A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1973: Infinite grievance

Gao Yang thought that Nete would express strong feelings. He didn't expect Nete to just close his mouth and just sit there in a state of silence.

After waiting for a long time, I didn't see anything Nete had to say. Gao Yang spread his hand and said, "No?"

Knight nodded gently and then waved his hand, whispering: "Coffee."

The wizard turned and walked away. Knight sat on the chair, his eyes glanced at Alexander, and then he said indifferently: "We meet again."

Alexander smiled slightly, leaned back, and said with a leisurely attitude: "Yeah, I met again."

Knight squeezed his lips tightly. After a moment of silence, he suddenly reached out and pulled out his pistol from his waist. He put it gently on the table and pushed forward.

The pistol crossed the table, and Alexander stretched his hand to hold the pistol. After picking it up and glancing at it, he smiled: "This is my pistol."

Nete ​​said in a deep voice: "I always wanted to kill the Aurora Mercenary Corps, I always thought, I lost to you once, the second time I have the opportunity to wipe you out, but someone saved you, I just got you Pistol, this time, no matter what your purpose is, the existence of the Angel Mercenary Corps has benefited from your actions, so I no longer regard the elimination of the aurora as one of the goals that must be achieved. This gun is also given back You, unless you meet again on the battlefield. "

Gao Yang remembered that Knight had said that his pistol was given to him by Alexander, but what he said in the mercenary ’s mouth was a bit credible, and what happened at that time, probably he would never Won't know.

After looking at it with a pistol for a while, Alexander smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to keep this gun on your body."

Knight coldly said: "Because this gun is my booty."

Alexander put the gun back on the table and shoved back to Nete. He slapped his hands and smiled: "Then you can use it and leave a memorial for you."

Knight took the pistol back and put the holster back without thinking.

Silent again, the wild suddenly said: "Angel has no friends?"

Knight proudly said: "Of course, mercenaries do not need friends."

The wild immediately said: "In this way, your friend will be sad, after all, they just rescued you just very hard."

Knight turned his face to look at Yang Yang, his lips unnaturally flicked a few times, then raised his head again, and looked at the wild with cold eyes: "Except him."

The wild smiled immediately, very proudly: "Oh, except him? That means you think he is your friend?"

Knight said lightly: "You can understand that."

He laughed wildly, and then he stirred his eyebrows with a mocking expression: "So how do you understand that the mercenary has no friends?"

Knight squinted into the wild, and at this moment, the wizard was carrying the coffee pot and cup.

One soldier put a snow-white tablecloth on the round table, another soldier put a ceramic vase on the table, the wildflowers just picked in the vase, waiting for the table to be laid, the wizard put the coffee pot on the table , And then put down the cups one by one, and after filling the cups one by one, stood behind Nete again with his hands behind his back.

With a wild smile on his face, he took two pieces of sugar and threw it into the cup, and deliberately shook it. After sprinkling the coffee on the white tablecloth a little, he took a sip and gently said: "Sorry for staining your tablecloth, but I did it on purpose. In addition, you haven't answered my question yet."

Knight crossed his fingers, placed his hand on the table, leaned forward, and watched the wild.

Staring wildly at Nete, he placed the cup on the table, reached out and gestured, while Nete answered his question, and laughed: "What is your principle? Can't you answer my question?" .

Knight smiled slightly: "It's your business."

The wild immediately widened his eyes.

Knight stared at the wild and smiled, "The mercenary has no friends and no friends. This is my principle. The Rams are my friends. This is the truth I admit. What's wrong? What else do you have? Do you have any questions? "

The wild took a deep breath and said hardly: "Don't you think there is a conflict between the two?"

Knight opened his hand and smiled and said, "It's your fart! I'm willing to accept the coexistence of the two. Whether conflict is related to your fart, reasonable or not, you're happy, you control me how to think."

The wild breath was quick. He stared at Knight fiercely. This was when the superstar suddenly laughed, reaching out and leaning forward and leaning back, laughing loudly: "Haha, the crazy wolf is an idiot, not at all Knowing what is non-coexistent conflict, you have no friends, the Rams are your friends, are you insane? "

Nete ​​grinned and revealed the white teeth in his mouth, shouting: "For people like you, I must talk about principles. For the Rams, I will not talk about principles. Why, you want to treat me Protest? "

The superstar immediately stopped laughing, slapped the table, and pointed his finger at Nete's nose.

Netian leaned back firmly and smiled, "Come on, bit me."

The superstar could n’t bear it anymore, and the wildness should also explode, so he covered his face with his hands, and now he felt that this arrogant and hateful face of Knight should definitely be beaten. .

However, they can't be allowed to fight. Aurora and angels are fighting here, it will be funny.

So Gao Yang put down his hand covering his forehead and was about to speak, but after seeing Alexander take a sip of coffee first, he suddenly sniffed his nose and curiously said, "The coffee is good, it's good, crazy wolf." The coffee is great. This is recognized by everyone, but why is it smelly? Do you smell it? "

Alexander's counterattack hit the mark, and the expression on Knight's face immediately froze.

The wild immediately picked up the cup, and after smelling it, shook his head and said, "The coffee is very fragrant, not the coffee smells ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ The superstar sniffed his nose hard, moved his head closer to Knight, and then closed his head Back, looking at Nete's smile, said: "Man, you should take a shower. "

Gao Yang sat next to Knight, and he saw Knight's left hand on his thigh clenched his fist immediately.

The expression on Knight's face was as firm as ever, but he seemed unable to find a way to fight back.

Knight was soaked, all his clothes were changed, and he was not contaminated by the king of stink bombs, where he would stink, but Alexander's counterattack was indeed stabbed directly on Knight's weakness .

Gao Yang sniffed his nose, then smiled: "Okay, where is the smell, only the fragrance of coffee, and the fragrance of this flower, what is this flower?"

Alexander wouldn't be diverted by Gao Yang, he smiled slowly and said: "It must be smelly, and it's smelly, otherwise how could someone be fainted by smoking? Right?"

Knight still looked calm and expressionless, but in the end he couldn't help but glance at Gao Yang with a look of infinite grievance. (To be continued.)

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