Zhou Yan didn't know where this island was. He only knew that he had arrived behind the Kraken clan, but they didn't need to worry about following the red-faced old man.

But what surprised Zhou Yan the most was that he had seen the black-robed man guarding the formation before.

When the Haimeng carried out the mission, there were a total of ten Foundation Building monks. Among them, Yi Lao and Lei Qianhe were from the Haimeng and led four Foundation Building Late Stage monks respectively.

This person belongs to Yi Lao's team. It seems that he has come to this sea area more than ten years ago, and even stayed here for more than ten years.

Recalling the level of the two teams' missions, no wonder this mission was called a narrow escape. Now he didn't even know if Lei Qianhe and Ye Han in his team were still alive.

"Rest here for now. When night falls, we will set off!"


Night fell quickly. The red-faced old man watched the sun on the horizon sink into the water. He turned to look at Zhou Yan and others. With a wave of his hand, an exquisite palace appeared in his hand.

Then with a push of his hand, the palace instantly grew in size, like a room.

"You enter it, and I will lead you on the way to avoid being discovered.

When you need to fight, I will tell you in advance, so don't worry. "

After hearing this, Zhou Yan understood the moment he combined the small house that this object should be a treasure containing space.

The treasure of space is a special kind of treasure. It has its own space inside, which can not only store items, but also transport monks. Even some powerful Cave Mansion is a spatial treasure.

There are roughly three methods for refining this kind of treasure. They are to use materials with the power of space and to refine them in the same way as Law Weapon.

The second is to directly use some broken small interfaces, such as small Secret Realms, to refine them into space treasures.

The scholar surnamed Chen nodded and said solemnly: "Fellow Daoists, now that the matter has been arranged, we will set off now. This action must be fast and ruthless, with the goal of destroying the Tower of Life. Remember not to act on impulse. "

"How are the Fellow Daoists doing now?"

The red-faced old man took out a round bead with his backhand, and then absorbed a spiritual energy from his body into it. The round bead suddenly bloomed with a faint light and carried it to the bottom of the sea.

About an hour later, the red-faced old man came to a huge island. With a little detection, he noticed that not only were there many low-level sea monsters nearby, but even high-level sea monsters could sense a few auras.

Not long after Zhou Yan and others entered the palace-like space treasure, the voice of a red-faced old man suddenly sounded in the hall, and at the same time ten earth-yellow beads floated in front of everyone.

"This time we are sneaking a sneak attack on an important island of the Kraken clan. There is a Tower of Life made by the Kraken on the island. Our plan this time is to destroy it all.

This tower of life. Zhou Yan had also heard of it. It was created by high-level sea-monsters of the sea-monster clan to restore injured low-level sea-monsters.

"Don't worry. When I came, I had already asked the people guarding the teleportation array to be ready to teleport at all times. As soon as we arrive, we can leave."

On paper, it doesn't seem to have the upper hand, and there are many Kraken below Rank Five on the island.

Following the guidance of the ball, it took only half a cup of tea to arrive near a group of coral reefs on the seabed.

In the outside world, the red-faced old man collected the exquisite palace and held it in his hands. His body turned into a stream of light and flew away quickly. With his Gold Core cultivation, there was basically no siren noticed along the way.

Let me say it again, don’t fall for the fight! "

If the Tower of Life still exists, the harm to human monks will be even greater.

Everyone entered the exquisite palace one after another. From the inside, it was no different from any other palace. The size was quite spacious. There was no crowding for ten people here.

What's more, the front line has begun to attack the Kraken clan, which will also involve some attention.

After everyone nodded, the scholar surnamed Chen took the lead in hiding and sneaked towards the island. The rest of the people also scattered and slowly walked towards the island.

And within the coverage of the Tower of Life, these sea monsters will be much more powerful.

"It doesn't matter, I will stop as many people as possible when the time comes. Anyway, our purpose is not to fight them to the death, but to destroy the Tower of Life.

The last one is to rely solely on the monks themselves, which is to directly open up space with great magic power, but those who can do this are usually not low in cultivation, at least Nascent Soul monks cannot do this.

The red-faced old man said with a worried look on his face. Although everyone present except for the scholar surnamed Chen, who has a Gold Core Dzogchen cultivation level, and the monk surnamed Li from Wuya Pavilion, who has a middle-level Gold Core cultivation, the rest are all in the early-stage Gold Core level. of cultivation.

"In this case, there are six Gold Core-level combatants. This is not easy to handle. It seems that the Kraken family's defense of this island is more strict than we thought."

Zhou Yan put away the Earth Explosive Pearl. Only then did they know the specific mission of this trip.

By the way, how are the preparations for the road back from Fellow Daoist? As soon as we leave, we must take the teleportation array and leave as soon as possible. "

A thunderous roar suddenly sounded on the island, and then a huge Great Monster with thunder covering its body appeared in the air.

The red-faced old man at the corner of the island waved his hand, and an exquisite small tower appeared in the air. Then ten figures shot out from it and headed towards the nearest small green tower.

Among the three methods, the first one is the most commonly used. In fact, the storage bag used by monks is a type of space treasure.

"Fellow Daoist, you are finally here, come in quickly!"


There are so many low-level sea monsters in the sea monster clan that they cannot be killed all. This is the most troublesome part for the human monks in the war between the human and monster clans.

As this demon appeared, five Gold Core monks' aura erupted from several places on the island at the same time.

"We have basically figured it out. There are three Rank Five Monsters on the island, two Rank Six, and one Rank Seven. The Rank Seven Monster should be crossing the Thunder Tribulation quickly."

The red-faced old man asked aloud as soon as he came in, and saw that there were already four people here, including the scholar surnamed Chen, the big man with curly beard, and a few others.

The scholar surnamed Chen clapped his palm, and an astonishing energy wave suddenly spread out. Not far away, a green crystal tower with a height of more than thirty feet exploded instantly.

A sound transmission sounded in the mind of the red-faced old man. The man suddenly turned around and passed a coral hole, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

After arriving at the place, you can't wait to fight and destroy as many Towers of Life as possible. These are Earth Explosive Beads, which are specially used to destroy the movement restrictions on the periphery of the Tower of Life.

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