There was already a huge crowd outside the auction venue. Zhou Yan just glanced around and felt that at least 50,000 people were attending the auction.

The entrance to the auction venue is open according to the level of cultivation. Monks of each level can only go to the corresponding passage to queue up. Of course, if you can have a high-level monk with you, you can naturally go to a higher-level passage.

The Foundation Building Stage should be relatively popular among the people participating in the auction. The number of Gold Core and Nascent Soul monks is not that large. Although the number of Qi Refining Stage monks is large, their financial resources may not be sufficient.

After nearly a cup of tea, Zhou Yan finally entered the auction house suspended in the air.

The entire auction house is shaped like a honeycomb. The lower two floors are lined with seats arranged in an orderly manner, with a small table separating each two seats.

Starting from the third floor, there are small sealed rooms. The side facing the auction table is transparent, but the inside cannot be seen from the outside.

The next floor up is about a circle smaller than the third floor. It is also a small room, but the structure is exactly the same.

Zhou Yan glanced at his seat card, then looked at the numbers on the seats of several nearby people, and then he knew his approximate location, and walked towards his seat.

At this time, many people were already seated in the venue, and they were noisy. After Zhou Yan sat down, he looked around. His seat was not too far from the auction table in front, and he could see clearly with his eyesight. s things.

Seeing that it was still early for the auction to start, Zhou Yan closed his eyes and leaned against his seat Nurturing Spirit.

After an unknown amount of time passed, Zhou Yan's slightly closed eyes slowly opened, and a smiling old man in blue clothes appeared on the auction table below.

The old man in green shirt first pressed his hands down gently. After the place became quieter, he smiled and said: "Haha, welcome fellow Daoists, seniors, come to participate in the auction on Tianxing Island. I, Du Yuheng, will be here this time. I will host this auction."

"I believe that all Fellow Daoists have heard about the current situation in the Broken Star Sea.

"A thousand spirit stones!"

The starting price is six hundred spirit stones, and each increase in price must not be less than fifty spirit stones. "

Time passed slowly, and soon more than twenty lots were auctioned. Although Zhou Yan had not yet taken action, he found that the prices of these lots were much higher than usual.

However, it was too wasteful for Zhou Yan to directly take a drop of spiritual milk. He could not fully absorb the huge spiritual power in it, so he could only waste a lot of it.

Take the healing elixir as an example. If you can luckily trigger its ability to improve the elixir, the healing effect will be much improved.

"The next auction item, a meteorite, is formed from falling meteorite. Not only is it hard in texture, it can also absorb some spiritual energy. It is really a good material for refining Law Weapon.

As a young man with a red face reported the price, a dark-faced middle-aged man who had previously competed with him moved his mouth a few times, but in the end did not say "flower blossoms" and sat down helplessly.

Master Gao of this sword was ingenious and inlaid a Beast Core on the hilt when refining it. The user can use the power of the Beast Core to condense the phantom of the sea monster. It is more powerful than the ordinary High Grade Law Weapon, but is much larger. A lot.

"Nine hundred and fifty spirit stones!"

In his opinion, there are many people who can refine Law Weapons, and there are also many people who are good at artifact refining, but there are only a few who can find new ways. These people are all outstanding.

The war is about to start soon, and for this reason, during these days, my auction house has temporarily received a lot of good things, and they have also been put in this auction.

Seeing that no one continued to quote, Du Yuheng also announced his belonging here in the young man's expectant eyes.

Therefore, he thought that he could dilute a drop of spiritual milk. Although the recovery would be slower, it could be used multiple times, and the utilization rate was also improved a lot.

But after just a brief thought, you can understand the reason. At this time, the maid below brought up another item, a small jade bottle of suet.

This was the first time Zhou Yan had seen this artifact refining method. While he couldn't help but feel it was very novel, he also had a hint of admiration for Master Gao.

After the words fell, Du Yuheng clapped his hands lightly, and behind him, a young woman in scantily clad clothes walked up, twisting her waist and holding a jade plate in her hand.

"There are nine hundred spirit stones, are there any more to add? If not, this flaming sword refined by Master Gao will belong to this Fellow Daoist!"

You must have heard of Master Gao’s name, so I won’t say more.

Perhaps the injury that originally took half an hour to recover from could now be reduced to a quarter of an hour.

Zhou Yan looked over in surprise, and sure enough, on the hilt of the sword, he saw a red Beast Core the size of a walnut, embedded there like a gem.

Therefore, just as Zhou Yan predicted, eight hundred spirit stones were reached in just a moment, and the number is still increasing.

This spiritual spring water is not a type of spring water, but is formed in the spiritual stone veins when the spiritual energy is too concentrated. However, it does not form in every Spirit Vein.

When the Alchemist adds a drop of spiritual spring water when refining the elixir, not only will the spiritual energy in the elixir become richer, but there is also a small chance that the efficacy of the elixir will be enhanced.

The starting price is six hundred and fifty spirit stones, and each increase in price must not be less than fifty spirit stones. "

Ten drops of spiritual spring water. The starting price is three thousand spiritual stones. Each increase in price must not be less than one hundred spiritual stones! "

"The first lot is the High Grade Law Weapon Fire Sword. This sword was personally refined by Master Gao of Tianxing Island.

However, Zhou Yan found this thing not to use it to make elixirs, but to use it to dilute the spiritual milk.

A hint of surprise flashed in Zhou Yan's eyes. He did not expect that this object would appear at the auction. Speaking of which, he had been looking for this object for some time.

But Song Yuheng's next words made him sit up straight.

Just as the auctioneer finished speaking, there were quotes immediately. Zhou Yan just watched quietly. These were just appetizers and had no effect on him.

Okay, all Fellow Daoists must have been waiting impatiently, so I won’t go into too much nonsense and let’s start this auction. "

Haha, I think this auction should be a worthwhile trip for all Fellow Daoists.

“The next lot is a favorite among Alchemists, so don’t miss it!

Zhou Yan originally thought it was some kind of elixir, but he didn't show much interest. He still has a lot of elixirs for refining Foundation Building Late Stage, and the raw materials are also available, so he doesn't care.

When he was in the Land of Liyuan, he once obtained three drops of spiritual milk from the Four Symbols Path. This thing is an excellent holy object for restoring spiritual power. Even a Gold Core monk can recover in a short time after taking one drop. Less spiritual power.

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