A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2157: See the clouds

Justin looked at Yalebin with a shocked look, but Yalebin said indifferently: "There is nothing new under the sun. The so-called power struggle is nothing more than these tossing routines. Continue. ㈧㈠ 中文 网 Δ ん⒈ ”

Justin nodded and said in a deep voice: "When my father summoned all his brothers to his room and announced that I was the heir, my other brothers were shocked but expressed their obedience to their father. And kissed my father's hand one after another, but just when Mario expressed his position, Mario said, father, you are really confused. "

Yalebin smiled and said, "What then?"

Justin spread his hands and said: "He pulled out his pistol when he was talking. I didn't expect that he would carry a gun when he saw his father, so I couldn't resist. At that time, I was standing on the side of my father's bed. Mario and they Several stood on the other side of the bed, and Mario pointed the gun directly at me. "

Yalebin smiled and said, "He failed to kill you?"

Justin exhaled and said: "No, when Mario suddenly pulled out the gun, I realized that it was not good, but there was a bed between me and Mario, and I had only my father's assistant for many years. The father's most trusted person, when Mario pulled the gun, I immediately hid behind the assistant. Then, I pushed my father's assistant to the door. Mario shot and he hit my shoulder. When I reached the door, he killed his father's assistant, and I opened the door and ran out. "

Yalebin sighed and said, "So, is there no guard at your father?"

Justin nodded and said, “Yes, there is outside the door, but who can shoot at Mario? Before my father ordered it, I did n’t bring a bodyguard at all, because I did n’t need it from my father, and I really did n’t. I thought he would give me the position of parent, otherwise I would definitely bring a lot of bodyguards. "

"So you ran out?"

"So I ran out. I knew Mario would n’t stop here. I was shot and my shoulders were bleeding all the time, but I did n’t dare to go back to my home because I knew Mario would send someone to stop me. So I did n’t go home and called my people and asked them to pick me up and protect my family, but everything was too late ... "

Yalebin sighed and said to Gao Yang next to him: "If you don't care about your position, Mario's hands are so beautiful. He wants to be the parent of the Cicero family, so he is ready for everything. If the heir is him, then you do n’t have to do anything. If the heir is not him, then get rid of it, and then uproot the heir ’s power, everything is done. Of course, if Mario has the marksmanship like you, then everything is already long ago. ended."

Gao Yang thought for a moment, and had to admit that Mario was really beautiful in this matter. Although Mario's marksmanship was a bit worse, he was finally unable to kill Justin at the time.

"Yes, Mario did a really good job. He almost succeeded. In fact, although he didn't kill Justin, he also succeeded. If he didn't force us into it."

Yalebin nodded, then said to Justin: "Okay, you can go on, after you fled? What happened?"

Justin lowered his head and whispered: "My wife and children were arrested. As soon as I went out, my people were killed by rioting guns. Finally, only two people from other places rushed to Rome and drove I picked it up from a small clinic, and when we fled from Rome, one was caught and the other betrayed me. When he took someone to the place where I was hiding, I was not too far away Looked at them in my place, and then until I went to Iceland, I was running away and hiding. Of course, a lot of things happened during the period. I want to use money. Now that my account is empty, I want to use the original construction. Intelligence channel, but it attracted Mario ’s people. At that time, I realized that I was over. "

Yalebin said very seriously: "So, is there no one to contact you? Or that what your father should and must hand over to you, the things that can lead the Cicero family, will no one give you?"

Justin shook his head slightly and said softly: "No, even if there is, how can they contact me, all my communication methods are no longer safe."

Yalebin exhaled and said, "So, with your understanding, what will your father leave you?"

After Justin thought for a long time, he shook his head: "I don't know, money? It's unlikely, always secretly armed? It's even more impossible. The Cicero family's industry is public or semi-public. We can't build a human. Uneasy armed, this is not the practice of the modern family, and intelligence channels are also impossible, so I really do n’t know what I should get. "

Yalebin said helplessly: "Your father's assistant must know, but unfortunately he was killed by Mario, or you were killed, if you did not use him as a shield, then he would not die, As long as you die, your father ’s assistant will naturally only give Mario or other brothers what your father left you ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Justin also said helplessly: "If I do n’t take him as a shield, then I am dead now, even if I know what else to use? But thinking about it now, I actually regret it. If I did n’t run at that time, my family would n’t die, should n’t it ... ”

Yalebin closed his eyes, and after a moment of contemplation, he leaned his head on the sand, a thoughtful look on his face, and whispered: "There must be something for you, there must be, otherwise Mario You wo n’t have to find out and kill you after mastering the power of the Cicero family, so this thing will be in your hands as long as you are alive and appearing. If so, it ’s not without life. Things can only be people, only talents will appear in front of you when you appear, even if your father ’s assistant dies. ”

After closing his eyes and talking to himself, Yalebin opened his eyes and pointed to Justin: "You have power. Your power comes from a person or some people left by your father." , A person is unlikely to help you make a comeback, it can only be a few people or many people, these people can not just be used to fight the war, because as long as there are rich mercenaries or killers, then it can only be West The Cerro family can be absolutely controlled, and the position is critical. The particularly important person! Where does the Cicero family come from? Intelligence! In this way, the answer is obvious. "(To be continued.)

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