A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1963: The ghost also has a sense of smell

Gao Yang rushed out, he saw several people rushing to retreat, so he quickly raised his gun and fired two long bursts of fire at his locked target thigh.

Wearing a protective suit, you must wear a thick layer of gloves. Although you can use it immediately when you pick up the gun, it is not the most familiar one. After all, the most convenient gun is used. It also affects the line of sight, the feeling of extreme suffocation and the sweating of the whole body. In short, various factors are affecting the high-flying shooting.

Therefore, Gao Yang didn't dare to be overstretched. He hit the enemy's head like he used to know. Although it was not very far away, he chose to aim at the enemy's leg with alternating long and short shots.

Why not hit the torso, of course, because the Iron Madonna is also equipped with body armor.

Body armor is a good thing. Equipped with body armor can greatly reduce the casualty rate, especially the mortality rate. However, after the warring parties are equipped with body armor, this battle is inevitably difficult to fight.

Gao Yang is charging forward. In fact, he can't even think about the issue of body armor. All he thinks about is the ghost, the sniper with the ability to dominate the battlefield.

Will it be chosen as the target by ghosts? This is really bad, but the most disgusting aspect when facing a sniper is that everyone must subconsciously think that they are the target of a sniper, courageous team members, Will restrain the inner fear and continue to fight, but lack of courage, the team has to stay and avoid.

There is no doubt that Satan and Aurora are extremely courageous teams, so when Alexander shouted that he must continue to move forward, no one stopped and immediately re-entered the attack without hesitation.

In fact, the five snipers behind the suppression and support played a great role. If these snipers are not contained, the ghost can move at will, and you can carefully aim and then shoot. The people who are attacking are at least dead. Halfway.

The ghost shot again, but the target he chose this time was the sniper in the rear.

"The ghost shot at us, failed to hit him, and we were not shot!"

Solve the repressed sniper first, remove his biggest pinch, and then return to the assault personnel. The choice of the ghost can not be wrong, but he chose the most difficult one.

It may be that the five snipers were too far from themselves, and it was too difficult to shoot in a very short time, and the ghost changed the target again.

Li Jinfang rushed to the front of everyone, Gao Yang followed, so the ghost's goal this time was Gao Yang, or maybe Li Jinfang.

The reason for this is because the bullet shot by the ghost hit the middle of Gao Yang and Li Jinfang. When Gao Yang saw a bullet hitting him in front of him, a igniter was wiped out, and then someone immediately shouted that the ghost shot again. , He was startled.

But after discovering that the ghost's bullet was crooked no matter whether it was Li Jinfang or himself, Gao Yang suddenly understood what had happened.

"Haha! Haha! The ghost is affected by the smell! He is not sure!"

Gao Yang roared with ecstasy, and finally, finally, that ghost was finally out of alignment.

It was less than three hundred meters away from the building, about two hundred and forty meters away. At this moment, someone shouted: "Signal jammer found! Destroyed!"

Gao Yang saw an enemy who had been shot but was still tumbling back and forth on the ground. What was more disgusting was that he was covered in his vomit.

Raising his hand and hitting the wounded soldier's head, Gao Yang hurriedly said in the intercom: "Aurora wiped out the enemy! Satan entered the building to attack! Stinky eggs are ready, throw two if necessary!"

As soon as Gao Yang finished his order, he heard someone shouting on the intercom: "Our Lady of Steel has retreated! We are chasing the enemy, what is this, vomit! What did you use, vomit, Fak! What the **** is this?" ! Vomit, whether it is toxic, how to protect, Fak! The air is full of unbearable stench, can't! Can't breathe! Quickly explain, how to protect! Fak! "

That sound is not Knight, but Sirte is very surprised loudly: "Non-toxic! But the stench is inevitable, don't pursue! Don't pursue!"

The first and second floors of the building suddenly started firing violently, and the offensive team temporarily concealed, and then began to fight back. At this time, the snipers who remained behind finally had enough shooting targets, but after a short shot, some people struggled on the intercom. Dao: "We can't breathe, it's too stinky! The shooting is greatly affected, the shooting effect is very poor, we should wear protective clothing, now the front is moving backwards, we have to move backwards, God bless, turn the wind quickly. ! "

The people in the building were also shooting indiscriminately. The members of the assault team who promoted them did not have night vision devices. They could not see the enemies inside the building by relying on the flares. They could only shoot through the fire light of the enemy. The effect was not good.

The enemies in the building are protecting their comrades outside from evacuating, and the people of the Iron Madonna crawling from all corners are fleeing madly at this time.

After all, flares are not as easy to use as night vision, and various factors that are not conducive to shooting also make the shooting of the entire assault group out of standard. Under continuous shooting, most enemies can finally escape.

Finally, the shooting in the building stopped, and Knight's voice finally rang.

The most incredible thing is that Nete's voice was as calm as ever.

"The enemy has escaped from the window of the back of the building you are facing ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ about 60 people. There are about 30 people left on the front of your enemy. They have escaped around the building and we opened fire on the top floor. The effect is not good. You ca n’t aim and shoot successfully. Be careful when you enter the building. An unknown number of explosive devices are left behind by the enemy to stop the pursuit. "

Gao Yang said angrily: "Can you still come out on your own?"


"Then take out the wounded yourself, and the people who have answered you have already set off, give you a piece of advice, don't go back to our position directly after leaving the building, go back to the back of the building, and don't go back from the route we just passed. Stinky! Also, pay attention to check the situation of the wounded, do not lift it up, it is best to let them lie on the side, to avoid the wounded unable to move and block their trachea by their own vomit, suffocation, finished!

After speaking to Nete, Gao Yang suddenly remembered something, so he shouted, "Dude, how did you make yourself speak like a normal person? At this time, you haven't yelled, I count on you ! "

After speaking to Nete admirably, he exclaimed loudly: "Other people! We chase after the Gang of Iron Maidens!" (To be continued.)

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