A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2180: Something exciting

The current situation has become a mess, and don't think about buying up plans. There is no other choice but to adapt to changes.

Now, including Justin, Gao Yang and their party are like a sunset red tour group, four people of the black devil, plus Gao Yang and Justin's dress up, a total of six old men do not say together, they have to add a hammer Lame.

Just like this group of people, if you want to grab the control of the Cicero family with Lorenzo and that Claudio, really, this is Gao Yang and a group of strange people around him, and other people are scared and killed. Too.

After getting off the plane and out of the airport, he whispered: "I have to get a gun first. Without a gun, I have no idea."

Yalebin raised his eyes and looked at Yang Yang, whispering, "Come on."

When Yalebin spoke Russian, he was slow-paced and gentle, but he made it clear that there was no one in his eyes. Gao Yang really couldn't learn, and he couldn't refute it.

Helplessly smiled and whispered: "So what shall we do first?"

Yalebin closed his eyes for a moment and said, "I don't know where Lorenzo is, and the person I contacted has contacted. Then, let's wait on the only way to the Mario's house."

Gao Yang said cautiously: "Sorry, I don't understand what this is for?"

Yalebin sighed and said indifferently: "It's useless, but it's not useless at all. The notice has been notified. If someone else goes to Mario's house, it means that he is determined to give Claudio Close up, such a person, when they encounter it, they can be removed easily. If they can't be touched, then there is no way. Anyway, it is better than doing nothing. "

Gao Yang smiled bitterly and said, "This is really useless, we don't even have a gun."

Yalebin waved his hand: "The gun is not a problem, we can borrow it."

Gao Yang immediately said: "Where to pick up?"

Yalebin raised his crutches and pointed, saying: "Come on, you will know soon."

I took two taxis and the taxi went directly to the Russian embassy.

After getting off the bus, Gao Yang stood next to Yalebin and whispered: "This, is it too high-profile?"

Yalebin raised his eyes and said, "What's the high-profile? Whoever goes, I won't show up."

Hammer said angrily: "I'm going, I'm going, is there any code word? Should there be? Or who will lend us?"

Yalebin shook his head and said, "There is no secret word. When I go, I will talk to the ambassador. When I see the ambassador, he will borrow some arms. If he doesn't ask, it's fine. He wants to ask. What do you say."

Iron Hammer rubbed his hands and said excitedly: "I said, they wouldn't even change the code before?"

Talta impatiently said: "Why are you so troublesome, you don't go to me."

The hammer immediately limped on crutches and walked forward, went directly to the door of the embassy, ​​and said a few words to the sentry. After that, someone came out and took him into the embassy, ​​and it took a while. The hammer limped out again.

Yalebin looked at the hammer and said, "How about it, have you borrowed it?"

The hammer said in a furious way with a note on his face: "I gave a phone call and let me come out without saying anything else. I haven't said a secret word yet. I said nothing, so I said Borrowing something to use, without even saying anything, he gave a phone and got up and left. "

Yalebin smiled and said, "Ambassador?"

"No, the counselor, it's the counselor's office."

Yalebin waved: "Don't wait, then call."

With a dumb face, Hammer made a phone call and hung up, and he said blankly: "The answering phone gave an address, and the rest said nothing, Captain, this is not the KGB's style of doing things, we No such connector, what is this? "

Talta tapped the hammer and said, "You are out of touch with the KGB, let's go."

A group of people continued to take a taxi and went to a place according to the address given. After getting off the bus, Yalebin was still standing where he went and said, "I won't pass, you go to get some things, hurry up."

Gao Yang was the youngest, and he must have moved, so Gao Yang followed a curious hammer, plus Tarta and Vasily, and four people rang the doorbell in the past.

The door opened, and the door opened by a burly man. After looking at the four of them, he looked alert and said, "What are you doing?"

The Hammer didn't know what to say in a trance, and then Tarta next to him immediately said: "Borrow gun."

The sturdy man stood back and let the door open and said, "Go up to the second floor."

When the big man was sitting behind the door again, as he went up a wooden staircase, the hammer said suspiciously: "It shouldn't be like this. It's weird, weird!"

On the second floor, in a hall, only a middle-aged man in his forties was sitting behind a table. When he saw them, he stood up and said directly, "What is needed."

"Guns, scams, cars, and assassination tools, whatever you want, let's take a look."

"Come here."

The middle-aged man opened a door and entered a bedroom. He pressed it in the drawer of a bedside table. With a slight click, he walked to the wall and reached out with a hand to reveal a small door. Afterwards, he pressed a light inside and turned on a light, saying: "It's all inside, the things are not very complete, you choose it yourself."

Gao Yang walked in first and found that the door was a very narrow mezzanine. It was difficult for a person to walk inside and turn around, but the mezzanine was very long, which was 14 to five meters long, and the sides of the mezzanine were all cabinets The cabinet was filled with all the weapons he knew.

Talta waved his hand ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ said to Gao Yang: "Don't be stunned, what do you need to hurry up."

The gun in the darkroom didn't have a Soviet Russian product. Gaoyang took two pistols, one 1911 and one Glock 17, took a rifle, a German one, hk417, and then he was still not satisfied, so he took it again. A real sniper rifle, British goods, awm.

You have to take bullets and grenades. After Gao Yang came out of the mezzanine and looked at his body, he said embarrassedly: "Should I give up some more."

Talta shook his head and gestured to Vasily to get something, and said to the middle-aged man standing next to him: "Are we holding too many things, is it not good to settle the account? We can return it after we run out of things."

The middle-aged man hurriedly said: "No need to pay it! Don't pay it back! I don't want to know what you are going to do with this. In short, don't return it. It doesn't matter. We will get special funds to smooth out these lost things. Please Do n’t send it back, thank you. "

Talta squeezed his chin and said, "Well, what's more energetic about you here? Is there, tell me where." (To be continued.)

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