A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2096: Just stick in the crowd

For Gao Yang, what kind of work he takes with a gun is not a problem for him.

Both the Zhengfu Army and the Militia have a stable line of defense, and the two sides have a buffer zone of more than a kilometer, so when they first started to catch up, they did not have to worry too much about encountering the enemy.

Hurrying forward for hundreds of meters, Gao Yang said to several soldiers who were guarding behind a house: "Have you seen a big guy running past?"

A man in his old age pointed in the direction and shouted: "Are you talking about Yuri? Seeing what happened, we called him and ignored him, too late to stop."

Fighting is a very serious matter. As long as the defensive position is not received, even if the sky falls, it cannot be withdrawn. If it is withdrawn, it is against the military order. What should I do if I leave the position without permission and the enemy comes in through the gap? At that time, the people here must not stop the violent brave man.

Gao Yang stopped and shouted, "His dog was killed by the enemy."

"Snow White was blown to death? Hell, hell!"

Gao Yang nodded and said, "Are you the leader here? Do you know where the enemy's mortar is?"

"All the front is occupied by the enemy, about a kilometer. I didn't find the enemy's mortar, but listening to the sound, it seems that it is in that area, and Yuri also ran over there."

"Understood, bye."

Asked briefly, Gao Yang stretched out his hand, and the four continued to run forward.

"I found him! Where!"

Phoenix shouted, and she pointed to a position. After looking around, she found that the strong man had folded back from the front and started running to the side.

If you leave the village on the outskirts of the city, it must be farmland, and the problem with the farmland is that it is very wide, and the field of vision is particularly good. If you are planted with high crops such as corn, most of the fields are now low wheat or simply. Abandoned, the huge and strong man is particularly prominent in the farmland.

"The straight line is about 800 meters away. What does he want to do, he is running parallel to the enemy's defense line, Fak! This **** idiot, he's dead!"

After Gao Yang said a few words in a hurry, he saw that the strong man turned again and rushed towards the enemy's position.

The enemy is of course invisible. In the stalemate of the two armies, it is a paradise for snipers. Why do everyone have to stay in the back of the house or in the ditch, because the big swings will become the target.

Already close to the enemy's defense line, looking at shrubs and fruit trees and farmland everywhere, but the deadly threat was hiding in it.

Gao Yang hesitated and said, "That big man is not dead yet. There should be no snipers here. Let's follow, take a closer look, spread out, stay alert, and retreat in danger."

After speaking, Gao Yang waved his hand and the four continued to chase forward.

While running, Gao Yang paid attention to observe. After a month of training, Lilia has finally gotten away from the stage of Baiding who was killed on the battlefield. Now she at least understands that she is bent down and interspersed forward with a small zigzag route. , And also know to observe all the time.

As for Phoenix, it goes without saying that she is a veteran. Apart from the difference in gender, she is no different from any qualified veteran, even her long hair is tied in a hat, trying not to make herself appear to be any other person. What's special.

Going forward a few hundred meters quickly again, Gao Yang saw the figure of the strong man again. He seemed to be looking for something, rushing left and right.

"No enemies? This is very abnormal, why is he not dead yet?"

The strong man has reached the enemy's position. At this time, no one is shooting at the strong man. This is really abnormal.

Finally, things started to become normal.

Someone opened fire, and the strong man held the machine gun and continued to run. Although the gunshots continued to sound, the strong man ran and jumped, and was never hit.

"The enemy is on his right!"

Gao Yang shouted, and then Phoenix said immediately: "Whether to provide support!"


The distance was still far away, and Gao Yang's automatic rifle had insufficient range, and upon receiving Gao Yang's order, Phoenix immediately opened fire.

She lay on the ground, adjusted her sights after reaching out, and quickly fired a shot, followed by a second shot after adjusting it.


A sniper who can quickly provide support is not bad.

Snipers are not the same as snipers. Some snipers can provide cover. Some snipers are good at lurking for a long time to shoot a deadly shot, but it is not possible to let him shoot after a few hundred meters. Everyone is different from what they are good at, and their habits are different.

And Phoenix is ​​the kind of sniper that Yang likes and the kind of sniper Satan needs.

The continuous rapid shooting of Phoenix, of course, is not as high as the rate of fire, because she uses a rotary pull-back rifle, but for the rotary pull-back rifle, or long-range shooting, Phoenix ’s speed is indeed not slow, and the hit rate is very high .

The strong man was also firing with a machine gun. He shot while running, sandwiched the machine gun under his arm, and ran his machine gun while shooting, so if he could hit him, hell.

If Grolev is a machine gun artist, even this apprentice is not even an apprentice. At best, it is a child who has just walked in a kindergarten, which is a small class of machine gun kindergarten.

As for Lilia, she hasn't finished aiming yet, she hasn't fired yet.

"Did you find your goal? Aim, just follow what I taught you, fire, oops, do n’t worry, do n’t worry, slow down your breath ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Adjust your mind, calm down, aim at your goal, run Moving enemies is too difficult for you to find stationary targets. "

Phoenix was shooting in a snap, Lilia couldn't shoot slowly, and Cui Bo hurriedly taught her, and Lilia became more nervous.

As for the strong man, instead of escaping, he met the enemy.

The enemy ’s line of defense is not much, at most it is like a class. Although the strong man ’s machine gun is not at all a problem, but with Phoenix ’s precise support on the side, he is still not dead.

"My Faak! He's going to the enemy. Does he really want to bury the dog."

Gao Yang was speechless, but at this moment, he knew why the strong man rushed forward, because there were two trucks over there.

The cornflower mortar is too heavy to be disassembled like a normal mortar and a few people carry it away, so it is most common to install the cornflower mortar on a truck and pull it away.

The problem is, generally speaking, the mortar group is protected by infantry, so the strong man is so rushing, but it is just piling into the enemy's heap. (~ ^ ~)

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