A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2142: Thunder

The obstacles are cleared and you can start.

Gao Yang was a little nervous, but also very excited, and more was the thrill of revenge.

After sitting up from the bed, Gao Yang began to put on the clothes he had just bought him. Although he felt a little ill, he was driven by extremely strong hatred, and he felt that there was no problem with his actions.

After putting on his clothes, Gao Yang opened the door, and Li Jinfang, who was armed with a gun outside, turned his head to look at him, and whispered, "Woke up so early?"

"Wake up, and ask everyone to come over, you can do it."

"Can you do it? So fast?"

After asking Jin Jinfang very uncertainly, Gao Yang nodded with a smile: "Yes, Da Yiwan has helped us clear all obstacles and can start."

Li Jinfang nodded and said on the intercom: "Get up, guys, get up, we have to act, leave two people on alert, and the others will gather here at the head."

Gao Yang didn't wait long in the room. Everyone except Cui Bo and Jensen arrived. Gao Yang raised his hand and said in a deep voice: "Mario asked for peace, I refused, and Iwan refused."

After finishing the opening remarks, Gao Yang gritted his teeth and said: "Mario deceived us, digged Yake's eyes, and maimed Jesse, and maimed James. Just let him go, can anyone else knead Satan and lose money? So, when Mario chose to start the war, I had to decide when the truce would be fair. "

Elin shouted: "Fight! You must kill the bitch!"

Gao Yang's grinning smile: "The most annoying, Mario did not apologize. He even thought that we could send us away with just one sentence. It seems that our Satan's name is really not loud enough!"

Laughing angrily, which was mocking Mario, and also self-deprecating smiled, raised his hand and said, "Now, Ivan is about to start, this is our business, and Ivan can't be idle when he starts If you ca n’t find Mario, just pick a few active targets and show your attitude. "

Grolev said: "On the 13th in Milan, he was with the lion and Medusa. On the 13th, I called me. I didn't notify you when I saw you sleeping."

Gao Yang thought for a while and said, "The thirteenth will not go aimlessly. Since he is in Milan, it means that Milan is worth the goal. Let's start with him. I will call him and ask him where What are the goals. "

Speaking, Gao Yang dialed the phone, and after waiting for the 13th call, Gao Yang said with an enthusiasm: "Leonard, we are about to start, do you find any goals in Milan?"

On the 13th, he immediately said: "Yes, Mario's eldest daughter. She runs a luxury company and is one of Mario's public industries. This is the closest goal we have found in Milan to Mario's relationship."

Gao Yang said without hesitation: "Kill her."

On the 13th, he said faintly: "Mario loves his grandson very much. I think it's more appropriate to kill all three of his daughter's family. The three of us happened to work at the same time without delay."

Gao Yang said without hesitation: "Just do it, using Mario's daughter's family as the opening speech."

On the thirteenth, he smiled and said, "I thought you would ask Mario's grandson how old is his sweet wife.

. "

Gao Yang's mouth twitched and said: "I care how old he is. I warned Mario at the time. I said he would regret it. Of course, whoever is important to him will kill him. My mother will control his grandson! I warned him! Now no one in the Mario family is innocent. "

Laughing on the 13th: "Then I still tell you well, his grandson is seventeen years old, a very popular playboy, sunshine, handsome, he will die a lot of girls when he dies."

Gao Yang exhaled and said: "Very well, after you kill Mario's daughter's family, go to find other targets as soon as possible, I will not give you specific targets, how can you come easily."

He hung up the phone with a click, Gao Yang rubbed his forehead, and said to everyone in the room: "The rest is our business, now we know too little about Mario, so, who knows what we should do Start? "

Talta said confidently: "I don't know, so I will attack Mario's public industry now. When we are almost done. When the people who watch the opportunity secretly know our means and determination, someone will take the initiative to tell Things we do n’t know. "

Gao Yang snapped his fingers, but his hands were boring, and the next snap was neither loud nor utterly simple.

Gao Yang's unbelief continued to ring his fingers several times in a row, and finally satisfied himself, he said loudly: "Okay, open industry is easy to find, ask immediately, let's go."

Talta raised his hand and said, "Wait a minute, I and Vasily will act alone. As you are the main battle force, I and Vasily will move freely and take action against any target that can be started. This is more efficient ~ www .novelmtl.com ~ Gao Yang touched his hair and nodded: "OK! "

Vasily said in a deep voice: "Yalepin is alone in Rome, you can be with him, you need his experience."

Gao Yang immediately said: "Yes, I will go to meet Yalebin, or invite him to come."

Tarta said with a serious face: "We may have intelligence channels to know what public industries Mario has to attack. I will inform you of more intelligence. Now we will not delay the time and leave."

After speaking, Tarta shook his head at Vasily, and the two left the room immediately.

After watching the two of the Black Devil leave, Gao Yang smiled and said, "It is estimated that after we kill like this, Mario's response will be very tough. Guys, we have the most people, but they are also the most dangerous. Be vigilant, Yake, you immediately ask if we have any goals to start with. "

Yack nodded and said, "Okay, I'll contact you now."

At this moment, Gao Yang's phone rang. After he connected the phone, he said, "Ivan, what's the matter?"

Ivan emphasized on the phone with calm but overwhelming complacency: "Hi, my brother, I started to do something. Although it doesn't make much sense, I still want to inform."

"Yeah, it's time to start, are you ready?"

"What I want to say is that I have broken through Andrea Cicero ’s home, killed thirty-two guards, and captured Andrea and his wife, and Andrea ’s Boy, now, I want them to kneel down to kill them and shoot them. That ’s all I want to tell you, oh, forget, Andrea is Mario ’s third brother, Mario ’s **** supporter. "

Gao Yang looked at his watch in shock, and said, "It's been less than five minutes." (To be continued.)

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