A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1936: And save

The group quietly shifted their position, no longer in the direction of entering the city, but withdrew towards the rear.

Ivan will be able to arrive soon with a plane, so finding a suitable landing site should not be too long.

After retreating for about a kilometer, Gao Yang looked at the environment, and then shouted to Irene: "Send coordinates to Ivan, we are waiting for the helicopter here."

This time, God finally favored Gao Yang once, or favored Knight and his angel mercenary regiment, and after waiting for about ten minutes, Li Jinfang said excitedly: "I found the helicopter and came towards our position."

Seeing the helicopter getting closer and closer, Gao Yang could already see four real lifts, so he immediately shouted: "Throw a smoke bomb to indicate the landing point and prepare to board the plane."

Fleila opened a red smoke bomb and threw it out. The red smoke clearly indicated the target. Soon, two helicopters landed on the ground.

"Take two helicopters, hurry up!"

Ivan came out of the tailgate of a helicopter, shouting with a huge earmuff and holding a walkie-talkie.

Gao Yang waved his hand, and the people split into two columns and ran quickly towards the two helicopters.

A Mi 8 can carry 28 people and equipment, and the helicopter that has landed already has a crew. Gao Yang quickly boarded the aircraft, greeted Ivan, and then sat on the easy seat in the back. Down.

Soon after everyone got on the helicopter, Ivan waved his hand, and someone immediately took the walkie-talkie and shouted, "Take off! Take off!"

Yi Fan sat on the side of Gao Yang and shouted, "This plane is so uncomfortable, what's the situation with the angel?"

The comfort of the Mi-Ba helicopter is really bad. The noise is very loud. He shook his head loudly and shouted: "I don't know, the situation is not good, maybe it's dead. I can't know the result until I go and see.

Yi Fan smiled and shouted: "You said, I'll take someone to rescue them, is it reasonable to ask for revenge of 50 million?"

Gao Yang was speechless, and Ivan laughed again, patting Gao Yang's shoulder and saying, "Just kidding."

After an untimely joke, Ivan pointed to a person sitting opposite him and shouted: "Poseyankov, my old friend, these people are all brought by him, and now you are in charge."

Gao Yang saluted the mercenary's military salute towards Poseyankov. After returning the military salute to Gao Yang, Poseyankov shouted: "Can you briefly introduce the situation?"

Gao Yang waved his hand, and Sirte began to think of Poseyankov in Russian, and Gao Yang said to the prince: "We cannot be mistakenly hit by friendly forces. You have to find a way to contact you now. Can you contact me? "

The prince was a little far away from Gao Yang. He nodded and thought for a moment, then shouted: "I notified the wizard and let the wizard contact. We have multiple communication points in Donetsk that are all connected by telephone line. Disturbed. "

Of course, flying by plane is much faster than running on two legs. Satan needs to run for a long time without seeing through the road. The helicopter can be reached in just ten minutes.

Soon, Ivan shouted: "We are about to land, are we in touch?"

The prince put down the satellite phone and nodded: "It has been contacted, we can land safely, and land directly near our command."

Just two minutes after the speech, the prince pointed to the ground from the porthole: "Where they are, they marked a safe landing point with a smoke bomb."

White smoke was on the ground, Ivan notified the pilot, and the helicopter fell towards the smoke.

The landing site is very wide, and it is no problem for four helicopters to land at the same time.

When the plane landed and everyone got off the plane, the four helicopters immediately began to take off and leave. Gao Yang pointed to a helicopter that had just left the ground and shouted: "Can't you stay?"

Ivan shook his head and smiled, "No, it doesn't matter what you do."

The landing personnel did not gather together, but quickly spread out so as not to be hit by the suddenly dropped shells. Now, they have reached the war zone.

Two people ran quickly, and the prince leaned over to Gao Yang and whispered: "Our people are not members of the angels, but they can be trusted."

Soon, the two men ran over, one of them holding a rifle, a dark gray face, and said anxiously to the prince: "When we arrived, the enemy was about to break through the last line of defense, Shakhtar Donetsk The retreat has been ordered, and we can only fight immediately. Now, we have just repelled the enemy's offensive and tried to rescue the building where the commander was trapped, but our attack failed and the casualties were heavy! "

The prince raised his fingers and expressed anxiously: "How about the commander's situation."

"I don't know. I lost contact, but the enemy hasn't been able to defeat them. The battle continues. The gunshots inside the building have not stopped, but the enemy has entered the building. Now we don't know what is happening inside the building. . "

The prince and Sirte glanced at each other with excitement, and then the prince did not wish to congratulate, immediately raised his finger and shouted, "He is the commander, do as he said."

Gao Yang did not waste time and immediately said: "How many troops do you have, can you resist the next attack of the enemy, how do you attack, how many soldiers are used, how many casualties, we said while walking, take us to that building."

"We brought more than 460 people ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ After repelling the enemy's attack, I immediately organized about 100 people to launch the attack. After half of the casualties, I ordered to stop the attack. Here, Walk against the wall and watch out for enemy shells and snipers. Now the situation is very complicated. We and the enemy's fronts are intertwined, but the factory building where the commander is located is always behind our position and still under protection, I It is impossible to invest more troops in the rescue, so that once the position is lost, it will be completely over. "

Not far away, the prince pointed to a building and said: "In that building, the building has a total of four floors. The production workshop and office area are mixed. The internal structure is very complicated and very strong. It used to be a factory building. It is idle, but there are still many machines inside. The terrain is complicated and there is only one internal passage. "

Gao Yang immediately said: "What factory is producing, why is the workshop in the building instead of the workshop?"

The prince said loudly: "Precision instruments used to be highly confidential, so the shape of the building was a living building instead of a factory building. This was a very important factory during the Soviet period, so this is the case. The building is extremely strong unless the nuclear bomb directly hits Otherwise, it will not cause structural damage. As for the shells, it will not play any role at all. Even if you use fraud, even if the enemy sends an engineering corps, do n’t want to destroy that building in a short time, because it ’s safe enough. Was chosen as the headquarters. "(To be continued.)

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