Tian Qingshan heard the words and looked towards the place where the sound came from, and saw a ray of light coming quickly. In just a few breaths, he had already come close, revealing a young Daoist.

"Junior Brother Zhou! You came just in time, haha, come and help me deal with this person."

Tian Qingshan's voice of surprise sounded, his frown immediately relaxed, and he said quickly.

But after he finished speaking, he seemed to feel something was wrong, and continued: "Junior Brother Zhou, Senior Brother Wang Peiyuan and others were trapped by people from Netherworld Demon Sect through cunning tactics, and they wanted to monopolize the benefits of Cave Mansion.

It's more than ten miles away in the southeast direction. Junior brother, go to the rescue quickly. I can do this alone. "

Zhou Yan had already used the Law Weapon and was about to help Tian Qingshan to deal with this person, but when he heard this, he was startled at first, but immediately asked: "Brother Tian, ​​are there people from the Netherworld Demon Sect guarding the formation? "

"There should be a Netherworld Demon Sect monk guarding him, but his cultivation level will never exceed the middle stage of Foundation Building. Junior Brother does not need to confront him head-on. He only needs to break the balance of the formation, and Senior Brother Wang can escape from the trap."

Zhou Yan nodded, knowing that time was tight, so he said: "In that case, junior brother, go!"

Before he finished speaking, his body turned into a ray of light and headed towards the direction Brother Tian said. From the beginning to the end, the Netherworld Demon Sect monk shrouded in black mist did not say a word, nor did he try to stop Zhou Yan. Leave.

"Hmph, Yin Xiao, it seems that you still have some self-awareness. Now I'm afraid your Netherworld Demon Sect's little plan will come to nothing!"

"Hahaha, Mr. Tian, ​​do you really think that just a boy from the early stage of Foundation Building can rescue Wang Peiyuan and others?

I'm not afraid to tell you that although the person currently guarding the formation is also an early cultivator of the Foundation Building, I conclude that it is impossible for that kid alone to rescue them.

Hehe, he might even die on the spot! Hahaha! "

Tian Qingshan frowned slightly, wondering where this person got such confidence, but now that the matter was over, he could only pray that Junior Brother Zhou could successfully rescue everyone.

Zhou Yan walked along the direction mentioned by Senior Brother Tian for less than a stick of incense when he noticed a wave of spiritual power in his consciousness.

Knowing that he should have arrived at the place, Zhou Yan activated the Breath Condensing Technique and wrapped his consciousness around his body to completely isolate the breath before heading towards the Cave Mansion.

In the Cave Mansion, Mo Yue sat cross-legged in a corner, closing his eyes and concentrating. He is the son of the head of the Netherworld Demon Sect. This time he entered the Xutian Secret Realm, he was always protected by Mr. Mo.

It was his initiative to take care of the formation this time. His cultivation level was too low and he couldn't help much as the restrictions ahead were cracked, so he proposed to stay here.

At the same time, let Mr. Mo follow Senior Brother Teng. In this way, even if there is a harvest later, he will be indispensable.

However, even though he is here, he is not unprepared. After all, there is a monk from the Foundation Building in this formation. Although he thinks he has a noble status, the other party may not dare to kill him, but if he is caught, he will be beaten. Dayton may not be impossible.

Looking at the trembling magic circle in front of him, the little ripples on it are spreading. It is obvious that the people in the magic circle are starting to resist.

Mo Yue took out a formation plate and tapped it with his fingers several times. The golden formation light curtain suddenly brightened up, and the spiritual power fluctuations on it instantly became much stronger, and the ripples spreading on it disappeared again.

"It should be able to trap them for a quarter of an hour! It should be enough for Senior Brother Teng and the others to break through the restrictions and get the treasure. Huh, the people of Qingyun Immortal Sect are nothing more than that!"

Thinking of this in his mind, Mo Yue thought of the man who severely injured him in the Black Dragon Swamp, and his face was extremely gloomy. He didn't know whether that guy was from that sect or some kind of Independent Cultivator. He and Mr. Mo had been looking for it for a long time. This person was not found.

"If I let you see me again, I will definitely not let you go!"

Zhou Yan carefully entered the Cave Mansion. There was a hall inside. There was a stone door at the end of the hall. The stone door was broken. Behind it, it seemed to be connected to a rather spacious hall area. He walked forward carefully. , Dare not make the slightest sound under my feet.

Although Senior Brother Tian should only have one person guarding this place, and his cultivation level will not exceed the middle stage of Foundation Building, he is still extremely cautious. After all, his life is his own.

Passing through the broken stone door, a golden magic circle appeared in sight. The magic circle occupied half of the hall. You could see occasional ripples swaying on the formation. It should be the monks inside who were doing something.

"It turned out to be him! I didn't expect that we were really enemies of each other. But why is the old man from the Foundation Building Late Stage not by his side?"

Zhou Yan saw Mo Yue sitting cross-legged in the corner of the hall, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. Obviously, he did not expect to meet this person here. After all, his battle with this person in the Black Dragon Swamp left him with a lot of trouble. impression.

Moreover, the old man surnamed Mo who had been following him gave him a very dangerous feeling, but now he was separated for some unknown reason, and that person was not in the hall.

Feeling relieved, Zhou Yan carefully looked at the formation. To be honest, if the old man surnamed Mo was still here to protect this person, he would never take action and would definitely turn around and leave.

Anyway, this formation can only trap Senior Brother Wang and the others for a moment, and there will be no danger to their lives. But now that person is not here, it can be put into operation by then.

After observing the formation for a while, Zhou Yan discovered that this formation must have been arranged in a hurry. There were no formation flags around, and the formation disk should be used to control it.

If you give him time and no interference, he can break it from the outside in less than a cup of tea. Mo Yue obviously would not give him this time.

He didn't know the formation and couldn't find a weak point. He could only send the spirit-eating flying ants to eat the formation light screen, but this speed would definitely be much slower, but fortunately, he waited until he fought with the Demon Yue. , Senior Brother Wang and others should have noticed that with the cooperation of the Spirit-eating Flying Ants, it will not be difficult to break the formation.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yan no longer hesitated. After all, there were many people on the Netherworld Demon Sect who had already gone deep into the Cave Mansion, so he released the Qingying Sword and silently moved towards the Demon Sect.

"Who is here? Hiding his head and showing his tail!"

As soon as Zhou Yan made a move, Mo Yue immediately noticed it, stood up from the ground, and shouted loudly, and at the same time, a pointed cone Law Weapon shot out to stop the Qingying Sword.

"It's you! Are you from the Qingyun Immortal Sect?"

As soon as he saw Zhou Yan's figure, Mo Yue's eyes suddenly widened, his face began to turn gloomy, and he said in shock, obviously he did not expect that the person who had been searching so hard just now and disappeared would now appear in front of him.

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