A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2182: traitor

I should have got all the things that I should n’t have, and now I ’m not proud of the fact that they are few, but the fighting power is indeed very strong. I really want to make them anxious, and I will be forced to a dead end. Hundreds of people are certainly no problem.

The cargo box of the minivan is definitely not comfortable. Yalebin and Hammer are going to take the car, plus two drivers, so Gao Yang and Justin have to hold back in the cargo box for a while.

Justin put on an aluminum box, and then he made a gesture of inviting, facing Gao Yang who sat directly against the wall of the car: "I think you should sit on the box, at least it is more comfortable."

Gao Yang shook his head and whispered: "I still can't, you have to know that you are sitting under your **** with a chemical weapon that can kill thousands of people."

Justin rubbed and slid in front of the box, saying: "Are you kidding me?"

Gao Yang covered his face with his hand and exhaled for a long time. He said, "I was greedy just now, but I really shouldn't take these hot stuff, but I can't help it."

Justin stared at Gao Yang, waiting for the car to start, and his body shook with one after another. Justin said: "I think now I have been exposed. When I made a call to all the important members of Cicero, It ’s exposed. Now, maybe we should find a way to contact Cesare directly. "

Gao Yang whispered: "The problem is that there is no contact."

Justin said distressedly: "We can't do anything now, go to guard near Mario's house? Wait for someone who decides to be loyal to Lorenzo to get rid of us? Only by contacting Cesare can there be a clearer way to choose. "

Gao Yang said: "Now our problem is that the strength is too weak, and the prospects are very uncertain. Do you know what I am worried about? I am worried that someone who can't help can launch an indiscriminate attack now, man, more of us Before we come, we can do limited. "

Justin breathed a sigh of relief, saying: "Waiting is the most uncomfortable, especially when I don't know if the situation will be better or worse. Waiting is particularly uncomfortable."

Gao Yang laughed: "According to my experience, when this kind of time must be seized, the turnaround will soon appear. Whether it is a crisis or a good opportunity, in short we will not wait too long."

Justin laughed: "So according to your experience, is there a good opportunity or a crisis?"

Gao Yang said: "Don't let me predict, unlucky."

Justin chuckled and said, "Well, then we will wait for the turnaround, and hope it is a good opportunity."

The two stopped talking, thinking about their own affairs. After a long bump in the car, the car stopped. Someone opened the car outside and Gao Yang and Justin got out of the car.

The car drove to the outskirts, and Tarta waved his hand and said, "Get off the car and prepare your weapon."

All weapons are packed, and no one knows when to use them, so it is better to prepare in advance.

When Gao Yang stood behind the car and pressed the rifle bullets into the magazine one by one, his phone rang, and Iwan eagerly said: "Your phone can't be reached. Don't let this happen again. Listen, cut. Sare called me personally, he hoped to be able to contact Justin directly, he left me a call, would you like to contact him, you decide for yourself. "

The turning point really came.

Gao Yangji was excited to give the phone to Justin, and Justin made the call without hesitation.

After waiting for the phone to get through, Justin whispered: "Hello, this is Justin."

"Hello, this is Cesare."

After the plain but extraordinary opening statement, Cesare did not delay the time and said: "Now I and Frank dominate everything after Mario's death. Now I am out of Mario's house, so I have the opportunity to fight you. phone."

Justin whispered: "I am surprised by everything you do."

Cesare said without hesitation: "Because I am only loyal to the Cicero family, to be exact your father, your father took me out of the orphanage and gave me everything I have now, Mario and I are friends , But I have my own mission, that is to do everything I can to protect the Cicero family. "

Justin sighed and said, "I'm really happy that you are loyal to your mission."

Cesare said in a deep voice: "You should not unite Ivan and Satan to attack Cicero, which makes me very dissatisfied and very dissatisfied."

Justin smiled and said, "I said that I never contacted Satan and Ivan. I have admitted failure and hid in Iceland. Do you believe it? The truth is that Mario has provoke people who shouldn't provoke, just That's it."

Cesare said coldly: "I don't believe it, but I have no other choice. You are the designated heir of the Cicero family, and now you are left with you and Lorenzo, I have no choice but to inform you , And tend to let you take over as the parent, because your father recognizes your ability more. "

Justin said seriously: "Although it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, I must say that if I want to ask Satan to help me, I won't wait until now. As for Ivan, you know that no one can call him , Critically, must Mario be dead, right? "

Cesare said in a deep voice: "Yes, I believe it is."

Justin frowned: "What makes you believe it is?"

"I didn't see Mario's body, but I believe he is dead."

Justin frowned and said, "Well, if this is a trap, then this trap is too clumsy, so I believe your judgment is good, then, what should I do next?"

Cesare whispered: "When I talk to you, the situation is not easy to judge now. Lorenzo seems to have his own plans. He is contacting people who should not be contacted, and intends to use external force to seize the position of parents. I am very worried."

"Who is he contacting?"

Cesare sighed ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ said: "I don't know, but it must be a certain family in Italy, or worse, the main house."

Justin said stunnedly: "That's really bad."

Cesare whispered: "Even if Satan and Ivan are the external forces you used, they have also caused great damage to the reputation and strength of the Cicero family, but they are untenable in Italy, waiting for you to uphold them. After all, I want to leave, and I did a stupid thing. I should n’t tell Lorenzo. The power of Lorenzo comes from Italy. They will not leave. Lorenzo will become a puppet, and the Cicero family will be Annexation, Justin, now you have to stop Lorenzo, Claudio is not afraid, as long as you become a parent, I believe the Cicero family can end this crisis, I will help you, now I have to end the call, I will call you again when I have a chance. "

He hurriedly ended the call, and Cesare left the toilet, but he had just walked out of the toilet, and the bodyguard assigned to him by Frank pointed his gun at his head.

Cesare's face sank and said, "What are you doing?"

The bodyguard didn't answer, but Frank flashed from the side, reaching out to Cesare and saying, "Give me your phone, traitor!" (To be continued.)

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