Chapter 101 Nine Turns of Fortune

   "Brother Yi?"

  Qin Lan also imitated what Wu Lei and the others called Li Yi, and called Yi brother: "I asked for another blessing and Tianqi outside."

   "Okay, got it."

  Li Yi was not surprised.

The prototype of this dish is sweet and sour tofu. The vinegar he uses is the same process as the compound soy sauce. The boiled compound brown rice vinegar has a strong aroma and is quite appetizing. It is normal for someone to want to place an order after smelling it. .

  But after placing the order, Qin Lan did not leave, but watched him prepare the dishes curiously, and asked, "Brother Yi, what kind of stuffing did you stuff into this tofu? It smells so fresh!"

Hearing that she took the initiative to ask about the dishes, Li Yi smiled and explained: "It smells fresh because the mushrooms I stuffed are fried chanterelles. This kind of mushrooms has a strong aroma and tastes delicious when fried. .

  In addition, there are carrots and diced zucchini in the filling. These two side dishes will also have a unique sweetness after being fried. In addition, water chestnuts and fungus are added to increase the taste, so the taste is quite rich. "

  Listening to Li Yi's description, Wu Lei and the others were already drooling.

  But Li Yi's attention was on Qin Lan.


  Qin Lan swallowed her saliva faintly.

  Li Yi could hear clearly, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more clear.

   Hang it again, and the fire will be almost ready.

   "Director, can I order food at my own expense?"

  Wu Lei couldn't help asking the on-site director behind the film crew.

  But as he expected, the director shook his head and rejected his idea.

   "Ah! I can't even support the store's business."

   Wu Lei shook his head regretfully.

  Zhao Jinmai laughed and teased: "You want to eat it yourself?"

   "You don't want to eat?"

   Wu Lei asked her confidently.

   "Think about it!"

  Zhao Jinmai's voice dropped: "I have no money..."

  At this time, Li Yi, who was putting tofu cubes in the oil pan, suddenly said "ah", and said to himself, "Why did these pieces explode?"

   As he spoke, he shouted without looking back: "Here are a few pieces that have been blown up, who wants to eat them?"



  Wu Lei and Zhao Jinmaiqi quickly turned their heads, and ran to Li Yi's side in a scramble.

   "Brother Yi! You are my real brother!"

  Wu Lei's mouth almost reached the ears.

  Li Yi picked up the colander, picked up a few pieces of tofu that were fried until golden and intact, put them on the plate, and signaled: "These pieces are broken and can't be sold. Eat it!"

  Zhao Jinmai looked at the intact tofu block, and muttered in doubt: "It's not broken..."

   But before she finished speaking, Wu Lei pulled her down and gave her a wink.

Then, Wu Lei exaggeratedly yelled: "Oh! How did these pieces of tofu explode! It's a pity that they can't be sold, but don't waste it! Sister Maimai, let's wrong ourselves and eat it Bar!"

  Zhao Jinmai looked at his flamboyant appearance, pursed his lips and wanted to hold back a laugh, but couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

  In the live broadcast room, the audience was also amused, and they posted barrage jokes one after another.

   "Hahaha! This acting is too fake!"

   "The best actor tonight is Ah Fa's father-in-law!"

   "Exaggerated acting skills! A little contrived!"

   "Haha! It's fair and honest to pluck the wool of the program group!"

   "Director, take a look! The kitchen is stealing food!"

   "This means that the cook will not steal and the grain will not be harvested."

   "Brother Yi is so kind, he deliberately released water to feed these two little ones."

   "I want to eat it too."

  Beside the stove, Wu Lei was grinning from the hot tofu dumpling just out of the pot, but he couldn't bear to spit it out.

  Zhao Jinmai followed what Li Yi said, bit off a small corner, and sucked the soup inside carefully.

   "Woo! It's so fragrant..."

  Wu Lei spewed hot air from his mouth, and pushed the tofu block with his tongue to roll left and right in his mouth to cool down.

   "It's so fresh!"

   After Zhao Jinmai finished sucking the soup, he ate the cooled tofu dumpling into his mouth, chewing it so much that his mouth was full of saliva.

   "Huh? Are you all eating?"

   When Liu Yifei came in from the front hall, she saw them gathered around the stove, eating in full swing.

   "We're cleaning up scrap."

  Wu Lei explained to Liu Yifei vaguely, winking at the same time—it was burned.

   "Sister Yifei, try it."

  Zhao Jinmai held a small bowl, filled a piece of tofu, and brought it to Liu Yifei.

   "What's wrong with this..."

   Liu Yifei said in doubt, and then saw Zhao Jinmai winking at her, and immediately understood the reason.

   "Haha, you really have it."

  Liu Yifei took the bowls and chopsticks with a smile, came to Li Yi's side, and asked, "Brother Yi, are there any defective products? I'll give them to Sister Liu Yun to taste."

  Li Yi nodded solemnly: "You can have this."

   As he spoke, he fished out a few fried tofu pies and put them on a plate.

   "Haha! Thanks!"

  Liu Yifei smiled and picked up the plate, and went to the front hall to serve food.

   Quickly scooped up the remaining twelve pieces and put them aside to control the oil. Li Yi quickly started the pot, added sugar and compound rice vinegar, boiled it and thickened it, and quickly made a pot of sweet and sour sauce.

Pour the oil-controlled tofu mounds into the pot, roll them quickly a few times, and when they are covered with sweet and sour sauce, Li Yi turns off the fire, picks them out one by one with chopsticks, puts them on a plate, and arranges them like The shape of the tofu mountain.


  He rang the bell to pass on the dishes, and then turned back to the stove, ready to make another hot dish for Guoguo, which is Jiuzhuanfuchang.

   This dish was born out of one of the ten classic dishes in Shandong cuisine, Jiuzhuan Dachang.

   Except that the ingredients are tofu instead of the original pig large intestine, the method and seasoning are basically the same.

   Taking out the dried tofu rolls that had been prepared, Li Yi rinsed them with water first.

  Following that, he took out another basin of settled noodle water, and picked up a ball of raw gluten from it.

  Put the raw gluten on the chopping board, and after rolling it into thin slices with a rolling pin, Li Yi put the dried tofu roll on the gluten, and wrapped the dried tofu roll with the gluten.

  The texture of gluten is tougher than that of dried tofu. This layer of gluten is imitating the texture of the skin of the large intestine.

   After wrapping the gluten, Li Yi cut the finished "large intestine rolls" into pieces of about four centimeters, and then put them in a pot of boiling water to blanch them to shape.

   While blanching, Li Yi chopped the onion, **** and coriander into fine pieces, and kept them aside for later use.

   At this time, the "large intestine roll" is also cooked.

  Filled it out of the pot, Li Yi poked the surface, he was very satisfied with the texture of the Q bomb, the taste of this "large intestine" must be good.

   "Is this really made of tofu?"

  Wu Lei watched how Li Yi made this "large intestine" with his own eyes, but he still couldn't believe it.

   "Looks like a real large intestine."

  Zhao Jinmai hesitated as he looked at the yellow-brown surface of the "large intestine".

   This "large intestine" is really a bit realistic, and she almost had an illusion, thinking that Li Yi really took a bunch of pig intestines and put them here.

  "It looks like it, so it tastes like it. The eyes eat before the mouth."

   Li Yi said casually, while ordering: "Find a plate, put these large intestines in it, and arrange them vertically for me."

  Zhao Jinmai's job is to serve as a side dish girl, she came forward when she heard the words, and according to Li Yi's request, arranged all the "large intestines" vertically in a circle.

  Here, Li Yi set up a wok to heat up oil, added rock sugar and fried it until it turned into a sugary color, then picked up the plate, and pushed the "large intestine" into the wok.

   Didn't stir fry, he just picked up the pot and shook it gently, the "large intestine" in the pot began to rotate along the bottom of the pot.

   After the bottom was colored, Li Yi turned the pot over, turned the "large intestine" over, and continued to repeat the same operation.

  Fried until the "large intestine" was evenly colored and the surface was slightly burnt, he put the freshly chopped green onions and minced **** into the pot, fried it until it was fragrant, and then cooked it with a spoonful of vinegar on the side of the pot.

  Following that, he added soy sauce, sugar, clear soup, salt, and cooking wine in sequence, continued to shake the pot, stirred evenly, then covered the pot, and simmered over low heat.

  The advantage of vegetarian large intestine is that it doesn't need to be as time-consuming as real large intestine. Eight minutes later, when Li Yi lifted the lid of the pot, the soup in the pot had already thickened.

  He picked up the pot again, and while shaking the pot, he sprinkled white pepper noodles, cinnamon noodles, amomum noodles, pepper oil and other seasonings into the pot.

   Turning over the pot twice in a row to mix the sauce and "large intestine" evenly, he shouted: "Dish."

  Zhao Jinmai was about to turn around to look for a plate, but saw that a plate had already been placed beside Li Yi, it was Liu Yifei who had just returned from feeding.

  Sliding the "large intestine" into the plate, grabbed the freshly chopped coriander, and Li Yi stretched out his hand and pressed the vegetable bell.


  A head stretched out, Wu Lei leaned in front of the plate, carefully looked at the "large intestine" on the plate, and murmured in admiration: "This is more real than real!"




  (end of this chapter)

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