"This is it. With the detonation of the breath beads just now, it was the fluctuation that came from here.

But looking at it like this, there must be something blocking our perception, so be careful. "

Looking at the trees in front of him that were the same as those around him, Huo Bo said in a deep voice.

Then he flicked his wrist, and a burst of spiritual power shot towards a big tree in front of him. However, as soon as the spiritual power entered it, the space flickered, and the spiritual power disappeared.

"Is there a restriction? But I don't feel any trace of the existence of the formation!"

A trace of doubt flashed in his heart, and he was about to test it again when Zhou Yan's expression suddenly changed, and Huo Bo also shouted at the same time: "Quickly exit!"

But it was still too late, and I saw that the surrounding environment suddenly changed. The originally dense woods disappeared, and were replaced by tangled vines, and there were many rotten bones everywhere.

At a place not far away from the three of them, the figures of Shentu and Xuyang also appeared in their sight.

But at this time, the two of them seemed to have fallen into some kind of coma. Only the spiritual light shield outside them was still resisting the black mist floating around them.

"Psychedelic magic vine, no wonder I can't find the location of Junior Brother Xu and the others. It turns out that I encountered this thing.

Everyone hold their breath and don't absorb too many hallucinogenic factors. They are all merging in the air. We must quickly rescue Junior Brother Xu and Fellow Daoist Shen and get out quickly. "

Huo Bo let out a low shout, and then his body swayed towards the trapped two people. However, with his movements, vines surrounded him densely.

At the same time, the black mist that was originally beside Shentu and the others also drifted towards here. When they got closer, everyone discovered that the black mist was actually composed of a very small insect.

"Fellow Daoist, retreat!"

Zhou Yan immediately shouted, one of which was to repay what he said in the secret hall before. Although Zhou Yan also wanted the Marrow Cleansing Pill at the time, he was not too eager.

His practice basically relied on the Spiritual Furnace to generate Spirit Medicine and the use of elixirs to practice. Although the Marrow Cleansing Pill allowed him to practice at the speed of two Spirit Roots in thirty years, it actually did no harm to him and had little impact.

The reason why he is so tough is naturally because he wants to seek more benefits. In fact, he is really interested in the green seeds.

With the spiritual furnace in hand, he was confident that it could re-grow and be reborn. Moreover, something that could be placed with the Marrow Cleansing Pill was certainly not an ordinary thing.

Seeing the vines and insect mist surrounding him, Huo Bo looked solemn, grabbed his hand, and a circular Law Weapon appeared in his hand.

There are also three bells hanging in the circle of Law Weapon. As the bells ring, the ring rotates, and the next moment, a raging power of fire spurts out from it.

Bright yellow flames spurted out, immediately incinerating the nearest insect mist, but the insect mist behind them was collectively exhaled, and a jet-black light enveloped it.

It actually competed with the flames and was unable to break through it in a short period of time. However, as they fought together, the surrounding black mist suddenly floated towards this place.

The vines spreading around him paused suddenly and then quickly retracted, but they were still wandering around.

Seeing that they were in a stalemate, Zhou Yan's eyes flashed and his figure disappeared immediately. He came to where Shentu and the others were and grabbed the light shield below with his palm.

Just when he was about to come into contact with the light mask, a milky white light suddenly lit up on his palm, and he immediately broke the light mask, grabbed hold of it with his palm, and lifted the two of them back at high speed.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, be careful!"

The moment Bi Ling Fairy's voice sounded, a green light struck him from his hand, and he actually noticed the same fluctuations as those vines.

Zhou Yan didn't make any move, and the green light passed through his head, blocking a vine behind him and blasting it to pieces.

At this time, Huo Bo could no longer hold on. The ring Law Weapon buzzed and flew back to his hand, and the surrounding vines and insect mist suddenly came quickly.

Zhou Yan flicked his palm, throwing the two of them over one after another, and shouted loudly: "Leave first!"

The three of them immediately headed towards the way they came. Huo Bo grabbed one in each hand and led them out of the illusion, followed closely by Bi Ling.

Zhou Yan, on the other hand, went the deepest to save the two of them, so he leaned back, with vines entangled in front of him and behind him, trying to trap them.

Zhou Yan glanced at the two people who had gone out in front, and milky white flames suddenly burned on his body, turning into balls of fire and falling everywhere.

This is also the reason why Zhou Yan dared to go deep into the rescue of the two of them. If he hadn't discovered that Huo Bo's activation of flames had a restraining effect on these things, he wouldn't have been so reckless.

Under the burning of the sun's true fire, a passage was quickly opened, and Zhou Yan Dunguang was about to cross the passage without stopping.

But at this moment, from the corner of his eye, he saw a burning skeleton on the right side of the exit, but this was not what attracted Zhou Yan.

But in the flames, a strange black token-like thing actually emitted a faint light, resisting the burning of the sun's real fire.

Seeing this, Zhou Yan quickly hooked his fingers, and a spiritual thread immediately wrapped around the token and flew over. He quickly put it away, and Zhou Yan walked out of the illusion.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, are you okay?"

As soon as Zhou Yan came out, two voices suddenly sounded. On the ground, Shen Tu and the others were still awake.

"It's okay, it's just too much spiritual power loss. Let's find a place to recover first."

"Well, let's go first."

Zhou Yan inadvertently glanced behind a piece of rubble with his eyes. When he came out just now, he sensed some unusual fluctuations there.

With a flash of his eyes, a soul-eating flying ant appeared in Zhou Yan's sleeves and robes. His palm shook to shatter its soul, and then attached a ray of his own consciousness to it.

After the three people escaped from the light, a moment passed before a Daoist figure appeared behind the rubble.

"What a keen sense, but when I saw him not coming out for a long time, I thought he was lost inside, and I noticed some changes in his mood.

It seems that we need to be more careful. "

Then he used his escape light and chased towards the place where Zhou Yan and others left.

But he didn't notice that on a tree not far from the gravel, a black flying ant was lying there quietly.

Zhou Yan, who was currently escaping, flashed his eyes and murmured: "It is indeed them."

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, what's wrong?" Huo Bo turned to look at Zhou Yan and asked suddenly.

"It's okay. Let's find a place to rest for a while. By the way, we can revive Fellow Daoist Shen and Fellow Daoist Xu."

"Well, there is a valley ahead, which looks quite quiet. Let's go there to rest."

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