A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1933: Resolved in 3 minutes

The attack formation quickly unfolded. In order to pass as quickly as possible, Gao Yang didn't even use all his staff.

Quickly covertly approached, the lush and tall weeds were enough to provide cover. They didn't even wait for the enemy to find out that they had reached 400 meters.

Armored vehicles have to be destroyed. Besides that, there are no particularly strong targets. Light weapons are enough to deal with them.

When it reached the 200-meter position, the distance must have been fairly close. The enemy finally discovered the anomaly, saw someone greet the soldiers, and the armored vehicle's machine gun turret began to rotate. Gao Yang knew that the enemy had noticed their movement.

"Fight, solve armored vehicles!"

During the departure, in order to cope with all possible situations, they were carrying anti-tank missiles and individual anti-aircraft missiles, but anti-tank missile launchers were too bulky, and Fry and Peter both had special experience in using rocket launchers. It's not too difficult to deal with armored vehicles, so I just brought a few rocket launchers to the tunnel.

In short, everything is to save time.

Before the turret of the armored vehicle was turned around completely, Peter fired the bazooka, and Fry followed. Two rockets fired the two armored vehicles neatly. The cost was higher than that of the supercar and invincible.

Before the armored vehicle was destroyed, Gao Yang fired, and the prince and he fired almost at the same time. The two men ’s two semi-automatic rifles snapped. Those soldiers could n’t stop any effective counterattack. The gun returned fire and ran from side to side. They couldn't survive for less than three seconds at the muzzle of the two men.

By the time Grolov's machine gun rang, the assault team had already started to rush.

Li Jinfang, Sirte, James, from different countries and different armies, but they are certainly the best assaulters in such a rush, simply and neatly won.

Gao Yang feels that the general fighting style is back. In fact, Satan owns his accurate shooter of gun class, plus Grolev, an extremely strong artist, is the most powerful at medium and long distances. This kind of wild but small-scale battle is not just like the wind and clouds.

Coupled with the accurate shooter of the angel, the prince, in this battle, the assailants will not be subjected to any threatening counterattacks on the way to launch the attack.

Gao Yang ’s goal is that the battle must end within three minutes, and when Li Jinfang breaks into the enemy ’s position and completely clears the final obstacle, two minutes have passed.

"After cleaning up, you can pass, finished!"

As soon as Li Jinfang's report came, Gao Yang immediately said on the intercom: "The team passed quickly and it was over."

It ’s just that it ’s easy to hit a checkpoint on the periphery, but I do n’t know how many artillery or other objects the enemy has aiming at here. In this checkpoint, the coordinates are set in advance, and the artillery support is almost certain.

The car drove over quickly, stopped by the roadside, picked up the person, and immediately rushed out of the floor oil. As long as you leave at the fastest speed, you can ensure maximum safety.

The greatest risk is not to lay down enemy checkpoints, but to block the belt through the enemy's firepower.

Gao Yang they did not leave completely, the shells fell, but the shells hit by the enemy were not particularly accurate, because when the checkpoint was destroyed, these shells lost their guidance and no eyes, although the fixed coordinates were drawn in advance However, if no one directs the artillery fire, there is definitely no way to send the shells to the right place.

Passing the fire blockade is only the first step. The enemy is unlikely to lay out such a simple blockade line. Further forward, there should be heavy guards, but they are now aiming to drive the car. Run as far as you can.

I drove the car and walked forward for less than five kilometers, which is only a few minutes. They were forced to abandon the car, but for these five kilometers, it took tens of minutes to walk, so it was still very cost-effective. of.

"Encounter a large number of enemies ahead, abandon the car, look for the weak links of the enemy's defense line and enter the urban area, open the tank, can you contact the defenders in the city? Let us meet us."

When people are anxious, they will dare to take risks.

Passing quietly at night is naturally a lot easier, but during the day, it has already attracted the attention of the enemy, and it is unlikely to pass silently, not too big.

Abandon the car and walk forward between the villages covered with trees and farmland. There will certainly be no problem through the enemy blockade, because the enemy ’s military strength cannot be achieved in five steps and one whistle, and ten steps and one post. The troops sent by the enemy to search for were targeted and bitten. Once they were dragged down, the enemy's large troops were dispatched and they were saved.

To save people, you have to pierce the entire defense line of the enemy. If this kind of living person does not make money, there are still people doing it. If the mercenary who is going to make a task to make money is stupid, he will take this kind of work, so this is only love. Points can prompt mercenaries to fight such stupid things.

The team quickly ran forward. Soon, the right-most prince suddenly said: "I found the enemy, the number is not large, a dozen people, it should be a platoon establishment."

Gao Yang's brain was turning fast, and soon the prince hurriedly said: "The enemy is far away, about 1,200 meters away, but the enemy is coming to us accurately. I guess the enemy has found our tracks."

"Get rid of them and go again. You can't be bitten, change the formation of the battle, and get close and quick."

Gao Yang's really anxious head is about to smoke, but when he sharpens the knife and cuts the woodworker, and then rushes to save people, the obstacles that should be cleared must not be left. Otherwise, let alone angels can't save, Satan also Must be buried here.

The right wing became a forward, several people stared at the enemy intact, and the remaining few quietly outflanked from both sides.

The enemy was about to catch up, and Gao Yang's phone rang suddenly.

It ’s this trouble to not turn off the phone or interrupt the contact with the outside world. It ’s a critical moment if you ca n’t make it ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ But okay, Gao Yang is not a terrible moment now.

"It's time to fight, say it quickly."

"The skunk can't be found. It's too late to find it. Can't you use a substitute? It's a little troublesome when using it. The consequences are even more serious.

"Okay, you figure it out, I'm going to shoot."

Hanging up the phone with one hand, Gao Yang immediately started shooting.

The enemy responded quickly in this work. He shot up and slammed all down. He was not lying on the ground. He began to disperse and search for cover and concealment. Then he quickly started shooting and tried to suppress it.

"The enemy is not simple here, but it is still a regular army. Be careful when approaching them."

After speaking, Gao Yang quickly added a whisper: "It is still three minutes to solve the battle, and if it can't be resolved, it will be evacuated immediately and finished." (To be continued.)


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