A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1985: Just show off

Gao Yang knew that there was a love between Knight and Alexander, but he did not expect that Knight even knew Alexander before and could even be regarded as a friend.

"What the **** are you doing? I'm completely messed up now."

Looking at the puzzled Gao Yang, Alexander laughed: "Nothing, everything happened is normal, my appearance opened a window for Knight, so he decided to retire and leave the German Wehrmacht he thought he had completely fallen, Establishing an army that meets his requirements, then there is the Angel Mercenary Corps.

Gao Yang waved his hand and shouted: "Why did he want to kill the aurora and kill you?"

Alexander laughed: "Because he wanted to prove that he was right, I was wrong, but now, I think Knight has realized that he is wrong, he personally admitted that you are his friend."

"What do you mean?"

"He admits that you are his friend. Is it not obvious that Knight has violated the principles he has always adhered to?"

Gao Yang said with a lip: "Forget it, you still don't know enough about Knight. This bastard's brain is square, and he will never easily change his mind."

Alexander said with appreciation: "He is a real soldier. Although his perseverance is somewhat ridiculous, he has to admit that the talent of Knight is the soul of an army. Unfortunately, Germany is not worthy of having a soldier like Knight. . "

Gao Yang frowned: "Do you admire him?"

Alexander laughed: "Of course, I really appreciate Nete's stubbornness and perseverance. When ideals collide with reality, he does not choose to escape reality or succumb to reality like ordinary people. His approach is to open up an ideal country. To train a real army on the land under his control. When the motherland needs it, he can bring his army back to Germany and become the seed of this country, the last hope. "

Gao Yang couldn't help but say: "Establish a mercenary regiment, and then control a country or region, and then train a real army in this place. The army belongs to the Germans, but it is just dressed in mercenaries. The ambition is so great. "

Alexander nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, so Nete claimed to fight for the fact that it was for ideals, and what we said to fight for the ideal was to fight for the ideals. This is Nete's persistence, although it is stupid, although It is impossible to achieve, but it is still worthy of respect. "

Gao Yang muttered to himself: "I don't think his idea is completely impossible, in fact, he is close to success."

Alexander frowned and looked at Gao Yang, then he shook his head and shouted: "Forget it, don't discuss Knight, I invite you to come over, in fact, there are other things I want to talk to you."

"what's up?"

Alexander laughed: "You already know, I set up a weapon company, I make the gun I want most, now I want to invite you to come to me when I have time, we can test my gun together, Because you are the best gunman I have ever seen, I want to hear your opinion. "

Gao Yang laughed and shouted: "No problem, I am interested in shooting, I must try your gun."

Alexandre said, "This gun is nearing completion. Actually, it can already be mass-produced. However, I always feel that there is room for improvement, because I want to make a super shooter rifle, which is specially designed for the most high-end shooters. Developed. "

Gao Yang laughed: "That cost will be very high, you can't sell it, you have to lose money."

Alexander spread his hands and smiled, "I have money."

Gao Yang said nothing, and stood back, shouting: "You come with me."

Alexander was unknown, so Gao Yang did not speak. Alexander patiently followed him to the rest of Satan, and Gao Yang took his Satan blade and put it on Alexander's hand, shouting: "Try my gun. "

Alexander grabbed the high-spirited gun and said loudly: "m14 Army-type ebr, well, lighter, the barrel is a little longer, this is not ebr."

Gao Yang laughed: "Yes, this is a personal customization, only one in the world, you can no longer find a second gun with similar performance."

Alexander raised his gun and tried to take a look, then smiled: "My factory can make a few more for you at any time."

Gao Yang shook his index finger and smiled: "Don't rush to the conclusion, try to say it again."

While speaking, Gao Yang took out a magazine and handed it to Alexander.

High-speed long-range ammunition, Alexander said immediately after receiving it: "You are using this bullet? How did you get it? Oh, I understand that your barrel lengthened to adapt to this bullet."

Gao Yang picked up the intercom and smiled: "We are going to test the gun, and the person telling you need not be nervous, it's done."

After notifying Knight, Gao Yang waved at Alexandria and smiled: "Try it, zero at 300 meters."

Alexander glanced suspiciously, then loaded the magazine, raised his gun, and did not know what target he was aiming at, then fired a shot.

After firing a shot, Alexander immediately put down the gun, and then looked at Gao Yang with a shocked face.

Gao Yang spread his hands and smiled, "How do you feel?"

Alexander licked his lips and raised his gun again to aim at a target, but he quickly closed the gun and lay down on the ground, opened the tripod on the gun, fired for a long time after lying in the prone position, and then the first Two shots, third shot.

After this shot was fired, Alexander immediately jumped up, swallowed and spit, shouting: "I used this bullet, I also used this gun ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ But I know a thousand meters In terms of distance, the spread surface can still be in a football. It is impossible for a semi-automatic medium-caliber rifle to use such a bullet, so how can it be done? "

Gao Yang spread his hands and said: "I can let you finish this magazine."

Alexander immediately picked up the gun and hit the remaining 16 bullets in the gun in a standing and squatting position, and then he said startled: "The trigger force is too soft and simple, but it is never stiff and too comfortable. The recoil control is very perfect. It is a gun suitable for rapid fire. The most amazing thing is the accuracy. A semi-automatic rifle can achieve this accuracy. It is more accurate than the rotary pull sniper rifle. I wo n’t believe it, how?

Gao Yang stretched out his hand and was about to back up after his rifle, looking at Alexander with a slight smile, shouting: "I'm sorry, keep it secret."

Alexander's eyes were about to stare out, shouting: "Confidential!"

Gao Yang leisurely sighed and shouted: "You know that for a shooter, you can't let others know how good your gun is, it always feels uncomfortable, so I'm just going to show you off, I didn't want to tell you how to restart Make the same gun, because then, my gun is no longer unique, do you understand? "(Unfinished.)

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