The monk surnamed Kang, who had a pointed mouth and monkey cheeks, suddenly felt a shiver in his heart when he saw that Zhou Yan took action as soon as he said it, without any delay in taking action, and took his head away.

He was only in the middle stage of Foundation Building, so he did not dare to be careless in the face of Zhou Yan's attack. He grabbed a blue shield in his hand and swung the Qingying Sword away.

As soon as there was light on his body, he was about to use the escape light to escape. Unexpectedly, a black ring fell on him in an instant.

It was the forbidden spirit ring that Zhou Yan had already started preparing while chatting with him.

Sensing that the spiritual power in his body had subsided, the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked monk's expression suddenly changed.

Seeing Zhou Yan controlling the Qingying Sword to attack again, while frantically breaking away, he shouted towards the island.

"help me!"

As the sound rang out, a spiritual light suddenly shot out from the woods on the island, coming in the direction of Zhou Yan and the others.

The monk surnamed Kang with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks had just a smile on his face, and then it condensed. The spiritual light penetrated his figure without stopping at all, and continued to shine towards Zhou Yan.

The monk surnamed Kang's eyes widened, with a look of astonishment on his face. The next moment, he fell to the ground lifeless, and the black ring on his body disappeared.

Zhou Yan narrowed his eyes, obviously not expecting that the people hidden on the island were so cruel and ruthless, and actually killed the monk surnamed Kang directly.

Looking at the long golden needles flying towards him, a cyan shield with scales suddenly appeared outside Zhou Yan's body.

However, the expected impact did not come, and those flying golden needles suddenly burst into dazzling light, making Zhou Yan feel a little blind in an instant.

"not good!"

Although he couldn't see anything, Zhou Yan released all his spiritual consciousness and at the same time touched the water with his toes. As his body quickly retreated, the Qingying Sword bloomed with sword rays and headed forward.

The blood-robed monk below who was being entangled by the soul-devouring flying ants frowned, and blood light began to bloom on his body. The blood light continued to spread, and blood filled the air.

As spiritual power poured into it, a spear slowly emerged, and a sharp aura also emitted.

But before that, if you take the initiative to hand over the Shura corpse, we will give you a pleasure later, how about it? "

The magic formula in his hands changed rapidly, and the shadow of a giant Buddha slowly appeared behind him. At the same time, his sight began to slowly recover.

The one of the two blood-robed men who urged the cone-shaped Law Weapon spoke out. From what he said, Zhou Yan was already convinced.

Therefore, when the blood cone attacked, Zhou Yan's body immediately stood up from the ground. At the same time, he patted the Spirit Beast bag on his waist, and densely packed spirit-eating flying ants flew out and headed towards the person who urged the blood cone. .

Without looking at the result, Zhou Yan stood in the void with a solemn expression. When he turned his palm, a talisman appeared, which was the gift given to him by the bearded man after his victory in the competition.

Under the combined attack of the two men, the giant Buddha broke into golden light and scattered in a matter of seconds.

The sound of collision was endless, and it was obvious that someone was forcing his way through the sword energy released by Zhou Yan.

"Pah, pah, pah..."

And his figure appeared behind the big Buddha's head in a flash, using his palm as a knife, he pointed at the big Buddha's head.

"It turns out that you are from Shura Island just like the black and white old man back then, and you are really still a ghost.

Zhou Yan pointed at the long-dead monk surnamed Kang who was lying on the ground and said that he had guessed the identity of the black and white old man who attacked him when he inquired openly and secretly on Tianxing Island.

As soon as the spirit-devouring flying ants came into contact with the blood, they suddenly seemed to be drunk, their bodies were swaying, and even those who were close to each other started fighting each other.

He originally wanted to use this spear talisman to seriously injure or even kill an opponent, but the opponent also saw his idea, so they joined forces to attack, forcing him to just give up.

At this time, Zhou Yan's figure reappeared more than ten feet away from where he originally stood.

As a result, Zhou Yan's original idea of ​​establishing an advantage was shattered, but he did not lose heart. Although this attack did not go as expected, it was not without any gains.

But just when he was about to attack Zhou Yan, milky white flames suddenly appeared on his body, and the flames turned into a fire dragon, directly tearing the bloody light into pieces with one claw.

As soon as the Buddha appeared, a huge palm print hit the nearby water, causing a lot of waves. At the same time, he seemed to see two streams of light coming towards him.

The one who spoke faster than the voice was the Law Weapon in his hand. The cone-shaped Law Weapon turned into a line of blood and disappeared instantly, while the figure of another monk next to him who was using the blood blade disappeared in a flash. land.

"You are worthy of being able to escape the pursuit of Shura Island. As expected, I am alert. I originally thought of using the formation to capture you quickly, but I didn't expect that you were discovered. Now the two of us can only put in more effort. .

After getting rid of the entanglement of the spirit-eating flying ants, he urged the blood cone to attack Zhou Yan, hoping to interrupt Zhou Yan's spiritual energy infusion.

Now it seems that just as he guessed, these people are from Shura Island.

Although his eyes have not recovered yet, Zhou Yan's consciousness has already noticed the two attacking figures.

Applause sounded, and then two Daoist figures slowly appeared in front of Zhou Yan, revealing two people wearing blood robes, and the two streams of light also returned to the two people, revealing a conical Law Weapon and a red scimitar.

At this moment, above his head, a black-robed monk holding a blood blade suddenly appeared, and a thick beam of blood was cut out by him and directed towards Zhou Yan's head.

After getting rid of the bloody light, Zhou Yan pointed at the big Buddha below, and the big Buddha below immediately grabbed the blood-robed monk above him with his palm.

But since Fellow Daoist is unwilling to cooperate, the two of us can only capture you first and then search for it ourselves. "

He pointed his finger at the green scale shield and blocked one of the streams of light. The place he was standing suddenly flashed, and the next moment his body suddenly exploded, blowing away another stream of light.

But I don’t dare to believe your words at all, otherwise that would be my fate. "

Then, the two looked at each other, and blood-red light suddenly appeared on their bodies at the same time, and the blood-red light merged. It emits a wave that is no less powerful than that of the spear.

The next moment, a thick pillar of blood shot towards Zhou Yan. Seeing this, Zhou Yan sighed and had no choice but to activate the spear.

Now that he knew that this matter could not be solved, Zhou Yan had naturally been on guard against these two people, and faced the two Foundation Building monks, he could not allow him to relax in the slightest.

"It's such a waste. It fails more than it succeeds. It can't even handle this little thing. We are just helping Fellow Daoist to solve it.


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