A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1948: The enemy's enemy is still the enemy

Gao Yang hates rap, which is very annoying now, but after the "superstar" sings, he doesn't hate rap anymore.

When the impromptu performance of the superstar ended, Alexander raised his toast and signaled to turn off the music. He shouted: "Gentlemen, the party is over. Now let's talk about **** the Madonna of Steel."

After slowly speaking, Alexander pointed his finger up and smiled, "This is the ram of Satan, you already know, they are currently fighting against the Iron Madonna, we can first listen to what he said and understand the battlefield Situation, Ram, please. "

Gao Yang cleared his throat and said in a deep voice: "We and the Madonna of Steel have been deadlocked for an afternoon. We have never been able to break through the defense of the Madonna of Steel. They have cannons. When we use superior strength or weapons to attack, we will incur enemy fire. . "

The superstar raised his hand and shouted, "Interrupt, why is the Iron Madonna guarding a position? This is not normal. The Iron Madonna will not stick to the Madonna position, neither of us, will we?"

Gao Yang shouted: "Because the Iron Madonna surrounded the Angel Mercenary Corps, they wanted to kill the angels, so the Iron Madonna launched a raid, trapping the angels in a building, then the Iron Madonna followed into the building, and then the angels were tenacious The Iron Madonna who stuck to the present, but could not make a quick decision and refused to give up, has been hit until now, so the situation is like this. The angel is trapped in the top floor of the building. Below is the Assault Team of the Iron Madonna. Outside, it is steel. The defensive line of protection of the Virgin Mary is our people on the outer layer, and on the outside is the Zhengfu Army on the same line as the Iron Madonna. "

The superstar frowned: "Angel, that angel? Mostly the angel of the German?"

Gao Yang nodded.

David frowned, and shouted, "How come there are angels? I hate them. I will never cooperate with them. Speaking of which, I think it might be a good choice to help the Madonna of Iron and Steel to get rid of the angels first."

Corval's brother was holding a glass of wine, and said with a straight face: "Yes, angels are much more hated than the Madonna of Steel. Madonna of Steel is the most badass, but the angels are really annoying!"

The superstar shook his head again and again: "No, I can't join forces with the angels, otherwise we must start the infighting first."

Gao Yang sighed in his heart. He wanted to grab Knight's neck collar and asked, why is your popularity so bad.

Very helpless Gao Yang coughed softly and said weakly: "Well, the enemy of the enemy is a friend, anyway, you have to kill the Iron Madonna, right ..."


After the superstar interrupted Gao Yang loudly, he said solemnly: "The enemy of the enemy is not necessarily a friend, especially an angel, and he will never be a friend."

David coughed lightly, his face flat, his eyes slanting at a glance, to seem gentle, but from the inside out, he looked at the superstar with proud eyes, and said softly: "We are not friends, mercenaries No friends are needed, especially for those of you who can only drag your feet, it is a shame to fight with you. Please stay away from me. "

I have to say that David imitated Nete's miraculous. The eyes, the expression, the nostrils of arrogance, Yang Yang just wanted to say nothing.

The superstar applauded and laughed: "Yeah, yeah, man, you should really imitate the show, haha."

A wild and gloomy face said: "I have always wanted to fight against the **** of the **** of angels. I really want to kill the Germans."

David said with interest: "Have you ever fought them?"

Shaking his head wildly, he said with a deep voice: "It's not cooperation but we have fought side by side. We were employed by the same employer. In Africa, the **** of **** are definitely better than working for the same employer. Well, I just want to say hello, and the bitch-brother of Nete kept me away. "

He ran out of the wine in the glass and said wildly, "It's a pity that we haven't had a real battle, although I really want to kill the angels!"

Raising his sweat, he really wanted to put Net down with one foot, and then stepped on Net's face to ask him, how many people did you offend.

The superstar said with interest: "Guys, guys! Now Our Lady of Steel is besieging the angels, why don't we take the opportunity to kill the Iron Lady and the angels together? This opportunity is great."

David immediately said: "I agree, this idea is awesome!"

He exhaled wildly and smiled, "That's it!"

Raising his sweat, he immediately shouted: "No! Guys, our enemy is the Madonna of Steel! This is a battle of revenge. Please find out what is important."

The superstar patted Gao Yang's shoulder and smiled, "Man, this is just a matter of success, there is no better chance than this."

Gao Yang said helplessly: "Angels are our friends. I came here to rescue them, so everyone, I'm sorry I can't let you do that."

David took a breath, looked up and down, and said loudly: "Man, you look normal, how could you be a friend of the angel?"

The superstar frowned and looked at Gao Yang, saying: "Man, you are being played by an angel, it must be like this."

Gao Yang's enthusiasm was very inadequate: "Angels are our friends. I'm sorry everyone, I think that having angels attract firepower is a good time for us to wipe out the Iron Madonna ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ The topics we discussed are off topic."

Alexander nodded and smiled, "Yes, guys, we are off topic. This is the battle of revenge. We are together because we want to avenge Koval's wife and daughter."

David said helplessly: "But if you get rid of the Iron Madonna, you will rescue the angels. This is so frustrating. It's like you have to drink a fly in the soup."

Gao Yang suddenly thought of an excuse, so he immediately said: "Think about it, guys, think about it, think about what would Knight do when the angels were rescued by us? Huh? Think he would What gesture is facing you? Guys, kill the angels, and stand in front of them as rescuers. The one is more refreshing and think about it. "

The superstar's eyes lighted up, and then he pointed and exclaimed: "Man! You are such a genius, I suddenly thought of a song, I want to stand in front of the crazy wolf to sing!"

He nodded wildly and said in a deep voice, "Yes, think about it, this is the most disappointing result. Standing as a winner and rescuer in front of them is better than killing the angelic bitches." This idea is really good, well, let ’s start discussing the battle plan, how do we fight? ”(To be continued.)

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