A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1944: Battle axe

The tank was transferred and new reinforcements arrived. ≧ ≥ ≧ Bayi Chinese ≤≤ ﹤< ≤ ﹤ ≦≦

Now Gao Yang has five T-72 tanks and four Bmp-2 armored vehicles. These tanks and armored vehicles were given to the angels at very low prices through his hands. Now, he intends to use them to save the angel mercenary regiment.

But the enemy's reinforcements also came.

Just as Gao Yang was racking his brain to rescue the Angel Mercenary Corps, the Iron Madonna was also trying every means to destroy the angels as soon as possible. The surprise attack was no longer possible for both parties, so the next step was bound to be a tough contest to decide the victory with strength. And, just as the angels controlled an armed force in Ukraine, the Virgin Mary apparently received the support of the Zhengfu Army.

The enemy launched a new round of attack, and the militia's defense line was in jeopardy, so Gao Yang had to use the force he had just gathered to consolidate the defense line, instead of using it to rescue the angel mercenary regiment.

If the enemy breaks through the line of defense, Knight will not need to be saved.

Around the building where the angels are trapped, the outer battles are fierce and terrible, but for the two parties who are difficult to ride a tiger, they must persist in the battle until the final victory or defeat.

Little by little time passed, Nete would send back some news from time to time, they have been under attack, they can no longer count the number of times, because the attack has never stopped.

The angel did n’t die, but two more wounded. The most troublesome thing is that their bullets are very expensive. The ammunition inventory has reached a very dangerous number, especially the grenades are about to run out. The role of grenades in indoor warfare Very large. If you run out, the angel's situation will be even worse.

When the time was about six o'clock, the first batch of airdropped weapons finally arrived.

A transport plane dropped a large number of weapons, anti-tank missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, and individual cloud bombs. These things did not have much effect on the high-lifting attack, but they were indispensable for the stability of the defense line. Gao Yang immediately divided the weapons.

Gao Yang is actually not good at commanding large-scale battles. Now he will not only command but also command, because he is very simple to do, and sends people wherever he is nervous. It is very simple.

It is now filled with human life, just to give the angel mercenary regiment the defense of the last life.

In that same sentence, if the enemy really was a siege of the soldiers, Knight was completely surrounded in the building, and everything was over.

The battle is still stalemate. He is racking his brain and thinking of ways. Of course, he is not alone. The Satan includes angels including Ulyanko and Ivan. Anyone who is concerned about this battle is thinking hard about how The angel was rescued, but there was no way. In this kind of battle against strength, it is the only way to enhance your own strength.

Seeing that the sky was dark, there was still no progress in the battle, Gao Yang finally gave up the fantasy of the battle.

"Fox, contact Koval to see when his people can arrive."

Gao Yang's voice was hoarse, but his spirit was still full, and he didn't feel tired at all.

"Unable to contact, Koval's phone could not be reached."

Thinking hard about what power was available, Gao Yang thought of Koval, so he asked Yake to contact Koval, but Yack's answer made him frown.

"Contact again until you reach him."

After a few more minutes, Gao Yang took the kettle and drank it, soothed his throat, and then shouted on the intercom: "Fox, is Koval contacted?"

"Unable to reach him, his phone could not be reached."

Gao Yang lowered the kettle and said to the people around him: "It's already dark. If we had an artillery position that attacked the Virgin Mary, we needed a strong enough special warfare force. Either we go or we will find someone. The role of Val is important, fox, you immediately go to a bar called Chili to find Koval, where should their people be. "

After speaking, Gao Yang hesitated and said, "No, your position is very important. You have to stay here, or let someone else go, um, I will go in person."

Koval ’s and Goyang ’s interests are the same, but the purpose is different. Goyang is to save the angels, and Kovar is to avenge. The Iron Madonna has to count one and kill them all. In this case, when Goyang is in urgent need of help Koval may not cooperate with his plan as Gao Yang hoped.

So Gao Yang wanted to go in person, find Koval, and directly persuade him to help solve the Iron Madonna's artillery, rather than the Iron Madonna's own team. If this is the case, Yack's weight is not enough. It is best for him to go in person.

Gao Yang didn't have to stay and direct himself. Now he can do whatever he wants, so he made up his mind and immediately said: "Take me to the bar on the thirteenth to find someone. Others will listen to the big dog." , We will be back as soon as possible. "

Having finished speaking, Gao Yang and No. 13 left in a hurry, found a car, and let the No. 13 drive to the bar mentioned by Koval immediately.

With navigation, it ’s much easier to find a place, and Donetsk has been caught in the war. There are almost no pedestrians on the street, so the car is very fast, and it does n’t take long. About half an hour later, Gao Yang found Kovar The bar mentioned.

It was completely dark and there was almost no light in Donetsk, but the bar that Yang was looking for was brightly lit and extremely noisy, with manic music and people shouting on the quiet streets, accompanied by rumbling cannons The sound is particularly eye-catching.

He stopped the car on the 13th, Gao Yang looked at the bar and said in a deep voice: "This is the place, it seems there are still many people, go in and see."

The two got out of the car and walked straight to the door of the bar. Gao Yang tilted the rifle in his hand behind his back so as not to cause any misunderstandings. When he nodded to him on the 13th, he pushed the bar away. Door.

The door opened and Gao Yang walked in. Then he began to wonder if he had come to the wrong place.

The music is very loud and is a familiar melody of Yang Yang. The tables and chairs in the bar have been removed, and an empty space has been vacated in the middle. Where are the more than twenty strong men drinking? They seem to have crossed from the middle world. Individuals wore horned helmets and a large wooden cup in their left hand. The point was that each of them waved an axe in their right hand.

Double-edged battle axe, single-edged battle axe, nailed axe, long axe held in both hands, short axe held in one hand, in short there are all kinds of axes.

When a group of strong men who were drinking in pain noticed Gao Yang and No. 13, the collective binge stopped, and more than twenty burly giants turned around, staring at Gao Yang and No. 13.

"Private party, please leave."

Gao Yang nodded and shouted, "I'm looking for Koval, he gave me this address."

A man closest to Gao Yang was about one and a half meters tall, and he was particularly strong and extremely oppressive. He took a sip of the wine in the glass and immediately shouted: "Korval is not here, he will be back soon , You can wait for him outside the door, but you ca n’t come in. "

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted, "He has an axe!"

In an instant, all eyes were on the lucky axe hung on the left chest of Gao Yang, and even Gao Yang himself looked at his axe.

The strong man looked at the axe hung in front of Gao Yang's chest, then waved his hand and shouted, "Music is quiet."

The noise of the noisy music is reduced ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ The strong man pointed the axe in front of his chest with the double-edged battle axe in his right hand, and said loudly, "What do you do with an axe?"

"Chopping people."

After a happy answer, Gao Yang reached out his hand and took the axe off the hanging ring on the left chest. After taking a virtual cut, he shouted, "This is my last weapon. Did you see this warhead?" So this axe is also my amulet. "

The strong man laughed and turned to the crowd behind him, shouting: "Although it is an agricultural axe, but that is his battle axe. Did you see that warhead? This buddy is really lucky, haha."

Someone immediately shouted in the crowd in a language that Yang Yang did n’t understand, and then waved toward Gao Yang with an axe, and the strong man turned to Gao Yang and said: "Come and drink, man, if you have a battle axe, come here Drink a few glasses, but he ca n’t, because he does n’t have a battle axe. "

On the thirteenth, he immediately turned his head away, immediately exited the bar and closed the door, and the strong man took off the horned helmet on his head, buckled his head high, and laughed, "Take your tomahawk, Come for a drink, brothers, and welcome this guy with a lucky tomahawk. "(To be continued.)

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