With Zhou Yan's help, Ye Han quickly gathered all the cold energy that poured into his body and stopped escaping in all directions.

Then he began to activate the secret method. As his secret method was activated, Zhou Yan could use the spiritual energy in his body to sense that the cold energy began to merge with the spiritual energy in his body.

And it seems that during the fusion process, the evil side of the cold air was kicked out, leaving only the cold side combined with the spiritual power in the body.

And as this process progressed, Zhou Yan found that the spiritual power in his body seemed to become colder, and the fluctuations in spiritual power also increased slightly.

A strange color flashed in his eyes, and Zhou Yan felt that Ye Han's offer to help solve the cold energy must have been planned for a long time. Now it seems that these rather strange cold energy have become his spiritual cultivation qualifications.

However, this is his own special method, and it has indeed helped everyone solve the threat of cold air, so he will not say anything.

At this time, Zhou Yan felt that after half of the cold energy in his body was taken away by Ye Han, the remaining cold energy could no longer pose any great threat to him who was protected by the sun's true fire.

As for the destructive intentions that entered his body, they were out of order. Apart from making him feel some pain in his meridians and flesh, they did not pose much of a threat.

The five people fell silent. No one spoke. They just followed Lei Qianhe quietly as he walked forward. The whining wind kept blowing around. After a full hour, everyone felt the cold wind. The intention of destruction seems to be much stronger.

"Fellow Daoists, the aura of destruction in the air is getting stronger and stronger. I think we should be arriving soon. Next, I will introduce to you the ultimate purpose of this trip."

Lei Qianhe looked back and glanced around, focusing his gaze on Ye Han for a moment, because everyone except him looked a little pale, and the spiritual power fluctuations in his body were much weaker.

Only he, although his face was pale, the spiritual power fluctuations in his body seemed to be stronger than when he entered this place.

"There are three layers in Xuyuan. The more you go down, the more intense the destructive energy contained in it will be. We can only enter the first two layers. If we enter the third layer, our sanity will be overwhelmed by the destructive intention.

Of course, even the first two levels will always face the erosion of the intention of destruction, so we must complete the task within half a month.

Our mission this time is to enter the second level of Xuyuan and place one hundred and eight Spirit Communication towers there. As long as these Spirit Communication towers are completed, our mission will be completed.

Another thing I want to tell you is that the Monster in this virtual abyss has been eroded by this kind of destruction for many years, so it has low intelligence and only retains its instincts. Therefore, it will attack all monks and sea monsters that enter here. Therefore, We have to be careful. "

While talking, Zhou Yan and others discovered that a white bright spot appeared in their sight at the wind barrier ahead, and as they got closer and closer, the bright spot became bigger and bigger.

"Buzz, buzz..."

A violent buzzing sound sounded, and Zhou Yan and others instantly felt that the cold wind became more intense. The cyan light formed by the outermost wind-fixing beads of everyone was instantly shattered by this violent cold wind.

"No, everyone is young..."

Before Lei Qianhe's voice could be heard completely, everyone felt like the world was spinning, and the next moment they were thrown into the white light.


There was a gasp of air, and Zhou Yan slowly opened his eyes and stood up. The robe outside him was completely covered with frost, and the hair hanging down was also crystal clear.

"It's really unlucky that we encountered space turbulence. But we should still have entered the virtual abyss? It's just that we were separated from Lei Fellow Daoist and the others. This is a bit difficult to handle!"

Zhou Yan murmured in his mouth, and at the same time, flames flashed on his body, evaporating the ice on his clothes and hair.

Previously, Lei Qianhe only told them the purpose of their trip, but did not give them anything to decorate the Spirit Communication Tower. Now that they are separated, how can the mission be carried out?

"Forget it, let's find a way to enter the second level of Xuyuan first. Since Lei Qianhe said that this mission needs to be carried out on the second level, I think everyone will go there.

Now we can only take one step at a time. Maybe after entering the second floor, we may encounter them. "

Since there was no sense of direction in Xuyuan, Zhou Yan randomly chose a direction and flew away. However, just about half an hour after flying out, he felt something was wrong.

Looking inside the sea of ​​consciousness, Zhou Yan found that at some point, a lot of faint red mist appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness, but he didn't notice it at all.

And from the red mist, all Zhou Yan felt was negative information, chaos, dilapidation, destruction, etc. mixed together, and it was increasing little by little.

"Is this the destruction of this place?"

Zhou Yan used various methods to remove it, but found that it had no effect. Finally, he directly summoned the true fire of the sun into the sea of ​​​​consciousness to burn it. He found that the removal was also very slow, and he could only keep it longer than the inhalation. The red mist is a little faster.

But this place is full of dangers, not to mention the possibility of encountering the Kraken clan that enters this place. There are many monsters who have lost their consciousness here. How can he maintain this state all the time.

"At this rate, I'm afraid it won't take more than a month, but only more than twenty days, before the sea of ​​consciousness will be completely eroded by this intention of destruction.

This is because my consciousness is strong enough. It seems that the half-month time mentioned by Fellow Daoist Lei earlier should be true! "

Keeping a ray of true sun fire in the sea of ​​consciousness at all times, Zhou Yan continued to search in the virtual abyss.

Since there was no map of this place, he was like a headless fly and could only rely on his spiritual consciousness to find some places with a strong sense of destruction.

After all, according to Lei Qianhe's intention, the meaning of destruction in Xuyuan will become stronger every time you go down a level. Therefore, in places where the meaning of destruction is stronger, there is a greater chance of entering the entrance to the second level. Some.

Of course, Zhou Yan's chances of encountering Monsters living here are also much higher. For example, the Monster in front of him has red scales all over its body, thick limbs, and looks like a crocodile, but its tail is like a giant python.

"Bah, you are really fierce. I don't believe I can't deal with you!"

Zhou Yan guessed that it was because they were invaded by the destructive intention here. When these Monsters fought, their eyes were red, as if they were going berserk. They didn't care, as if they didn't know the pain.


With a roar, he flicked his tail like a giant python and cut off a big tree. He moved his limbs and rushed towards him again.

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