A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2171: he is at home

Gao Yang walked out of the bathroom, walked a few steps, reached a door, and reached for a few knocks before pushing the door in. ㈧㈠ 中 Δ 文 网 * ┡⒈

Grabbing a woman who was thrown on the ground, she raised her voice and said: "It's time to end."

The woman was unable to struggle at all, so Yang dragged her into the bathroom and dropped it on the floor. At this time, Tarta waved and said, "Don't stain your shoes, there is blood everywhere."

There was a strong smell of blood in the bathroom, and he waved his hand high, placing his subconscious hand under his nose, but then he removed his hand and frowned, "Why do you get blood everywhere?"

Vasily washed his hands slowly on a faucet and said in a deep voice: "It is more visually impactful and more shocking."

Tarta is like a butcher, pointing at the woman on the ground: "How to deal with this."

Gao Yang spread his hands and said: "You are the experts, of course, you decide."

Tarta thought for a while and said, "Are you going to return her body to Mario?"


"The whole body is too difficult to move, but it is much more convenient to have only one head."

Gao Yang frowned: "Too ... It's too perverted. It's uncomfortable for anyone to take on the task of sending a head over."

Tarta shrugged: "Thirteenth is very suitable for this task, and he will never feel uncomfortable, or, if you want to drive a body to Mario's home, do you think it is more convenient?"

Gao Yang exhaled and said, "Okay, okay, you have the final say."

Tarta turned and went out. When he brought a bone-cutting knife from the kitchen and looked at Gao Yang still standing in the bathroom, he looked strangely: "Are you going to stay and watch?"

Gao Yang quickly raised his hand and said: "No, no, I'm gone, and you will end soon."

Gao Yang left the bathroom and returned to the living room. After sitting down across from Yalebin, he took a long breath and said: "It's hard to imagine what kind of training you had before and what days you lived in."

Yalebin smiled and said: "You can't talk about enjoyment, but it's not sad, just get used to it."

Gao Yang exhaled, and then he whispered: "So, send Mario his daughter's body back, and then give him the picture of his daughter's death, and of course, the picture of tormenting Fatino, I think this The stimulus should be big enough. "

Yalebin slowly said: "Mario still has two sons, which may not irritate him to madness. However, as a means of showing us, it is enough. As long as the video flows out, Mario can no longer Hide. "

Gao Yang exhaled and said, "You will withdraw first in a while, and we will leave after we have done everything."

Yalebin smiled: "You never have to worry about my safety. This is not something you should consider. Hurry up and arrange your traps. Don't waste time on things you shouldn't control. You are a leader. You The thing to consider is to lead the people around you from victory to victory, instead of wasting time on such trivial matters. "

Gao Yang raised his mouth and didn't know how to answer the call. Yalebin suddenly waved and said, "Oh, sorry, I forgot that you never had an assistant, and there was no one to help you deal with these small things. A few-person team does n’t take long even if it ’s trivial, but you really have to be ready to find an assistant for yourself. "

Gao Yang smiled bitterly, he stood up, took out the phone, and then said to Yalebin: "Before I leave, there is a question I want to ask you, so have you ever had an assistant? How many?"

Yalebin smiled: "Of course, I had four deputies."

Gao Yang smiled. When he left, he took the phone and dialed the phone. After the call was connected, he whispered: "Ivan, it's time to withdraw. Remove all the extra staff from Italy."

Ivan surprisedly said: "Retreat now? Are you kidding, Mario hasn't killed it yet? We will get out of control now that we're gone. It's hard for us to come in again!"

Gao Yang pushed the door into his room and said, "No, you have to withdraw, this is a plan, don't worry, Mario must be killed, but we have to let him have the opportunity to come out, and let him impose it now. The pressure will only make him hide deeper. Now is a critical time point. If we do not leave, it may be dangerous. "

Ivan was silent for a moment and said, "Okay, you have the final say, but you have to tell me what the plan is."

Gao Yang laughed: "Of course, I still need you to help me to implement this plan. This is the case. We caught Mario an interrogation expert, his mobile phone is also in our hands, and Mario used this mobile phone to We are positioning, and now, I plan to set up a trap with this phone and leave Mario after leaving a deep impression on Mario. "

"Do n’t make fun of your brother, even if Mario traces the phone, he wo n’t be there in person. You ca n’t use the phone as a trap to lead him out. He just needs to send his men to kill him. What is the use?"

Gao Yang whispered: "There is no way to kill Mario, but a successful trap, killing enough Mario's men can create a big scene, a big scene can put Mario in a state of wind and rain, um, simply come That is to say that it has caused a great deal of blow to Mario ’s prestige, and Mario had to show up to stabilize the turbulent situation of the Cicero family. At that time, we had the opportunity. In short, this is a very complicated plan. Looking back at me I'll explain it to you carefully, but now, bring me the people you have in hand. It doesn't need too much. Twenty are enough. "

Ivan whispered: "Well, I will go by myself, and I will go by today, we will see you later."

Gao Yang hung up the phone, and just as he was about to start specific preparations for the next plan, Justin suddenly rushed out and hurriedly said to him: "Mario, Mario appeared!"

Gao Yang was stunned ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ said: "What? Where is the news, don't you dare to contact the outside world?"

Justin said impatiently: "No need to contact anyone, Mario is on TV!"

Justin walked away, and when he reached his room, he pointed at the TV and said, "Look! Where is he!"

Mario talked to a host holding a microphone on TV, frowning high: "What is he talking about?"

"Everything is a rumor. Italy has recently had a series of terrorist attacks. The terrorists who attacked the law firm have been killed on the spot by the police. He couldn't disclose more things. The truth can only be announced after the police investigation, but it can be confirmed. What's more, the attack on the law firm was a target chosen by terrorists immediately, and the Cicero family was not targeted. "

Gao Yang exhaled and said, "He can really pull it, so clearly against the Cicero family, and so on! Is this his home?"

Justin solemnly said: "Yes, this is the point, Mario was interviewed at home!" (To be continued.)

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