A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1969: Damn sense of direction

What is Gao Yang good at, and what is his greatest skill?

Gao Yang's strongest is undoubtedly his marksmanship, so what should be ranked second in the skills he is good at?

The second of Gao Yang ’s strongest skills is not his iconic protruding legs, nor anything else, but his running.

Able to run, run to death, and run to death no matter how you run, this is the strongest skill besides shooting.

If you want to elaborate more, it is to hit and run together, combining hitting and running. No one in the world is a high-flying opponent. It ’s okay to be able to hit and run, so high-yang can still trace the trail and let the enemy know You can't run without running, so this is the first person in the world to work hard.

A person who can run better than Gao Yang must be less accurate than Gao Yang, and a sharp shooter who is not as good as Gao Yang must be better than Gao Yang, so a sniper who is chased by Gao Yang can be run even if he is not killed by a gun. The chase is exhausted.

Now, Alexander, the three of them ca n’t move at all. They were originally the elites of the elite. They ran ten kilometers without getting tired. But the problem is that they are all in their fifties. Ten kilometers, even if you can barely move your footsteps, how much fighting power can you exert again?

Gao Yang squatted and aimed at the ghost, but he soon felt that the distance was too far, and the shooting was not necessarily sure. It was better to pull it closer. However, they couldn't keep up with Alexander.

Gao Yang felt that he had just warmed up. Koval and Alexander were panting like dogs, so how did they run with him.

"You come back after a rest, I will chase myself first, you guys, it's too slow ..."

Koval said firmly: "No! I must, I must, I must ..."

Gao Yang said with a concerned expression: "You have panted, and you have said it all, I will wait for you to run together."

Coval gasped for two breaths, then waved his hand and sat on the ground with a buttocks.

Alexander pointed in the direction of the ghost and gasped: "Can you see?"


"Catch up?"

"It's easy, don't you see it?"

Frustrated on Alexander's face, he gasped: "So, how fast is the ghost, I still want to try to kill him."

Gao Yang looked at Alexandria, shook his head, and said helplessly: "So, don't you drag my hind legs, I don't know how many kilometers beyond the ghost now."

"Ah, you go, we will keep up. If you don't feel sure, you can wait for us to start."

Gao Yang nodded and turned around to continue running, shouting: "Wait for me good news."

Running at his most comfortable rhythm, Gao Yang runs comfortably and easily, but after running a few hundred meters, he finds that the ghost is still running forward.

Gao Yang measured the speed of the ghost and himself, and found that to catch up with the ghost at the current speed and close the distance to the point where the shot must be shot, at least he had to run for ten minutes.

It's only ten minutes, so trivial.

Gao Yang speeded up and ran for almost ten minutes. During this period, he used a gun to observe the position and distance of the ghost. Finally, at a position about 400 meters away from the ghost, Gao Yang stopped and raised his gun at the ghost. Back view.

This shot is about to fire, there is no reason to miss, and there is no possibility of being hit at all, but Gao Yang suddenly felt that such a shot was a little unsafe.

At a distance of 400 meters, shoot the torso position, it is a must, but Gao Yang remembered that since the ghost is wearing a bulletproof vest, it is best to insure a little. The starting target is a little small. The distance of 400 meters is not very safe.

If you don't have insurance, you can get closer and play.

So Gao Yang narrowed the distance to less than three hundred meters, and at this moment, he found the ghost turned again.

The ghost was running a little bit west-north, but he suddenly turned to the north, and in the moment he turned, he even lifted his gun upward.

Was it discovered?

Gao Yang now particularly admires the alertness of the ghosts. They all ran for more than ten kilometers after retreating, even not forgetting to always pay attention to the movements behind them.

Now that Gao Yang takes the initiative, he has no intention of evading.

In the moment before the ghost shot, Gao Yang had already fired. When the ghost shot, he didn't even move, because he knew that the ghost would never hit him.

The gunshot fell, and the ghost finally fell.

Moreover, Gao Yang knew that this time the ghost had absolutely no ability to move. He shot the ghost's groin and cut him directly. He would not die immediately, but the ghost would not live long.

At the moment when it was confirmed that he had hit the ghost, Gao Yang felt that a big rock had been moved out of his heart, and immediately blocked his throat.

After walking a few steps forward, Gao Yang found that the ghost that fell to the ground was still moving, and raised his gun again.

Knowing the power of the ghost, Gao Yang immediately took a shot and immediately moved and squatted down.

After the subconscious reaction passed, Gao Yang couldn't help but laughed at himself. In the situation just now, he could completely explode the ghost's head, but the psychological pressure caused by the ghost was too great for him to choose. The safest way to play.

This time, Gao Yang no longer worried, and quickly ran towards the ghost.

The ghost is bound to die. At this time, Gao Yang has to go to see what this ghost that has caused unprecedented pressure on him looks like.

Gao Yang quickly found the ghost lying on the ground in the sky. Like his judgment, the ghost had a shot in the position where the thigh and the lower abdomen were connected, a shot in the right shoulder, lying on the ground motionless, and the sniper rifle also fell By the side, there must be no threat.

Waiting a little closer, when Gao Yang saw the ghost clearly, Gao Yang felt that a big stone in his heart was hitting him hard, and he was almost unstable.

The ghost has no body armor, no clothes at all, only a sports bra on the upper body, only underwear underneath, and boots on his feet.

Yes ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ The ghost is a woman, she is not him, so the ghost needs to wear a corset.

Although lying on the back in the grass, covered with blood, she could still see her gender.

He wore a ponytail, a night vision device on his head, his chest was still undulating violently, and he looked at a young, white woman.

Gao Yang was shocked by his discovery and stopped at a distance of more than ten meters from the ghost.

Gao Yang was completely dumbfounded. He was too shocked. He looked at the woman who was still panting violently. The sniper who had caused the most pressure on him since he entered the industry. The sniper who rescued the Iron Madonna. The ghost was actually a woman.

Gao Yang was completely dumbfounded. At this moment, the ghost raised his head with difficulty. After seeing Gao Yang, he suddenly said in a weak voice: "Please tell me where is West."

Gao Yang Muran raised his hand and shouted: "West."

The ghost's head fell heavily on the grass, full of anger, with great regret: "This **** sense of direction ..."

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