A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2161: hacker

"I don't know where Mario will hide, but there is another brother in Rome, Angelo, who should be in Rome." ㈧㈠ 中文 ┡ 网 Δ⒈ "

Justin's face pointed out a goal calmly. When the brothers started to fight, he would not hesitate to kill one of them, nor would he have any guilt.

Gao Yang said: "How many brothers do you have?"

"Five, we have a total of six brothers, Mario is the boss, Stefano the second, Andrea the third, Lorenzo the fourth, Angelo the fifth, and I am the smallest one, of which Mali O, Andrea and Angelo live in Rome. "

Gao Yang shook his head and said, "They usually live in Rome, but they will not necessarily stay in Rome now. Obviously, Rome is now the center of the vortex. As long as you escape abroad, you can easily avoid this campaign against Cicero. War of family members. "

Justin nodded: "Yes, it's possible, but Angelo may also stay in Rome, so it's worth trying."

Gao Yang nodded and said, "So who is Angelo more inclined to support? Is it possible to win him over and stand on your side?"

Justin thought for a moment, his face calmly said: "He is not a strong supporter of Mario, but also not my supporter. In fact, my relationship with Angelo is not bad, because he is only a few months older than me. Well, we are half-sisters, but since we have reached the point where we must die, let ’s kill him. "

After speaking, Justin shook his head and said: "If you go abroad, there is no way to arrange a lot of escorts around, so I think Angelo should stay in Rome, but he will be very vigilant after a dead brother. . "

Gao Yang nodded and said: "It doesn't matter, where do you think he will be?"

Justin turned to the computer, zoomed in and out on the satellite map, pointed to a big house on the outskirts of Rome, said: "Here, he is a house, very big and strong, he rarely comes here, but now this In an abnormal state, he may be here, because it is more convenient to arrange a large number of armed escorts, even if there are hundreds of people.

After marking a seat, Justin continued to search on the satellite map, and then he pointed to a point on the map: "Here, is Angelo's residence in Rome. He is the most frequented place, but I don't I think he will be here. "

Continue to move the mouse, and finally Justin put the mouse in a place and said: "Here."

Looking at a building that Justin pointed at like a fan, he frowned high and said, "Here?"

Justin refers to the most central location in Rome, next to the Vatican and close to St. Peter ’s Square.

Justin nodded the screen and said in a deep voice: "Here, this is a five-star hotel, is Angelo's property. He bought this hotel and saw the nearby football stadium? I think he is very It will be possible to live here. "

Exhaling, Justin leaned back and said in a deep voice: "I only know the three addresses of Angelo, and this hotel was bought by him about three years ago. It is completely controlled by him. He can go to The arrangement of hundreds of people in the hotel will not cause concern. The most important thing is that there is a football field nearby! "

As you can see from the satellite pictures, next to the Angelo hotel, there is a sports field with two football fields, a basketball court, and a tennis court.

After staring at him for a moment, he raised his voice and said: "What is important about the football field?"

Justin said in a deep voice: "Angelo loves football and is obsessed with football. He is a life member of the Roman Club. He will definitely watch every game at home in Rome. Then he will play the first half of the football every two days. Generally It ’s the second half, it ’s a wild ball. He never played in the football team he formed. He prefers to play with people he does n’t know, because then no one will let the ball or his feet show mercy because of his identity. , Angelo's game is very good. "

After speaking, Justin pointed to the computer and said, "Here, there is a football field. Every day, there are a lot of amateur teams or teams temporarily formed by fans to play football. I think why Angelo does n’t live here. What about? "

Gao Yang thought for a moment and said, "Do many people know this habit of Angelo?"

"No, very few people know Angelo's habit, and the outside world certainly doesn't."

Gao Yang immediately said: "Then go to investigate here, if he is here, just kill him here, we can find a very good opportunity on the football field."

Justin nodded, then cracked on the computer, waved his hand, and was very disappointed: "The hotel is still in operation, and it can still accept online reservations, although Angelo stayed in his hotel. You can choose to stop business, but that will expose yourself more obviously, so the hotel is still in business and cannot explain where Angelo is not. "

Gao Yang turned around and said to everyone in the room that he was listening attentively: "Phoenix, pretend to be a tourist and live in that hotel to investigate, can it be done?"


Gao Yang looked at Tarta and Vasily again, and said: "In order to be safe, you two should probably go in to investigate."

Tarta said: "I'm going."

Justin said: "Then book a room online now, or open a room directly at the hotel? If it is a reservation, is it safer to wait until tomorrow to stay in."

Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "No, no, we have a better way. Since this hotel is still open and accepting reservations, let ’s first take a look at which rooms in this hotel are open to the outside world ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Maybe I knew Angelo was gone. "

While talking to Justin, Gao Yang was making a call, and after waiting for the call to connect, he whispered: "Little Downey, there is a hotel in Rome that is open and accepts online reservations. Let Elisha Black go in and check. Check it and tell me what's happening, it's better to be faster. "

Hanging up the phone, Gao Yang said to Justin: "Now is the era of network information, then we should take some ways to keep up with the times."

Justin said: "If you have a good enough hacker, then this is indeed a simple and effective method."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Of course, we have the best hackers."

Waiting less than ten minutes, Gao Yang's phone rang. After he connected, he heard Downey Jr. said: "Hei went in and found some information. There are 17 rooms free, but the entire top floor is on the seventh floor. The 8th floor is locked and does not accept any reservations. If you want information for each tenant, you need to wait a little longer. "

Gao Yang put down the phone and said to everyone: "Which hotel is Angelo in? It should be like this." (To be continued.)

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