A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1983: No chance

Gao Yang felt that Knight had a problem with his EQ, but it was normal to watch Knight and his comrades together.

Therefore, he felt that Knight either had no one in his eyes to the extreme, disdain for anyone's feelings, and did not bother to let anyone bear his feelings, or it was really the axis reached the extreme, the brain has become square.

Comprehensive judgment, Gao Yang feels that Knight should be pride, from pride in his bones.

Putting aside the question of why Knight is proud and what capital pride is, and only looking at the performance of Knight, then he is a person who is extremely proud.

Ivan was also helpless about Nete ’s performance. He made an indifferent gesture to Nete and smiled: “If you really think I do n’t have to thank you for saving me in Colombia, it ’s just a business, Well, I am happy to accept it. "

Nete ​​said positively: "Yes, that's a business. This time, it's not a business. You helped the Rams, but to save us, so I want to thank you, please."

After the coffee was served, Ivan said with a cry of laughter: "Then, your thanks to me is a cup of coffee, right?"

"Yes, I just asked them to drink, just instant coffee, and this is my collection of good coffee, it is difficult to find good coffee in Ukraine."

Yi Fan wiped his mouth and smiled bitterly: "Actually I think it is more appropriate to invite me to drink. We are used to express gratitude with wine."

"I never drink alcohol."

Knight took a sip of the cup and then said intoxicatedly: "This is really good coffee. Arctic Foxes don't even understand what good coffee is."

Gao Yang said with disdain: "Forget it, your mouth is too stinky, Arctic Foxes are with you, how can they even taste the quality of coffee."

Nete's face changed a lot, and he immediately put his hand in front of his nose. After fanning twice, he stared at Gao Yang and said: "It smells?"

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "It's not smelly, man, you washed it for so long, and sprayed enough perfume to attract bees. Your body is not smelly, I just said your words are too bad, man, you need it. So sensitive? "

After Nete's complexion changed a few times, he said: "Forget it, don't say that, you won't understand."

Gao Yang looked at Knight and said in a deep voice: "This time, you have lost a lot, do you have any plans?"

Knight was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Yes, this is the biggest loss since the establishment of the Angel Mercenary Corps. Many brothers have died. Brothers who have fought with me for many years. At this moment, I am not as relaxed as it seems. , But we survived, angels still exist, so angels will be stronger! "

Nodded, Gao Yang finished the rest of the coffee in the cup and said in a deep voice: "I am very happy that you have not been defeated, then, you two talk about it, I have to go to the Arctic Fox and discuss how to deal with steel next. The problem of the battle of the Virgin. "

Knight exhaled and shook his head gently, whispering: "You will not have the opportunity to kill the Iron Madonna here."

Gao Yang spread his hands and said: "Why?"

Nete ​​said in a deep voice: "Our Lady of Steel has been hit hard, so they will never stay and do too much entanglement. The Virgin Mary will immediately escape, and if necessary, Hydra can sacrifice anyone he thinks is necessary at any time. "

Gao Yang whispered: "So we need to hurry up and find a chance to kill the Iron Madonna before they leave."

Nete ​​said solemnly: "The Hydra will never give you this opportunity. No matter what he did before, as long as he thinks that the goal is impossible to achieve, he will abandon everything and immediately evacuate. I dare say that the Madonna of Steel is here. After escaping, I did n’t stay at all. I left as fast as possible. I even left Ukraine. I have studied the combat habit of the Iron Madonna and the personality of the Hydra. , So you ca n’t get a chance to kill him here. "

Gao Yang smiled and said, "If you don't try it, how do you know that if the Iron Madonna leaves, it will be difficult to kill them again, so I still want to try it, and I must try again."

Nete ​​made a handy gesture, and Gao Yang left first.

Together, Alexander and Knight would not be able to discuss a useful result. They had to work hard to get rid of the Virgin of the Iron Maiden, and ran a few more trips on both sides to develop a feasible tactic.

Alexander was discussing something with the superstar. When he saw Gao Yang, Alexander stood up, stretched out his hand, and smiled at Gao Yang: "I didn't expect you to come here so quickly. I'm glad that no crazy wolf saw you when he was present. Man. "

Shaking hands with Alexandria, and fists with the superstar, Yang Yangzheng said: "I am here to discuss with you how to get rid of the Iron Madonna, here is our best opportunity."

Alexander sighed regretfully and shook his head: "Give up, it's impossible, the crow won't give you this opportunity. Since you know this is a good opportunity, then the crow must not give you this opportunity."

"The crow you mentioned is the Hydra?"

"Yes, it's the Hydra."

Gao Yang spread his hands and said: "At this point you agree with Fenglang, and he also thinks that there is no chance."

After Alexander reached out and asked Gao Yang to sit down, he smiled and said: "I really didn't expect that the crazy wolf will admit that you are his friend, which is very incredible in my opinion."

Gao Yang didn't know how to answer ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ can only smile, Alexander was silent for a moment, then whispered: "Angel and Iron Madonna, these two mercenary groups are actually very similar, there are no friends and no enemies, Only the task, after accepting the task, try to complete it, no matter who the employer is, or who the task is, if you complete the task or find that the task cannot be completed, you will leave immediately, no hesitation, no delay, no matter how much advantage you have achieved, Regardless of how much damage you have suffered, if you think it is over, it will end immediately. "

After a slightly prolonged explanation, Alexander sighed and said slowly: "So, now the crow, oh, now the Hydra should have led the Virgin Steel away, wound, and restore strength, if the Hydra thinks there is Necessary for revenge, he will suddenly give a fatal blow when you do not expect it. If he thinks that revenge is unnecessary, or that revenge will cause an unbearable loss, then he will not revenge, he will wait in secret, wait Holding a suitable opportunity, and we have to guard against it all the time because we cannot give Hydra a chance. "

Gao Yangji said regretfully: "This kind of opponent is the most difficult to deal with, but we lost the best chance because of a sniper."

Alexander also said with regret: "Yes, we were defeated by the ghost alone, and then we will find the Iron Madonna and get rid of the Iron Madonna. It will be a long and difficult task." (To be continued.)

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