   "No, don't worry about it, I'll be right there."

   After Li Yi finished speaking, he drank two sips of water, and then walked back to the back kitchen.

  In the back kitchen, everyone is busy.

  Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai are getting together, each holding an embroidery needle, practicing piercing bean sprouts.

  [Inlaid Silver Sprouts] The bean sprouts to be used had to be worn on the same day, and it would be too late for Li Yi alone, so Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai had to be responsible for the ingredients of this dish.

  Wu Lei was staring at the steamer with anticipation, and when he saw Li Yi coming back, he stepped aside.

  Li Yi came to the steamer, took out the insulated gloves, and reminded Wu Lei: "Be careful of the steam!"

   After finishing speaking, he opened the door of the steamer and took a step back.

   A burst of scorching hot water vapor gushes out and evaporates.

  Looking at the steam, Li Yi said: "Apprentice cooks, the probability of being scalded by steam is much higher than that of fire, and the probability of being scalded by a pot is second only to oil collapse."


  Wu Lei asked a question smoothly.

   "Because many people don't know that steam can be so hot, when they lift the lid of the pot or the steamer, they accidentally get burned."

   As Li Yi said, he reached into the steamer and took out a disc full of soup.

   On the plate is a strip of eggplant, soaked in the broth that exudes a strong fragrance of mushrooms, absorbing the soup, looking plump and flexible.

  Looking at the eggplant strips out of the pot, Liu Yifei and the two on the side also came over, looked at them curiously and asked, "Can I make eggplants like this?"

   This plate of eggplant sticks is the raw material Li Yi uses to make eggplant sticks.

  Many people have heard the name of eggplant. It is the most impressive delicacy in "Dream of Red Mansions".

   It not only surprised Grandma Liu who entered the Grand View Garden, but also made countless readers salivate and be full of curiosity about it.

  Everyone present has heard of the name of eggplant, but they have never eaten it, let alone cooked it.

  So when Li Yi said that he was going to make eggplant, everyone was very interested and wanted to see how this famous dish was made.

  But Li Yi looked at their curious faces, but shook his head and said: "It's still early! This is the first one, and it needs to be steamed nine times in a row to be considered a good deal."

  Hearing what he said, Huang Xiaoming, who was helping to grind the tofu, asked curiously: "I see that this passage in "Dream of Red Mansions" seems to only say that it is fried with chicken oil, and there is no step of steaming eggplant?"

  Hearing this, Zhao Jinmai also nodded: "When I read this passage, it didn't seem like I was going to steam the eggplant."

  Li Yi explained with a smile: "The prototype of the eggplant dish is actually the eggplant, which is a pickled dish made by shredding fresh eggplant, drying it and mixing it with rice flour and fine salt.

   This kind of eggplant bream can be found in the Lianghu area and Yunnan-Guizhou-Sichuan area. When you have time, you can go to Yun Province to have a look. Old Kunming people basically have this dish in their homes. "

   "Eggplant fish?"

  Liu Yifei was puzzled: "Then why is it written as eggplant in Dream of the Red Chamber?"

  “The word 鲞 means cut open and dried fish, and it also refers to pickled fish meat. It is a noun.”

  Li Yi took the eggplant strips out of the plate, and explained: "Brew, it refers to a method of making food, that is, beetroot.

  Bream has appeared as early as in the "Book of Songs", but at that time the carp was all made of fish.

  Since the Song Dynasty, bream cuisine has developed greatly.

   "Meng Liang Lu" records that in the restaurants of the capital, there are many kinds of fish and meat dishes such as jellyfish, big fish, fresh bream, sub bream, fresh goose bream, and inch golden bream.

  Including in the "Water Margin" of the Ming Dynasty, among the wine and dishes bought by Yan Po for her daughter Yan Poxi and Song Jiang, there is a dish of fat fish, which is a dish made of fat pork.

  In "Jin Ping Mei", Ximen Qing is also an avid fan of anchovies. He and Pan Jinlian are under the grape trellis, and among the appetizers brought by the maid, there is a dish of sweet-scented whitebait, which is fried whitebait with eggs.

   In the Qing Dynasty, cooked bream, that is, bream dishes made with various meats, appeared.

  Mr. Cao Xueqin has lived in Jinling for a long time, and his family is rich, so there must be a lot of bream to eat. He obviously likes to eat eggplant bream, so he wrote it in the book.

  However, the word he used was more elegant, so he wrote it as eggplant.

   Eggplant is the most flavor-absorbing. Steaming it in high broth and then drying it in the sun can make it retain more umami substances, so it is so delicious when made into bream.

  Mr. Cao’s son from a rich family obviously doesn’t have that deep understanding of culinary art, so it’s understandable that he can’t write it completely. "

  Listening to Li Yi's explanation, everyone understood the origin and reason of the eggplant.

  But the audience in the live broadcast room were all focused on "Jin Ping Mei".

   "Talk about the grape trellis in detail, I love to hear it."

   "How does the sweet-scented osmanthus whitebait eat? Can you expand on it?"

   "Brother Yi has even studied Jin Ping Mei? You are a fellow!"

   "Don't worry about traffic for us! We want to listen to Jin Ping Mei!"

In front of the screen, Li Yi had already fished out all the eggplant sticks from the plate, handed them to Wu Lei, and ordered: "Find a tray, separate them, then put them in the oven, use the air-drying function to dry them, and after they are completely dried Bring it to me again."


  Wu Lei took the eggplant and turned around to find the tray.

  Zhao Jinmai watched from the side, and asked curiously: "Brother Yi, if you made this dried eggplant yourself, would it taste better?"

  These dried eggplants were dried eggplants that Li Yi bought from the market. When she bought them, Liu Yifei was still wondering why she bought dried eggplants, but she didn't expect to take them back to make eggplants.

   "Maybe a little better, but not by much."

  Li Yi explained: "Drying eggplant doesn't have too much technical content, whether it tastes good or not depends on the subsequent processing, such as cooking broth.

   As long as the dried eggplant is guaranteed to be made of new eggplant in April and May, it will be almost the same.

   This thing can be bought in many places, there is no need to make it yourself.

  I bought dried Yujiang eggplant from Yingtan, Gan Province. The quality is still very good, and it is not much different from the ones I made by myself. "

"All right."

  Zhao Jinmai blinked and asked: "Then can we fry some at noon and let's try it first?"

  Li Yi said with a smile: "If you can wear those bean sprouts well, I will fry them for you."

   "Okay! We'll be done in no time!"

  As Zhao Jinmai said, he happily dragged Liu Yifei back to continue wearing bean sprouts.




  (end of this chapter)

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