A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1967: Akuri University

Where the others go to guard alone, the two legendary mercenary regiments of Aurora and Satan have to lie on their feet.

storm? How to attack, this is not when you die without desperation. With this prerequisite, let Satan take the risk that someone will have to send his life to attack.

As for the aurora, it is not the same. Even if it is to help Koval avenge his family, he can never take a few more lives in pursuit.

The dog jumped the wall in a hurry, the rabbit bite in a hurry, the beasts were still fighting, and the fish died. The words are all the same. They ca n’t get out without reaching the desperation. Now, which side of the Iron Madonna is out, Satan and Aurora ca n’t make a mistake if they have the advantage Forcibly traverse a path with human life.

So now this matter is very subtle. Unless the ghost can be done, it is really impossible to move forward.

No matter who it is, they are still holding their spirits and want to exterminate the ghost, but the problem is that the ghost only needs to hide itself, so that both Satan and the Aurora will not dare to move a little, when there is a lethal threat in the head , How to fight back, not to mention continuing to pursue.

Good marksmanship is the basis of all snipers, but only good marksmanship is not necessarily a good sniper, and that ghost, from the grasp of the timing and the control of the overall situation, really makes Gao Yang have to be convinced.

Regarding marksmanship, Gao Yang believes that he will not lose to that ghost, but he does not have the chance to play well.

But after all, the advantage is still high on their side, because now the tank under the command of Schultz has withdrawn from the front line of fighting with the Zhengfu Army, has reached the battlefield, and began to pursue the remnants of the Iron Madonna.

Gao Yang still refused to give up killing the ghost, otherwise, if someone later mentioned the word gun **** to him, he would blush.

Confidence is very important for a sharpshooter. It cannot be overemphasized. The original Gao Yang had the confidence to hit before shooting, and this confidence allows him to have no matter how difficult the shooting is. Shoot with a very relaxed mind.

If this time, the ghost is pressed down from the beginning to the end, and then the ghost is allowed to leave easily, the high confidence will inevitably be affected. The impact is hard to say, but it definitely has an impact.

Gao Yang was not dissatisfied, but he had to destroy the ghost anyway, and Alexander was not convinced. He said calmly to Gao Yang: "I don't know what you think, but I must kill the ghost, Even if he is killed! "

Gao Yang exhaled and shouted: "Our ideas are very consistent, so let's continue."

"Wait, add me this time."

The precise shooter next to Alexander suddenly said, and then he said firmly: "Although the three men work together to kill a sniper, it is a little embarrassing, and it is likely to pay a little more, but I don't think the tank can pose a great threat to the ghost. , The ghost does not die, and I will not sleep well in the future. "

Alexander exhaled and said with a deep voice: "Then we three will act together. The raven, I and the ram will cover, you entered earlier."

The shooter who always fought side by side with Alexander was nicknamed the Raven. He crawled out of the river, crawled on the ground for a while, then suddenly climbed up and ran forward for a while, and then continued to crawl on the ground, kneeling on one knee Raised the gun on the ground.


With a whisper, Alexander took the same action as the Raven. After moving forward for more than thirty meters, he knelt on one knee and raised his gun to search back and forth while saying on the intercom: "I'm in place!"


After speaking on the walkie-talkie, reminding Alexander and the raven that he was going to act, Gao Yang stooped and ran for a while. He ran the longest distance, and lay down to the ground after six or seventy meters, and then quickly said : "The ram is in place."

The action of three people is more convenient, two people cover, one person advances, the speed will be much faster.

But the progress of covering each other, it is impossible for the object they need to prevent to move fast.

As Alexander was advancing, he suddenly said on the intercom: "I found the irrigation canal and the ghost is hiding here, but the ghost has left, gentlemen, the pursuit can continue."

Gao Yang looked at his watch, and then he quickly ran to the edge of the drain.

The channel is about three meters wide and one meter and five meters deep. There is no water in it. It is suitable for use as a bunker.

Lifting the gun and looking down the ditch, nothing was found at all, and the ghost had left.

Alexander sighed and whispered: "Total failure."

"No, it's too early to say failure."

Gao Yang jumped into the ditch, and then started running along the ditch.

"The tank will drag the enemy. The ghost has already evacuated and can continue to pursue. It is done."

After giving orders on the intercom, Gao Yang began to run forward, and then did not wait too long before he received a report from Schultz.

"We found a lot of enemy clothing and other discarded items on the ground. We couldn't find a large number of enemies. We lacked sufficient night-time reconnaissance equipment. The tank was too old, and it was out of touch with the infantry accompanying the combat. Unfortunately, the enemy escaped. "

Hearing the report of Schultz, Sirte stopped and kicked **** the ground with his feet, and said bitterly: "Damn!"

Koval paused, but instead of stopping completely, he continued to run forward.

Only the Satanic people were completely unaffected, and the newcomers seemed very annoyed, but Li Jinfang and Frye, the Satanic old people, did not stop at all, because they knew the high things.

Gao Yang has not been affected, he has been running in the ditch ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ When the route of the advance and the route of Li Jinfang's large unit overlapped, he waved at the large unit, beckoning to follow him, and then Keep running forward.

He ran forward for more than three hundred meters, and Gao Yang stopped suddenly, then pointed at the concrete wall of the ditch and shouted, "The ghost has landed from here."

There are traces of water on the concrete wall, so no one can tell that other people can see it, but climbed the ditch, Gao Yang first raised his gun and searched for a moment, then squatted on the ground and observed it, pointing in a direction: "The ghost went there Side, crawl first, then get up and run. "

Alexander looked in the direction of his high finger, and then looked at the grass that he felt there was no strangeness. He said, "You still have this ability, have you studied traceology?"

Gao Yang nodded and said loudly: "Yes, a little research."

Alexander was very excited and said: "Very good! I hope you can guide us to a clear road, and talk more, man, where did you learn these, university?"

Alexander is joking, and Gao Yang also smiled softly, saying: "Yes, there is the best professor of traceology at the University of Akuri on the Sudanese grassland." (To be continued.)

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