A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2118: Give a hint

Mario was angry and disappointed. He would leave as soon as he turned around.

Gao Yang was a little panicked. There was no way to stay calm. As soon as Mario left, he had to continue to be abused.

Very early, long ago, after seeing Yake and the thirteenth and how the black devil tortured, Gao Yang vowed never to let himself fall into the captivity. When the situation was not good, he shot himself. Nor should he be a prisoner of human slaughter.

But this time, Gao Yang really lost Jingzhou. He overturned the boat in the gutter and was held his head with a gun at a dinner party.

If Gao Yang was desperate to resist being beaten to death, it would be a good end. Unfortunately, at this time, people always have to first try to rescue themselves, instead of committing suicide immediately. Situation, he was controlled by people and was entertained by torture.

Now, if there is still a chance for Gao Yang, he will definitely not hesitate to shoot himself, even without a gun, as long as he can die, he will have no chance.

So watching Mario go, Gao Yang was really a little flustered, because he was really afraid of pain and being tortured to the point of saying everything.

Because there are so many secrets in Gao Yang ’s mind that are too many to be exposed, the matter of the Great Ivan, the matter of the nuclear bomb, the matter of Morgan, the matter of Satan, what green terrorist organization, what diamond mine, in Somalia He really knows too much about the things he does, the transactions that Ukraine does, and so on.

The most important thing is the foundation of the people of Satan, the residence of the families of these people, these things are pretending to be what happened in their heads, but these things must be known by Mario, they are strange goods and there are absolutely very The intelligence that many people want to buy is worth a lot of money and can kill the intelligence of many people.

And the worst thing is that Gao Yang really does not know where Justin is, so Fatino will open a breakthrough from other directions, from small things, from drinking Justin has nothing to do, if there are dates, no dates, three shots, maybe there will be These repertoires understand what is gained, so he must never let himself be tortured and be told all secrets.

"Wait! Wait! Don't go! Mr. Cicero, don't go, you think I know Justin's whereabouts, and you think I'm lying, why? Please give me a hint, please, give me a hint, I ’m really baffled because I did n’t lie at all. If you ask like this, you will never get the answer you really want. Let ’s be honest and give a hint, ca n’t we? ”

Gao Yang was really distressed, so he hoped Mario could give him a hint, why, and why did Mario believe that he had a connection with Justin.

Mario turned around, staring at Gao Yang, coldly saying: "It's said that the Ram is a person with special loyalty. I believe it now. By this time, you still have to hide for Justin, right?"

Gao Yang hurriedly said: "No, absolutely no, you are wrong, look at me like a man who keeps a mouthful for a friend? Bah! Justin is not my friend at all! Dude, give a chance, give a hint, Really maybe there is a misunderstanding between us. "

Mario exhaled and stared at Gao Yang slowly: "Justin had escaped long ago, beckoning him to be lucky, and he hid in a place where no one knew, even his faithful men before. , I grabbed one of them, and it was only after the doctor tortured him for a long time that the guy was willing to tell Justin ’s whereabouts. "

Gao Yang said angrily: "You know me and ask me? What does this have to do with me!"

Mario continued slowly: "Doing our business, trust is very, very precious. Justin does not trust anyone, but Justin trusts you! He once gave you 100 million US dollars, which is consistent with what you said, However, Justin has only a total of more than 120 million US dollars in his hands. After all he has failed, he can only make a comeback if he wants to return this 100 million US dollars or get your help. "

With a stunned expression on his face, Mario continued: "So, the man said, Justin's only contact is you, he watched Justin call you, if anyone in the world can know Justin's whereabouts , Then only you. "

Gao Yang stunned: "What logic do you have? He trusts me? He trusts me to lose contact with me? I didn't even receive any calls from him. Justin suddenly disappeared, okay, if I still have him What is the contact, why should I ask you to buy intelligence? "

Mario said angrily: "You think I'm a fool, you ask me to buy intelligence, isn't it to approach me and then try to kill me? Isn't this just the result of Justin asking you for help?"

Gao Yang is very helpless. If Mario really believes that he has no contact with Justin, he has already been tortured to tell too many secrets that should not be said.

Mario exhaled, and said with a somber face: "Now, Justin doesn't know anyone, and his men only know that he is probably hiding in France or Britain, and Justin once sent you a message to tell you Where he is and the new contact information, only the contact information that he and you know, the contact information that even his men do n’t know, is not the phone you gave me, because that was the one he used before! "

Gao Yang stunned: "I am your mother! Mario! My second mother!"

Gao Yang is desperate, because the nonsense can't be edited, and the people who make it up don't believe it. As long as he can't tell Justin's true whereabouts, Mario will inevitably torture him to death. In that case, it is better to hurry up and talk. Asking for a bargain, I can say a few words.

Mario said coldly: "Curse it ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ You will cry soon, please scold it as you curse it out."

Mario turned and walked away. After a long, angry rout at Fatino outside the door, the door reopened and Fatino walked in alone.

After closing the door with his backhand, Fatino spread his hand at Gao Yang and smiled: "Are you satisfied? I am very satisfied because I can slowly punish you in the way I like."

What Gao Yang can do is to swear, swear Mario, and Fatino in front of him.

Fatino slowly cut the clothes on Gao Yang's body with a knife.

Peeled off with exquisite glance, Fatino said fiercely: "You wait, I will let you know what is the most painful end in the world, you are over, you are completely over, bah, bah!"

Gao Yang spit hard, and Fatino slowly thrust a needle knife into Gao Yang's arm. In the sudden and sharp scream of Gao Yang, he smiled and said: "Continue to scold, can't speak with pain? Do n’t stop, please continue to scold, let me see if you are tough. "(To be continued.)

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