A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2163: Southeast Asian

In the direction of Rome near the Vatican, there are tourists like weavers. The appearance of the two eastern faces of Gao Yang and Li Jinfang is not at all abrupt, and it is normal for Eileen and Lucica to dress up as tourists. It won't be strange. ㈧㈠Chinese website %% ⒈

The main point of this operation is on Raphael, Phoenix and Tarta. They are only preparing to provide support nearby. Grolyov is leading the heavy weapons, which is the main force. Only when he started, or when he encountered a danger, would Grolev lead the support force to a large pressure.

It ’s actually easy to dress up as a tourist. Gao Yang and Li Jinfang had never been to the Vatican before. The two dressed like businessmen in Europe, but just came to play together. Slowly leaned towards the hotel where Angelo might settle.

The south side of the hotel is a university across the road, the east side is a highway roundabout, the north side is a football field, and the west side is a bustling street. In addition to a university, there are many cafes, pizzerias, hotels and the like local.

From the big environment, the hotel is very accessible, but when it is near the hotel, it will appear that although it is the most central and prosperous area in the whole Rome, but the tall trees around the hotel are open fields of grass, which is a noisy A good place to get quiet, although it is in the most central position, but the small environment of the hotel is difficult to get close to, no wonder Angelo will choose such a place to hide.

If they keep swaying around the hotel and there is a football field, it will definitely be found. If you go to the football field and watch it as if you are interested in football, it is reasonable to say that it is a normal thing, but contact In the case of the Cicero family ’s recent crisis, it is not normal.

As long as Angelo's vigilance is high, he sees two yellow men's faces appearing on the football field, and he doesn't speak Italian. Even if he doesn't question anything, he just doesn't play football if he feels wrong. They will also lose a good opportunity, so Gao Yang and Li Jinfang can not be too close to the football field.

So at the end of the tour, Gao Yang and Li Jinfang could only go to the commercial street on the west side of the hotel first, and went into a pizzeria where they could not see the hotel at all.

Gao Yang has already eaten his pizza, but they approached a very famous and very popular pizza place and walked in.

The two asked for a pizza, two cups of coffee, and sat down to wait for the news.

Waiting while eating, about half an hour later, Gao Yang received a call.

The phone call was from Phoenix, and Phoenix was always concise.

"I entered the room, and I could see the court with a good view. There were three people on the court, football one, tennis two, the skunk hasn't come yet, it's over."

Gao Yang whispered: "Okay, I see."

Hanging up the phone, Gao Yang said to Li Jinfang: "Phoenix has successfully moved into the hotel, and her room can indeed see the stadium."

Li Jinfang whispered: "Phoenix looks at the terrain inside the hotel, or tarta."

Gao Yang waved his hand and said: "Talta, Phoenix just watched the stadium, we don't have to rush past, it's good, let's not eat, let's eat."

Li Jinfang glanced at his watch and nodded: "It's 3:30 now, it's too hot, wait until five o'clock and then go play."

Gao Yang nodded and said, "It's too hot, wait five o'clock."

In the summer, it's more than three o'clock when it's hot. It is estimated that Angelo can't play football at this time. The two people are eating and drinking pizza to pass the time.

Gao Yangcai and Li Jinfang left at the pizza restaurant until half past four, and the two continued to hang out on the street. Like other tourists, they seemed interested in everything.

When it was nearly five o'clock, Phoenix called again, and she said briefly: "Seeing the skunk, he warmed up on the football field and chatted with others. There are already seven on the football field except skunk. People, the largest group is three people, unlike the target. "


Gao Yang nodded at Li Jinfang, the two turned and began to walk in the direction of the hotel.

After crossing an alley, he left the crowded street, when Li Jinfang whispered: "Where will Vasily be."

Gao Yang whispered: "I don't know, but he will definitely appear in the right place."

The two chatted all the way and walked from the back of the hotel to the north exit of one of the two entrances of the stadium.

After passing the hotel, it is a cafe, and the cafe is directly opposite the football field, but there are tall trees with dense canopies around the football field, under the trees are thick bushes, even if it is only twenty or thirty meters away, But the stadium is still invisible across the trees, but the cafe is diagonally facing the north gate of the stadium, only a short distance of less than 100 meters.

After seeing the cafe, Li Jinfang smiled and said: "This place is good, we are sitting here waiting, just monitoring the stadium gate."

Gao Yang also laughed: "Okay, this place is good, we sit down and have a cup of coffee."

The best part is that after the time is up, the cafe has placed more than a dozen tables on the sidewalk outside. Under the umbrella, some people are already sitting outside.

The two sat at a table ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ One person asked for a cup of coffee, and the afterglow of his eyes could be seen at the gate of the stadium.

Continue to wait. At about half past five, Tarta called Gao Yang, and he said very calmly, "Now I am in my room, but I was in the hotel lobby just now and saw a group of people leaving At the hotel, there were about forty people, but there were twelve Southeast Asians. Three minutes later, fifteen people left the hotel, including Angelo. Angelo was wearing autumn clothes and other people did not. "

Gao Yang hung up the phone and said to Li Jinfang: "It's stable, it's out, but there are more than a dozen Southeast Asians, which is a bit strange."

Li Jinfang raised his glass and smiled, "The Southeast Asians you said are here."

Talta waited for Angelo to return to his room after leaving, so when Gao Yang received the notice, people who were not far away had already bypassed the stadium and headed towards the cafe where they were. coming.

Gao Yang reached out and wiped his face. When his hand was covering his mouth, he quickly said: "A total of twenty-four people, twelve Southeast Asian faces, four black people, nine white people, four of them look like locals. It looks strange, why is there an Southeast Asian under Angelo's men? "(To be continued.)

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