A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2099: Mobile ammunition depot

Gao Yang asked many people's voices.

Having said that, Yuri really does not look like an engineer. It does n’t look like it. It does n’t look like anything. Not to mention Gao Yang ca n’t see it. The group of people who did n’t know how long they spent with Yuri did n’t even see it. come out.

Walviksky pointed at Yuri, crying with a sad face, and said loudly: "Look, you guys look at it, he looks like an engineer there? Have you ever seen an engineer who eats five or more people? Have you ever seen no food?" Engineer? Who can guess if he did n’t say it himself? "

Now people look at Yuri like a monster, and a person is full of surprises and exclaims: "I asked him where he works, he said that in a construction company, well, I really thought he was a construction worker, but I did n’t expect him to be an engineer, who can think of it. "

The Cossack cavalry was once the most powerful force in Russia. In modern times, the Cossack cavalry has lost its original role. However, during the Second World War, the Cossack cavalry still participated in the war and showed bravery. Come alive.

In general, although the glory and habits of the past have been lost, the overall impression of the Cossacks is still very tough. This has not changed.

Gao Yang said to Yuri: "You really don't look like a Cossack."

Everyone nodded collectively, but Yuri smiled: "My father said the same."

Gao Yang looked around and whispered to Walviksky: "Let everyone go, I have something to say to Yuri alone."

The wizard was surprised, and he waved at Gao Yang, saying: "Come here."

Gao Yang followed the wizard and walked away from the crowd.

The wizard said inexplicably: "What's the matter, what do you want to do?"

Gao Yang smiled and said: "You don't want to fight me again, man, don't bring this."

The wizard immediately raised his hand and said: "Do n’t get me wrong, it ’s just a construction engineer. If it ’s not because of his size and appearance, what ’s special? Do we need an engineer? Of course not, there are too many engineers, I just want to ask you What are you doing? ".

Gao Yang scratched his head and said, "Well, you guessed right, I want him."

The wizard said helplessly: "Are you crazy? What are you going to do with such a person? He won't fight. Seeing how he looks, is he suitable to be a mercenary? Do you have any reason to want him?"

Gao Yang thought for a while and said, "There is no special reason. I like him very much. Don't get me wrong. It's not that kind of like. I just think this guy is very suitable for Satan."

The wizard waved his hand and shook his head: "Forget it, man, dispel this idea, think about it, he can't do anything in Satan, and his size and appearance will become an icon of a mercenary group, if you let He joined Satan, and he could be recognized immediately wherever he went. Do you think it was appropriate? ".

Gao Yang scratched his head and said helplessly: "This is indeed a problem, but I really want him."

The wizard spread his hand and said: "I'm not trying to rob you, you have to understand this, I just think you should be more careful when choosing people."

Gao Yang glanced back, then whispered: "Brother, look at this guy, how strong do you think he is."

"What's the use of strength? Is there any use of strength in modern warfare?".

Gao Yang slapped his hand and said, "Yes! Think about it, where is our continuous firepower limited? Ammunition, we are just a few people, everyone has their own things to do, and everyone brings their own must Equipment, so when we leave the car or logistic operations, Tommy ’s cannon can only shoot six shells at most, because he can only carry six shells at most, and the big dog does not carry any excess things. We can bring 2,000 rounds of bullets, no matter how much we ca n’t bring them at all, and others are very limited in bringing bullets for big dogs. "

After speaking, Gao Yang looked back at Yuri with a fanatical expression: "Even if he doesn't know anything, just be a mobile ammunition depot, do you think he can bring a few mortar shells? Ten sure is that OK?"

The wizard pouted: "From this perspective, he is really useful, but is it just doing this?"

Gao Yang laughed: "You can train him, don't you think this guy is very smart? Others are engineers, there must be some learning ability, the most important thing is that I appreciate his character, I think this guy is quite reliable."

The wizard waved his hand and said, "I just remind you that if you have an idea, let it be yours."

Gao Yang said embarrassedly: "I thought you were going to grab someone from me. I didn't expect you to be kind. I apologize to you and thank you for your reminder."

The shaman waved his hand and said, "He is also in that row. In addition, people have not agreed to be mercenaries with you. Don't forget that the big guy is an engineer. He doesn't necessarily want to be a mercenary. of."

"Ask, just ask to know."

Gao Yang strode toward Yuri, standing before and after Yuri, and said straight away: "Hi, Yuri, ask you a question, are you willing to make a lot of money by fighting? Very dangerous, but you can really make a lot of money, Straightforward, I am a mercenary, and I want to invite you to my mercenary regiment. "

Yuri frowned, saying, "Mercenary? How much money can I make?"

Gao Yang laughed: "How much do you want?"

"The more the better, I don't know how much I can make ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ so there is no psychological expectation."

Gao Yang thought for a moment and nodded: "The monthly salary will give you fifteen thousand dollars, whether you fight so much every month, but as long as you participate in the battle, it will definitely give you extra money. I can only say that the battle allowance is The monthly salary will be much higher, many, many, I ca n’t tell you the specific amount now, because it depends on your performance, um, there is a condition, I will first give you a settlement fee of 100,000 US dollars. "

Yuri said slowly: "My father often said that if he had an opportunity, he would have to seize it. That's it."

Gao Yang said with a serious face: "But I have to say well in advance, wherever I go, I have to obey all orders. If you reappear today, I will kill you. This is not a joke."

Yuri stretched out a big fan-like hand and nodded, "I'm sure, I'm not usually an impulsive person, sir, can I ask where to go?".

"All over the world, it's time to go to Somalia."

Yuri smiled and shook his hands high: "There is no problem other than being a little hot." (To be continued.)

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