A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2177: mission

Cesare looked sad, looked at the door of the operating room, and whispered: "Can I go and see Mario first?"

Frank whispered: "No, we have more important things to do, come with me. ㈧㈠ 中文 网 ん ⒈"

Reaching for Cesare, Frank went directly to a small house next door, opened the door with one hand, pushed Cesare into the house, closed the door, and then took out Cesare's mobile phone, whispering: "The mobile phone is for you, call every important person, let them come to the house for a meeting at six this afternoon, and say Mario calls them."

Cesare took his phone and turned on, whispering: "Can I ask what you want to do?"

Frank hesitated and whispered: "I have called Claudio, his plane has taken off, and will come back soon, I told him not to come to the hospital, just go home and wait."

Cesare was shocked. After a moment of stun, he increased the volume and said loudly: "You let Claudio return? Damn, you want him to take over as Cicero's parent!"

Frank's eyes narrowed slightly and whispered: "Is there anything wrong?"

Cesare gritted his teeth and said: "Of course there is a problem! Claudio cannot take over Cicero's parents, you will kill him! Look at the situation now, we are attacked, and even Mario is dead! Crow Dior, he ’s still a big kid, and if you let him take over as Cicero ’s parent at this time, it will kill him! Frank! Listen, if you think about Claudio, you should keep him away from Italy, away Danger!"

Frank stared quietly at Cesare and whispered: "Aren't you going to help me?"

Cesare grabbed Frank's neck collar, lowered his voice, gritted his teeth and said: "Asshole! You can't let Mario's son come back to die, what can he do? Claudio is a grown-up child , A playboy, he can spend billions of dollars to spend his life comfortably, but you let him come back he will die! The correct way is to contact Lorenzo immediately! "

As long as Frank was willing, he could split Cesare into bits and pieces, not to mention Cesare holding the neck collar, but Frank didn't do it. He just whispered: "This is Mario's meaning."

Cesare released his hand and took a step back stupefied, whispering: "No, it's impossible, Mario can't be so stupid, you and I all know what Claudio is like, Frank, you and I Knowing that he did not understand how to lead the Cicero family, Mario tried hard, but Claudio was still a playboy, Mario would not let Claudio take over, no. "

Frank exhaled for a long time, whispering: "Claudio is Mario's son, the only son, Cesare."

Cesare looked dull and Frank whispered: "Mario told me that if he had an accident, Claudio would take over everything. It was said a long time ago, you must help me, now, give them Call and say Mario called everyone to a meeting and do what I said, I know what I am doing. "

Cesare exhaled for a long time. He picked up the phone and dialed the phone out, then said in a calm tone: "At six o'clock this afternoon, there will be a meeting at home."

The tone was the same as before. After making a dozen important calls, Cesare hung up and sighed: "They will definitely come. What will you do next? What is your plan?"

After speaking, Cesare smiled self-deprecatingly and waved: "Forget it, you don't need to say it, I don't need to know."

Frank said calmly: "No, you have to know that my plan is to bring together important people and let them swear allegiance to Claudio, whoever opposes will kill them, and then there will be an internal cleanup. Cleaned up, replaced ours, and loyal to Claudio. "

Cesare was shocked again and said, "You are crazy! Now, at this time, do you want to clean up important members of the Cicero family? The Cicero family can't stand such toss."

Frank said coldly: "How do you know if you don't try it? Maybe you will pay some price, you may lose a part of your strength, but it's better than letting others hand over everything."

The sweat on Cesare's head, he reached out and wiped the sweat, trembling: "Frank, this is likely to be completed. You know that we have many enemies now, very many, if the inside is unstable ... "

Frank whispered: "With two of us helping Claudio, I believe it will succeed."

Cesare smiled self-deprecatingly and whispered: "We two?"

Frank said confidently: "Yes, the two of us, I am in charge of force, you are in charge of intelligence, Claudio is indeed a child who has not grown up, but that is because he did not need to withstand pressure before, now It ’s different, his father is dead, then he has to bear all this and give him time to learn. ”

After talking, Frank patted Cesare on the shoulder and whispered: "You worry that I will kill you? You think too much, Mario never thought that way, never."

Cesare was petrified, whispering: "Have he not?"

"He didn't, never, don't forget, you are Mario's best friend, how could Mario kill his friend, he thought you could take care of Claudio, Cesare, Mali for him after his death Austria trusts you all the time, so you really think too much. "

After talking lightly, Frank patted Cesare on the shoulder and whispered: "Calm down, think about how to do the next thing, do it with me, and use my mind as I did, Mario said , So what to do next I listen to you ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Cesaree took a long breath and shuddered: "Okay, I'm going to see Mario now. "

Frank shook his head and whispered: "It's not for you to watch, wait, wait for the doctor to sew his knife edge, you should calm down, don't be too sad, we have too many big things waiting to be done, I will later Come call you. "

Frank left and closed the door as he left, leaving only Cesare.

Cesare ’s tears remained from his face. He covered his face and wept silently.

Cesare is not only sad, he is more ashamed, it is the sense of shame brought after the betrayal, it turns out that Mario really took him as a friend, not just talking about it, but using actual actions to explain Yes, you can let him and Frank take charge of Claudio, then he is the Minister of Toku.

But Cesare has a more important mission.

After Cesare wept silently for a while, he murmured to himself: "I'm sorry Mario, I'm sorry, but I can't watch the destruction of the Cicero family, I really can't, I'm sorry ..." (To be continued. )

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