A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1946: People are not there

? Aurora, a name that exists in the legend.

The undisputed first small mercenary group, even if it has disappeared for ten years, even if the angel has become the de facto first, but Aurora is still the first recognized in the mercenary circle. In the past ten years, the angel Pressed firmly in the second position.

The legendary character stood in front of himself, saying that if he was not excited, it was false.

"Are you Aurora? Why, Koval, aren't you the Three Lions mercenary regiment? It turns out that your nickname is Arctic Fox, and I heard it for the first time, ah, it's nice to meet you."

Koval's mouth moved, but Alexander's smile was a little, and he smiled and said: "I haven't expected to disappear for so long, and some people remember us."

Gao Yang exhaled and smiled: "You are legendary, um, rumored that your Aurora members are not killed, I just want to know, is this true?"

Alexander spread his hand and smiled at Koval before he nodded to Gao Yang and smiled: "Yes, our members were killed in all battles, um, injured and then bid farewell to their mercenary career There are a few, but no one was killed. "

Gao Yang heartily said: "Great, this is my pursuit, but unfortunately, we still have some people killed, but fortunately, we are not injured too seriously and cause disability."

Alexander nodded and said unexpectedly: "That's very good. You did a very good job. I saw your name two years ago, but recently I lost all the news. I was thinking, is it you? The whole army has been annihilated, or has withdrawn from this line, but now it seems that this is not the case. "

After a few words with Gao Yang, Alexander suddenly raised his hand and said: "Sorry, wait a moment."

Alexander pulled open the big bag he brought, took out a short axe from inside, and then took out a horned helmet, but his horned helmet broke off half of the horn.

Putting on the helmet, he held up the axe in his right hand, and immediately a man handed him a glass of wine. Alexander raised the glass and shouted: "Long time no see, my brothers, cheers!"

After some painful drinking, Alexander exhaled for a long time, and when he handed the glass to someone to pick him up, he shouted loudly: "We have retired, but we reunite once a year, like this . "

After briefly explaining Gao Yang to him, Alexander started drinking and singing with his glass.

There is something else in Gao Yang's heart, and it's an urgent matter, a big thing, the people of Aurora really turned into reality like a legend, but he couldn't stand it if he had been drinking and singing with the people of Aurora here.

Koval did not move, but stood aside with Gao Yang.

Gao Yang approached Koval and whispered: "How long will they last?"

"If nothing happens, it will last all night."

Gao Yang laid his glass on the side table and whispered to Koval: "Man, I have to go back to fight, I can't waste my time here, I want to know, if you plan to go to the Madonna of Steel, when will you act? ? Won't you wait until the celebration is over? "

Koval shook his head and said indifferently: "No, wait for everyone to come, as for now, since you still need to wait for someone, then let's let go of the revelry, you know, this reunion is different from the past, if someone If you die in battle, there will be no chance to get together and drink. "

Gao Yang was relieved, and then he looked at Koval: "Why don't you go to the carnival?"

Koval sighed, then looked at Gao Yang very helplessly said: "I just died my wife and children."

At this moment, the bar door was pushed open again. A man in his fifties, looking at the fierce man, came in and saw the noisy crowd, frowning at first.

Koval greeted him and said to the fierce-looking man: "Brother."

Putting down the things in his hand, the man who looked at the fierce man opened his arms and hugged Koval, then frowned, and said loudly: "Where did you find the Iron Madonna?"

Koval pointed and exclaimed, "They are fighting."

Nodding, the fierce man sat straight down at the side table, and at this moment, Alexander walked to Koval's brother with a warm smile, and raised his glass, loudly: "Come for a drink."

"I never drink, and I don't drink before the battle."

"I heard that your three-lion mercenary group has been dissolved?"

Koval's brother glared like Alexander and pointed to the man he brought, shouting: "There are two of us, who said that the Three Lions mercenary group was disbanded!"

"Oh, I really thought you were retired."

"Retirement and dissolution are two different things."

Koval ’s brother was nicknamed violent, and he did look fierce, but Alexander did n’t take it seriously, still laughing: "Do you know him? The head of the Satan mercenary regiment, the ram, the spear ram."

Furiously squinted his face, and then said coldly, "I haven't heard of it."

Gao Yang was a little embarrassed and shouted, "The ram will do. The gun **** is still free, Alexander, and the rage. When can we go? If you also want to get rid of the Iron Madonna, now is a good opportunity. "

Alexander held up his toasted glass and smiled, "No hurry, people haven't arrived yet. It's not necessary to hurry at this time to destroy the Iron Madonna."

Gao Yang said with some embarrassment: "This is the case. Some of my friends are trapped by the Iron Madonna. Their situation is difficult. Well, frankly speaking, I need someone to help, and I think our interests are the same."

Alexander said suddenly: "Oh, this is the case, then ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Is the situation very dangerous, who is trapped, your person?"

Gao Yang coughed softly, and after hesitating for a while, he finally whispered: "It's not my people, it's angels, angel mercenaries."

Alexander smiled again, then he raised his glass and shouted, "Angel, I know them, and they also know their head mad wolf. I'm curious, were you your friend just now?"

Furiously coldly said: "It's impossible, the angelic **** can't have friends."

Gao Yang scratched his head, not sure: "This, even if it is a friend, well, it should be a friend."

Alexander shook his head slightly and smiled, "This crazy wolf is very principled. I also think he is unlikely to have friends. Well, we have to meet again. This world is really small."

Gao Yang whispered: "No matter what our relationship is, in short, you want to destroy the Iron Madonna, then we are all the way, I want to know when you can start acting?"

Alexander looked at his watch and shook his head: "Not yet, we haven't arrived yet, but they should be coming soon." (~ ^ ~)

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