"This Fellow Daoist, the auction is not over yet. Why is the Fellow Daoist here to pick up the auction items?"

Not long after entering the reception room, an old man in gray clothes walked over. When he saw Zhou Yan, he first cupped his hands, invited Zhou Yan to sit down, and then said with a smile.

"Haha, there is no room for me to intervene in the next auction items. Those are the time for the senior bosses to compete.

However, since Fellow Daoist mentioned this, I would like to ask, what is the last auction item? Of course, if it is not convenient for Fellow Daoist to tell you, then just pretend that you didn’t ask. hehe! "

"What did I think it was? It turns out to be this! It doesn't hurt to tell Fellow Daoist about it now. Maybe the auction has already started.

This last item is a High Grade Law Treasure. It is said that the owner of our auction house personally found it. After a lot of effort, I think it will fetch a high price! "

While he was talking, a man wearing auction house clothes came in, came to the old man in the meeting, whispered a few words, and handed him a storage bag.

After he exited the room, the old man in gray said: "Fellow Daoist, these are some of the things you are auctioning. After excluding the water of the spiritual spring and other items and the 5% fee collected by our auction house, , the remaining spirit stones are all here. Fellow Daoist can check them out!"

Zhou Yan was not polite, and scanned the storage bag with his consciousness, then put it into his arms and said with a smile: "Now that the matter is over, I'll take my leave first!"

"I'll send Fellow Daoist out."

The old man at the meeting smiled and led the way, and said casually: "If Fellow Daoist still has this thousand-year-old Spirit Medicine, don't forget our Tianxing Island Auction House! We will definitely give you a fair s price!"

Zhou Yan's eyes flashed, but his expression remained unchanged as he replied: "Haha, Fellow Daoist is joking, this kind of Spirit Medicine that is thousands of years old is so easy to find.

Looking at the words above, Zhou Yan was a little confused and looked up at Yi Yun and the other two.

After thinking about it, Zhou Yan turned around and walked towards the training room. No matter who was following him or what the purpose was, it was better to dilute a drop of spiritual milk first.

After all, after so many years, if Moyan Island or the force that was attacked by two old men, one black and one white, on the way to Tianxing Island are still looking for him, I am afraid that after so many years, they have already found him. 's residence.

However, for some reason, the feeling of being watched disappeared again.

That is to use the magic of divine possession for control. Of course, in order to avoid the sinister power in Shura's corpse, the true fire of the sun also needs to be used.

Such peaceful days only lasted for about ten days. Zhou Yan, who was sitting cross-legged in the practice room practicing, suddenly opened his eyes and took out a jade plate from his storage bag.

Although Zhou Yan did not practice that technique, he found a new way to control it temporarily.


Besides, this person will soon be sent out to perform a mission by the Sea Alliance. It is still unclear whether he can come back alive. "

Anyway, since this Shenxiao tree reached ten thousand years, although it is still growing, it has slowed down a lot, and he still has tree seeds in hand, which can promote growth again in the future.

Just this one, I have stayed in the Sea of ​​Broken Stars for who knows how long, and almost died several times. Now that I think about it, if I had to do it all over again, I might not be able to come back alive and talk to Fellow Daoist here!

Zhou Yan sighed and stood up slowly. He had already made preparations these days, so he didn't pack too much and went straight out of the Cave Mansion towards the Sea Alliance station.

Zhou Yan has studied this corpse many times, but it should be something that can only be refined by practicing a certain technique, and only those who practice that technique can command it.

The Fellow Daoist who drew the word "Yin" will be in the same team as the Lei Fellow Daoist, and he will tell you the mission content. "

Zhou Yan wrapped his consciousness with the true fire of the sun, and checked Shura's body from beginning to end. He found nothing abnormal, and then he put it away again, but put it in a separate In storage bag.

Spiritual power was input into it, and a ray of light suddenly shone out, forming a few words in the air: "Come to the Sea Alliance station quickly!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Yan slapped the storage bag with his palm, and a corpse appeared in front of him. It was the Shura corpse that was obtained after killing the old man in black.

The old man in gray didn't speak, while the figure in black kept hunched over and lowered his head, not in any hurry. After a moment, a voice came out: "Forget it, it's just a thousand-year-old Spirit Medicine. I can't say I got it just by luck." .

"Fellow Daoist, I am Yi Yun. Under the orders of the Sea Alliance, this mission is led by me, Lei Qianhe, and Lei Fellow Daoist.

This mission is divided into two teams. Fellow Daoist Lei and I each lead a team. The content of the mission will be told to you later, but before that, please ask a few Fellow Daoists to draw lots for the teams! "

The old man in gray clothes smiled and nodded, watching Zhou Yan disappear from his sight. At this time, a figure in black clothes appeared behind him and asked, "Do you want to follow this person?"

But if I am lucky enough to get it again, I will definitely think about it at your auction house. Okay, we’re at the door, Fellow Daoist, no need to see you off! I'll take my leave. "

When he arrived here, four people were already waiting here, including the two people from the Sea Alliance of Foundation Building Dzogchen.

Everyone stayed aside, no one spoke, they all just waited quietly. Zhou Yan also found a place to sit down.

After thinking about it, Zhou Yan felt that he might be targeted by the auction house, but he did not rule out being targeted by others.

After the words fell, the old man turned and left, and the figure in black disappeared again, as if he had never appeared at all.

At this time, Lei Qianhe also said aloud: "Next, I will tell you about this mission. You must listen carefully. I will only say it once!"

Zhou Yan returned to the Cave Mansion on Jiachen Island with a gloomy expression. On his way back just now, he felt that someone was following him, but even with his spiritual consciousness, he could not find any trace of him, only a vague sense.

After saying that, Yi Yun waved his hand, and eight transparent light groups floated in the air. Zhou Yan and others took one each.

"Fellow Daoist who drew the word "Yang" among the Fellow Daoists, please come with me, we are a team.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye. Because he might be sent out by the Sea Alliance to perform a mission at any time, he cut down the Shenxiao tree in the small medicine garden.

However, although he could briefly control the Shura corpse, he was unable to activate the green flames it released that day, so now he can only fight by splicing together powerful corpses.

It didn't take long before the other five people came here one after another. At this time, the two Foundation Building Dzogchen monks stood up.

"What is supposed to come will eventually come."

After saying that, Yi Yun took the lead and headed towards the side hall, and four of Zhou Yan and others followed him with doubts on their faces.

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