Chapter 115 Carve a Chicken Neck

   "What is Brother Yi doing?"

  Looking at Li Yi who was silent and staring at the ingredients on the table in front of him, Wu Lei lowered his voice and asked in a low voice.

"have no idea."

  Zhao Jinmai shook his head and whispered: "Maybe he is too tired? Take a rest."

   "He should be planning what to do."

  Liu Yifei reminded in a low voice: "Didn't you see it? He has been looking at these dishes."

  Wu Lei and Zhao Jinmai followed Li Yi's line of sight, and found that his line of sight had been wandering back and forth on the few ingredients in front of him.

   But it’s okay if you don’t look at it. After seeing Li Yi’s eyes, Wu Lei couldn’t help shivering: “Why do I feel that brother Yi’s eyes are going to draw a knife in the next second?”

  Zhao Jinmai also shrank his neck: "Brother Yi's eyes are a bit scary."

   "How can it be so exaggerated?"

  Liu Yifei was amused by them: "Is it just thinking?"

   While speaking, Li Yi suddenly moved.

  He picked up the thickest thick lotus root in the center, and then pulled out the slender carving knife used to carve tofu fish.

   "Brother Yi is going to carve something again!"

  Wu Lei noticed Li Yi's movements and exclaimed.

  Seeing this, several other people immediately looked at Li Yi.

  Sui noticed the knife in Li Yi's hand and muttered, "Is this a carving knife? It's so short."


  Wu Lei heard what he said, nodded and said: "Brother Yi used this knife when he made tofu fish before!"

   "Tofu fish?"

  Sui recalled: "I should have lined up to enter the Forbidden City at that time, but I didn't see it."

"All right."

  Wu Lei nodded, then smiled and said: "Brother Yi is also very skilled in carving things. When he was carving tofu fish before, even the fins of the fish were carved clearly, as if they were alive."


  Sui agreed: "You can see it just by looking at the knife technique he cut the fungus into two pieces just now."

  The audience in the live broadcast room were still deeply impressed by Li Yi's carving of tofu fish before, and there was a lot of discussion.

   "To be honest, if I have this kind of carving skills, I can directly start a live broadcast, no matter what, it will be better than my hanging class!"

   "Haha! For the part about carving tofu and fish, I recorded the screen and sent it quickly. The video was a bit explosive, and it already has 3,000 likes."

   "Brother Yi, are you trying to carve a chicken? You shouldn't use lotus root, right? There are holes in it, how do you carve it?"

   "The carved fish is going to the island to carve!"

   "Eh? I seem to see it, he is carving a chicken bone, right?"

  As Li Yi carved the lotus root into the prototype of a chicken skeleton with one knife, the audience gradually discovered the clue.

   And Sui asked Li Yi in surprise, "You want to start from the bones?"

"if not?"

  Li Yi said something without looking back.


  Sui smiled helplessly and said, "I thought you could just carve the tofu into the shape of a chicken, but if you start from the bones, it would be too difficult, wouldn't it?"

  He finally knew why Li Yi was so reluctant when he ordered this dish.

  If Li Yi planned to make all the bones of this cloth bag chicken, then the difficulty of this dish would be much higher than he imagined.

  This requires the chef to know every inch of bone and every inch of muscle of the chicken.

   Without the experience of having a thousand or eight hundred chickens, there is absolutely no way to complete it.

   But looking at the skeleton in Li Yi's hand that looked like it was exposed by X-rays, Sui realized that the chicken probably didn't even Li Yi know how its bones grow!

   Seeing the chicken cavity skeleton gradually appearing in Li Yi's hands, and it became more and more refined and lifelike, the audience gradually became excited.

   "Fuck! This is really carving chicken bones!"

   "Oh, I'm going! Isn't this a chicken frame? I'm too familiar with it! No chicken's chicken frame can escape from our Fengtian Mansion! This cook is from Liao Province, right? Otherwise, it's impossible to know so much about chicken frames."

   "Brother Yi learned sculpture before, right? This bone carving is too realistic!"

   "I thought I was going to carve a chicken, but I didn't expect to start carving directly from the skeleton. What about the meat?"

  Looking at the carving knife in Li Yi's hands with ease, the curiosity of the audience has been completely aroused by Li Yi.

   Does he really want to carve out a whole chicken skeleton?

   Soon, Li Yi finished carving the skeleton of the chicken cavity, and then put it in the water.

  Following that, he picked up another thin lotus root belt and began to carve.

  His engraving of the lotus root belt is obviously much more detailed, and the range of the knife is much smaller.

  The cameraman pointed the camera at his hand and took a close-up. The audience also watched helplessly as a chicken neck bone was gradually carved out of his hand.

  Finally, he carved out a whole chicken neck bone.

   Holding it in his hand, he tried to twist it.

  The chicken neck bone is very flexible, and it can move freely in front, back, left, and right.

   Seeing this, Sui couldn't help but stepped forward and said, "Let me see."

   As he spoke, he leaned closer and carefully examined the chicken neck bone in Li Yi's hand.

  On the chicken neck bone, the joints are tightly connected, but there are tiny gaps. If you look closely, the joints are all separated!

"I go!"

  Sui couldn't help but swear, and asked in surprise, "The bones of your chicken's neck are all movable, every joint? I thought it was a whole bone, but it was just carved into a shape!"

   "That won't work."

  Li Yi shook his head and said: "Only if it is carved into motion, can this neck be the same as the real one, with different shapes.

  If you can’t achieve this effect, why still carve it? "

  Sui then heard the words, and exclaimed at him in amazement: "You are a real cow, this carving is amazing!"

  The close-up shots also let the audience clearly see this scene.

  Seeing Li Yi's hands with clear joints, but one joint after another, the vivid chicken neck bones, the audience was also very excited.

   "Really carve a chicken neck!"

   "Ah! This craftsmanship is amazing!"

   "This should be the technique of hollow carving. It is very difficult. Why is the industry so introverted now? Even cooks have to know hollow carving?"

   "It's not modest to say, mine is also this long."

   "Your Excellency's trick to carve a chicken's neck is certainly powerful, but if I use my tongue to tie a knot, how will you deal with it?"

   "Flowers are blooming and rich, please add me as a friend!"

  Li Yi didn't have time to pay attention to the barrage, he continued to take the radish, and then sculpted the leg bones.

  The guests in the front hall have all been sent away, and Qin Lan and Liu Yun also followed the sound curiously after hearing the exclamation from the back kitchen.

   Liu Yun came into the kitchen and came to Zheng Jun's arm.

   Zheng Jun turned around and saw her, pointed at Li Yi and said, "That's amazing, he carved a chicken skeleton out of lotus root, and it was restored one by one."

  Liu Yun heard the words, pinched him, and said helplessly: "Be civilized, your son's classmates will watch it!"


  Zheng Jun smiled awkwardly, then put his arms around her, and continued to look at Li Yi's sculpture with great interest.

  Qin Lan stood aside, leaning lightly on the door frame, watching the carving knife flying on Li Yi's slender fingers.


   A bowel rumbling sounded faintly.

  She crossed her arms and pursed her lower lip.

  She only ate a bowl of vegetable salad at noon, and she was already hungry by now.

  Li Yi keenly heard this bowel sound.

  He looked up at Qin Lan, and then ordered: "Master Sui, help me get a bowl of Sushanzhen soup for later use."


  Sui responded, went to the stove, and uncovered the lotus leaf of Sushan Zhentang.

  In an instant, the fragrance permeates.


   A clearer bowel sound sounded, Qin Lan dodged her eyes in embarrassment, and her ears were slightly red.




  (end of this chapter)

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