A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1979: This frog is very violent

There is really no chance for Gao Yang to fight with his enemies in a life-to-life manner. He usually solves the problem with a gun.

However, Yang Yang ’s provocative legs have become large after all, so he is not very convinced by Peter ’s statement. In his opinion, the fighting standards of Knight and Alexander are also average, which is a medium-to-high level among mercenaries. One trick is to eat it all over the sky, and it's not a good part to eat the soil.

Looking at Gao Yang's disapproving expression, Peter smiled, patted Gao Yang's shoulder, and whispered: "I'll give you an advice, don't play against people in the future, especially don't play unlimited fights on TV, your fight The way is only suitable for surprises, if someone knows your routine, once you meet a master, you will die very badly. "

Gao Yang nodded and said: "I know, I won't reveal the cards with others when I'm bored, um, no, how do you know I'm on TV?"

Peter smiled and said, "Russia also has internet. Even if you hide it well, I can't recognize you and Toad? Dali King Kong, ha, haha."

Peter laughed strangely, but then his face was dull, because he broke a leg and dragged a stump. Now, he can't stop the kick that knows how Gao Yang will kick.

Gao Yang coughed softly and looked at Nete and Alexander who continued to fight.

Fighting is a very exhausting thing. Alexander and Knight's movements are not as fast as they were at the beginning, so they began to use the tricks of splitting life and death frequently. In this way, Li Jinfang was almost close to the two of them. Just in case there is no need to worry.

The noise has been very loud, cheering for Knight and Alexander, and those who jointly criticized Li Jinfang. Both supporters believe that Li Jinfang has prevented their head from ending the fight many times, so Li Jinfang, the referee and security officer, gradually attracted Most of the hatred value.

Gao Yang couldn't stand it anymore, because Li Jinfang was there, and it was difficult for Nete and Alexander Dalian to get injured. When will it be a head to fight like this?

"Stop! Stop it!"

Gao Yang shouted and walked into the middle of the crowd, facing Knight and Alexander Avenue, who were a little panting: "Is it enough? Are you out of breath? Stop it when you are out of breath. Anyway, you are also tired."

Knight stood up straight, wiped his mouth and face with blood, touched his nose, and could not help but tremble with pain, then took a sip to the ground fiercely, facing Alexander Avenue: "If not He, you are dead. "

It seemed that Knight wanted Alexander to be too embarrassed, with blood all over his face, a tall old man with swollen corners of his mouth, his nose bone was broken, and blood kept flowing.

And Alexander, only one eye became cyan, and his left cheek bulged high.

Looking at Knight, Alexander smiled proudly, and he shouted: "Go stop bleeding, I'm sorry to break your nose. Of course, I'm sorry to fail to break your neck."

Knight wiped the blood of one hand, and one turned back, while Alexander raised his hands to accept the cheers, and at that moment, Li Jinfang suddenly raised his hand.

After the cheering of the aurora and the scolding of the angels stopped, Li Jinfang stretched out his hand and pointed in the crowd.

"You, you, you, you, come out to me, the one you just scolded the most just now, come out to me now."

Li Jinfang was scolded anxiously. He had a heavy responsibility just now. Other people just listened to it, but this does not mean that he will continue to endure.

After all, Li Jinfang's temper is not good, this toad is very violent.

"Falker oil! I've wanted to beat you already!"

An Aurora man took off all the weapons and bits and pieces of his body, and after being handed over to someone else, he walked toward Li Jinfang.

"I want to interrupt you ..."

Puff, pop, bang.

Li Jinfang grabbed the opponent's fist from his nose with one hand, and kicked his right foot in the next kick. When the opponent fell, he pushed his opponent and flew out horizontally.

Until the landing, the menacing person was still confused what happened.

"Come, come here!"

Li Jinfang was merciful, and he turned to face the other, raising his hand to a slap. When the opponent shrank his neck and returned, the leg to leg slammed the opponent down and lay on the ground.

"You, you, come together without knowing what Lao Tzu is doing without hitting you."

Li Jinfang asked the two to go together, but his opponent had his own dignity and refused to go together. When both of them rushed rushed, one of them chose to stop.

"Fight, beat, beat them!"

Irene shouted excitedly, and Peter looked at Li Jinfang with envious look.

Irene shouted twice, and the two fell down. Li Jinfang didn't chase after the victory. He just shot a few people who scolded him the most fierce. He looked around for a week and then shouted suddenly: "Know why I ’m the referee! "

Yi Fan was trembling all over, clenching his fists tightly, trembling: "It's so cool, this is the master, it's amazing!"

Li Jinfang's limelight is too strong, and there will naturally be people who can't stand it anymore, and the aurora has been knocked down by four.

Koval walked out of the crowd and said calmly: "I'll fight you."

Peter took a few quick breaths and hurriedly said, "There is a good show."

Koval, a student of the black devil, remembered the black devil, and he was very nervous because of his high confidence in Li Jinfang.

Koval walked slowly to Li Jinfang. Li Jinfang just turned slightly and turned to face Koval.

Walking to Li Jinfang ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Koval suddenly shot with lightning, and his right hand swept into Li Jinfang's throat like a snake.

Gao Yang immediately felt relieved.

Sure enough, Li Jinfang reached out to open Koval's hand, then reached out to open Koval's other hand, and then raised his leg to block Koval's foot, and then kicked Koval over.

For Li Jinfang, as long as the opponent is not as good as him, solving the problem is a matter of two or three.

In fact, the path taken by Koval is similar to the thirteenth. For the purpose of killing, he is studying killing, not fighting. If Li Jinfang is right, Koval is strange.

No one in the world has ever been able to fight. It is such an invincible thing. If you let Koval and the 13th think about killing Li Jinfang, Li Jinfang may have been killed before he understood what happened, but this is fighting. On the 13th, the two men were tied together, but they couldn't beat Li Jinfang.

Li Jinfang's temper came up, and his interest also came up. He reached out and swept around, shouting: "Who else refuses to accept! Come out! Lao Tzu specializes in all kinds of dissatisfaction. Today I will fight you one by one until I serve! I dare to scold me. You guys! "(To be continued.)

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