A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2140: The rescue ends and revenge begins.

Grolev took out the satellite satellite phone of Gao Yang and handed it to Gao Yang who was still excited to bring Fatino out. He whispered, "Take the phone away on the 13th and give it to me , Less than five minutes after he returned to your residence and took your phone, Mario ’s people followed. "

Gao Yang took the phone and said with emotion: "It's dangerous, but this time it was done well on the 13th. I didn't expect him to escape."

Speaking with Grolev, Gao Yang took the phone and said, "I'll call Ivan first."

Ivan's phone number was dialed, and after Ivan was connected, he was very pleased and said: "Oh, Ram, I'm really glad you finally woke up."

Gao Yang whispered: "I'm also very happy that I woke up, man, how is the situation now, I heard that the scene is very big."

Ivan sighed and said, "Now the situation is very complicated and very complicated, so I have suspended all actions here and are still on the sidelines. Opinions within the Italian government are not unified. At present, the power of advocacy has prevailed. But Mario is still actively operating, hoping to help the Italian government to help, and if the Italian government is really going to end in person, we can only use more intense means to deter, if you ca n’t scare, then there is no way, Can only be withdrawn. "

Gao Yang was taken aback, and said: "The Italian palace will stand on Mario's side and enter in person? I mean, they are not playing the role of police, but are they going to stand on Mario's side and send someone directly to fight?"

"For now, yes, I don't know what price Mario has paid, but the price will not be small."

Gao Yang embarrassed: "If Italy wants to shoot directly, instead of playing the role of a fire brigade, then you have to withdraw, Ivan."

Ivan smiled and said, "No, not necessarily. The situation is really complicated now, but we may not be able to fight Mario in Italy. I sent a few bombs and they have not detonated, If Italy wants to help Mario, we will burn the war to ordinary people, and the Cicero family is very strong, but if the real swords and guns are done, they ca n’t do it! They are most likely to engage in assassinations. The real hard-fought intelligence dealers are not. Now we are here to die. The Cicero family dare not take their lives to accompany us. "

After a few nonchalant words, Ivan continued: "So it depends on the attitude of the Italian government. As long as the Italian government does not directly take preventive measures, we are not afraid! How many underground forces in Italy are staring So, we do n’t grab the interest, we just stare at the people of the Cicero family! If we kill the people, we will withdraw. This will be welcomed by the Italian forces. As long as we can kill Mario, the Cicero family will become Prey, we will have many free helpers to join this siege of the Cicero family! "

Gao Yang thought about it, and Ivan said that it is really possible. The Cicero family has existed for hundreds of years, and the accumulated wealth is enough to cause many people to covet. When a large family falls, there will be countless people to eat, so Xi The great wealth of the Cerro family is not only capital, but also the cause of disaster.

The Cicero family ca n’t have no allies, but it ’s also impossible to lack enemies. Just the Cicero family ’s legitimate industry, I do n’t know how many people are thinking about it. If the big Ivan does not rob the Cicero family, Not robbing business or any wealth, just staring at the members of the Cicero family to die, it really attracted many helpers.

The vast majority of wars, dare not say all, at least the vast majority of wars are due to interests, and the special thing about this war between Great Ivan and Mario is that it is not caused by interests, but purely because of The battle of will, or the battle of revenge.

So, it was aimed at the Cicero family, but it did not involve interests. It was another cross-industry gangster. After a gangster with enough strength took the hair and started the war, as long as the Cicero family fell, how many people could eat enough , How many people will take the opportunity to share a piece of soup.

Gao Yang didn't speak. After thinking for a while, he whispered: "So, what are the specific things, how should we do it, how can we cooperate."

Ivan said in a deep voice: "Of course, you can still leave safely. This war is because you launched it. If you died here in the end, what significance does this war have? Until now, the Italian side No final decision has been made, but the troops they have sent have been recovered. Taking advantage of this precious buffer period, you leave Sicily as soon as possible and first arrive at a relatively safe place. "

"Okay, we will leave as soon as possible, what happens afterwards?"

Yi Fan smiled and said: "After? It depends on you how to do it afterwards. Now we have to fight in this battle. Based on what I know about you, wouldn't you just leave?"

Gao Yang looked down at his crotch, and then he sighed and whispered: "Just now, I was peeing my pants again, man, I was tortured miserably, miserable, really miserable, Yack was The man digs an eye, let me look at it, dig him an eye, the two of us are crippled, and one of them does not know whether he can survive, I was invited by Mario to meet him Yes, it was not to fight him. "

After speaking slowly, Gao Yang shook his fist and said in a deep voice: "Ivan, it is you who changed, what would you do?"

Yi Fan smiled and said, "It goes without saying, just chant, and it's finished."

Gao Yang also smiled and said: "Yes, it is dry, until death, either Mario and his Cicero family are finished, or we are finished."

Ivan was silent for a moment, and suddenly said: "What about Justin? Where is he? In this incident ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Do you think Justin was involved?"

Ivan asked what Gao Yang had thought about countless times when he was tortured.

Why does Mario believe that Gao Yang knows where Justin is?

It was this that made Mario determined to take Gao Yangzhu back to work again, saying that it had nothing to do with Justin, Gao Yang did not believe it. If it was not Justin, Mario did n’t even know his existence, so the matter was for this. , Gao Yang must doubt whether Justin deliberately set up a suit to let Mario deal with him, and then involved him and suffered an indiscriminate disaster.

But till now, Gao Yang still doesn't know the answer, so he just said lightly: "I don't know, now I don't know where Justin is, nor what role he played in this matter. Now, let's deal with it first. Good things, unless Justin never shows up, as long as he shows up, let him give me an explanation. "

Yi Fan said in a deep voice: "So, get revenge first?"

Gao Yang resolutely said: "Yes, retaliate first. Since the rescue operation is over, then start the retaliatory action immediately and try your best to retaliate." (To be continued.)

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