"Phew! It took a month, but the injury is finally healed!"

Zhou Yan put away his technique, exhaled a breath of turbid air, then turned his palm over, and a small cyan shield appeared in his hand.

The shield was completely blue, and there were many scales on it, layer upon layer. When spiritual power was poured into it, those scales began to vibrate slowly.

"Hey! This blue scale shield is really good. With this layer of scales, it can absorb a lot of impact.

If he had had this shield in hand when fighting Chen Tianming, he would not have been so seriously injured. "

After playing with it for a while, Zhou Yan reluctantly put away the green scale shield. This thing was made from the main material of the green scales he brought back from the Xutian Secret Realm.

Combined with other materials, it became a Supreme Grade defensive Law Weapon. Refining this Law Weapon alone cost Zhou Yan nearly two thousand spirit stones.

However, this bit of spiritual stone is still extremely worthwhile for Zhou Yan.

"Now, I have two talismans. The big seal talisman can be used twice, and the crescent shovel can be used once.

Supreme Grade Law Weapon Qingying Sword, Blue Scale Shield, Forbidden Spirit Ring, and there are fifteen thousand three hundred spiritual stones.

Flying Law Weapon Kamifengzhou, a Great Teleportation Talisman, and some other things.

With my current net worth, it is not much better than some Foundation Building Dzogchen monks. It is really a gold belt for murder and arson! "

After counting the things, Zhou Yan came outside the cave in a good mood, took out a few transmission notes from the formation and listened.

"Has the apprenticeship ceremony been cancelled?

However, Chen Yu still deserves to be punished, but he stays in the sect every day, and he will be removed if there is an opportunity in the future.

Brother Gu has already established a clan, and he invited me to help him establish his clan. That’s fine, give him a helping hand before traveling far away! "

Putting away the transmission talisman, Zhou Yan walked out of the Cave Mansion and urged the divine wind boat to go to the Dao Chuan Hall, preparing to redeem the follow-up skills of the Immortality Skill.

He had already had the idea of ​​traveling, even when he first entered the Foundation Building.

Although it was later delayed due to Xutian Secret Realm, this plan has never been given up.

The way of cultivation is tight and slow, and relaxed and moderate. If you just practice hard in seclusion, you will not be able to reach the heaven.

Life has limits, and the road has no limits. How can we not go and see this great country?

Cangwu County!

Since the fall of the Chen family, Xiuxian families have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, and there are many people like Gu Yunlong who moved here to get a piece of the pie.

But generally speaking, there are three families. The Liu family in Anding City is secretly supported by the Xue family in Ningling.

The Zhou family of Feiyu Mountain moved from Wanghai County. There are two Foundation Building monks in the family, one in the middle stage and one in the early stage.

Then there is the Gu family newly established by Gu Yunlong. Among the three families, the Zhou family is the strongest and the Gu family is the weakest.

However, the division of power is never just based on this. The news that Gu Yunlong is a disciple of Qingyun Immortal Sect, and there is a Gold Core monk behind him has already been known to the other two families.

In addition, the news he released is that there is also a Foundation Building Stage worshiper in the family, so the momentum is not weaker than that of the Liu and Zhou families.

After the three families each took over some of the Chen family's previous resources, they started to dispute over the division of the spiritual stone vein in Cangwu County.

After discussion, it was planned to hold a spirit mine battle in Cuiling Mountain to decide the division of spirit stone veins.

Each of the three families has a Foundation Building monk, and there are three battles in total. The winner of two will get 50%, the loser of both will get 20%, and the winner of one will get 30%!

Because the Gu family had a shallow foundation after all, Gu Yunlong wanted to get 50% to develop as soon as possible, which was why he asked Zhou Yan for help.

The Wuyin Mountain Range is a small mountain range with strong aura in Cangwu County. The clan of the Gu family is established here. Although it is a small mountain range, it is enough to accommodate the people of the Gu family. After all, its population is now sparse and there are many cultivators. There are even fewer people who are alive.

Although in recent years, with the help of Gu Yunlong, the cultivation levels of several members of the Gu family have improved a lot, there is only one Qi Refining Late Stage monk.

Another person with Spirit Root cannot be created in a short time. Gu Yunlong has already begun to select people who can cultivate among the other family branches.

"Brother Zhou, you have also seen it. My Gu family is now an empty shell. We can only recruit a lot of Independent Cultivators to use first, which costs a lot of money.

So, Brother Zhou, you must help me this time. As long as I can get the 50% share, I can stabilize the situation.

Of the 50% share, brother, I will be shameless and take 30% for now, and the remaining 20% ​​will go to you, Brother Zhou.

When I stabilize the situation, 30% of the mined spiritual stones will belong to Brother Zhou. "

The two of them were walking around in the ancient house. The surrounding buildings were still under construction, but it was full of people and lively.


Seeing Gu Yunlong's anxious look, Zhou Yan said with a smile: "Brothers, why are you talking about this? I'll just help you.

But after this matter is over, I will go out for a trip. It will take me who knows how many years to come back from this trip. You can use my share first! "

"Going on a trip? Where are you going, brother Zhou? From what you say, this time won't be too short!"

"I'm not sure about the specific place. I'll just wait and see. I probably won't come back until I'm in the Great Perfection of the Foundation Building."

"Well, it's great to travel, with beautiful mountains and rivers, local customs and customs. It's a pity that I can't accompany you anymore. Now the Gu family can't do without me.

well! Let’s not talk about this anymore, let’s go, I have prepared a banquet, and we will not return until we are drunk today! "

Three days later, Cuiling Mountain!

Since the Chen family left Cangwu County, this place has been idle. Although it is a good place with rich spiritual energy and beautiful mountains and rivers, after all, this place represents the highlight of Cangwu County.

Nowadays, none of the three Liu, Zhou, and Gu families have completely suppressed the strength of the other two families. If they rush to Cuiling Mountain, they will inevitably be resisted by the other two families, which is extremely detrimental to the development of the family.

Therefore, Cuiling Mountain was vacated, and the Spirit Mine Battle was decided here. Once here, this place has special significance to the entire Cangwu County Immortal Cultivation World.

Secondly, if you win here, it will also be a good opportunity to enhance your reputation, which will play a huge role in the future development of the family.

When Zhou Yan, Gu Yunlong and others arrived at the square in front of the Chen family, people from the Liu family in Anding City had already arrived. The two leaders were the ancestor of the Liu family and a middle-aged man with scars on his face.

The middle-aged man with a scarred face was in the middle stage of Foundation Building, and the evil aura on his body was very strong. This evil aura alone made most people afraid to approach him.

"Master Gu, it's too late for you to come. Is this the helper you found? I'm afraid my cultivation level in the early stages of Foundation Building is a bit low!"

"Haha, Liu Tianming, it's not that we came late, but that you came too early. Aren't the two Fellow Daoists from the Zhou family not here yet?

Furthermore, what is my brother’s cultivation level and when will it be your turn to comment? What's more, you, a half-buried person, haven't you just reached the early stage of Foundation Building? "

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