A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1910: Stubborn

? It is difficult to do without ill-treatment or enemies, and even cause a lot of casualties to your comrades-in-arms. Prisoners need strict discipline to do so.

As long as the enemies who had been killed and killed in the previous moment were turned into captives, special treatment should be given to them. This requires an army with iron discipline. Now in this world, it is estimated that there is no such army. can do it.

The militia of Dongwu, to put it bluntly, is a group of people who are united, expecting them to have basic discipline, and expecting them to have strict discipline is unrealistic. .

Therefore, Yang Yang ’s demands are not high. Before the end of the battle, it is absolutely forbidden to abuse the captives, not even insults. As for the others, after the war, they have left so much.

Since the account is left behind, these militia soldiers are much easier to accept. Is everything to win? The preferential treatment of prisoners is to let more enemies surrender, and more enemies surrender will bleed less, etc. After the battle, it is not a matter of mood to think about how to rectify the prisoners of war. Therefore, Gao Yang ’s orders have been executed very thoroughly, and only then can they be completely executed.

The enemies here have been resolved, so it is natural to focus on rushing to the next battlefield to support them. They are promoted to take the first step. Bupasnov, with a part of his troops, is holding a part of the captives who are willing to persuade his companions to surrender. This is the battlefield where the battle is currently fiercest.

A residential area, mainly a two-story single building, after the Zhengfu Army retreated into this area, it occupied a small block. The total of a dozen or so residential houses continued to resist.

Nowhere in the house may be a dozen or even a few people resisting, but these dozen houses can cover each other, the terrain is not dangerous, nor is it a particularly strong bunker, but it still caused the militia to suffer the most casualties.

Attacking down from house to house is indeed the biggest way of fighting casualties. Gao Yang observed a moment not far from the scene and immediately frowned: "Stop the attack, stop the attack!"

The two companies in one battalion are being attacked, and there are only eight combat teams ranging from 10 to 20 people. In this terrain, it is impossible to use a large number of personnel to attack collectively, and there are a total of two companies. It is impossible to encircle the enemy. In this case, there is still a strong attack. How could the casualties be small?

Stopping the attack, Gao Yang called the two company commanders together and said anxiously, "What's the situation."

"Unable to hit, the enemy's firepower net has no dead ends at all, and our bazooka has no effect at all."

"The structure of the houses here is very strong, the walls are all masonry, light weapons are useless at all, a lot of grenades have been hit, and the rocket launcher has also been used up, but it is useless!"

The scattered but systematic and solid bunker group is really difficult to fight. He held his chin and tried to find a way. At this moment, Chelayev said loudly: "Our tank is here!"

Gao Yang regained his spirit and shouted: "No matter what else, the tank fires a few times before saying, maybe the enemy will surrender as soon as the tank fires. You two will be alone, just wait for the order."

If the two sides of this battle want to fire, they cannot be too far away, so the house occupied by the enemy is about 100 meters away from the enemy. In fact, many soldiers who are fighting the enemy are on the same street as the enemy. In the separated house, both sides can throw grenades at each other,

There is a tank that can be used. It is really a happy thing. I sent someone to guide the tank to the designated position. Gao Yang stood behind the wall that had once collapsed and once stood on the walkie-talkie: "Go."

The tank does not need to be too close to the enemy, nor too close. It is about six or seven hundred meters apart. At this distance, it is impossible to hit.

The first artillery hit the outer wall of the house, a big hole was opened, the second artillery hit the fence, and a section of the wall collapsed, and the third artillery hit the room on the second floor at an angle. The enemies inside must also be hit hard.

After firing three guns, Bupasnov immediately raised his horn and said: "The people inside listen, you have been surrounded, have you seen that, we have tanks, we also have many weapons that can destroy you immediately, but we do not want to Do this because we are all Ukrainians and Ukrainians do n’t fight ... "

No need to teach Gao Yang this time, Bupasnov hid behind a pile of bricks, stretched out his horn and started shouting, but he hadn't finished his words, and he hadn't had time to let the captors persuade to descend, a bullet came , Broke his horn.

When the horn was gone, Bupasnov froze for a moment, patted the horn, and found that the horn was broken, and immediately threw the horn and ran back, before waiting for him to run away. It was six or seven grenades that hit the place where he just shouted.

If you do n’t surrender, then there ’s nothing to be polite.

I have been watching Bupasnov ’s Gao Yang holding up the gun, carefully searching the direction that Bupasnov fired just now, and searching for a moment, but his position is not highly advantageous, and the field of vision is also very narrow. No one can see.

Suddenly, a gun appeared in the window, and Gao Yang immediately fired, and the bullet directly hit the target, but at this moment, Grolev suddenly burst into action.

After Gao Yang retracted the wall, the bullets intensively hit the wall covering him. The enemy's counterattack not only came quickly, but also very accurately. When he saw his muzzle flames immediately opened fire.

Grolev shot dozens of bullets ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ and took the machine gun away, and immediately began to shift positions like Gao Yang.

Grolyov has become a good fight, he will not stay in this place in this situation, waiting to be beaten, this is not a lack of guns and ammunition, I do n’t know why the grenade is the African black guy, here is the grenade than the grenade Ukraine, which is still widely used, needs a few dozen grenade to fly over, at least within 300 meters is definitely a dangerous area,

Sure enough, just after Grolev left, there were more than a dozen grenade drops in the area where he was. Although the grenade was not accurate, multiple pieces were fired together to make up for the lack of precision. It was still very deterrent.

Although it can't be said that it was annoying and angry, it was absolutely uncomfortable. He exasperated and said: "Tank gun, fight me! Continue to fight! Fight until they surrender."

In this terrain, the distance between the two sides is only 180 meters away. At this time, it is not only the time when Gao Yang can provide accurate lethal firepower. The effect of small caliber rifles is good, so everyone in Satan has This ability.

Let the tank continue to fire, of course, these people of Satan can not be idle, Gao Yang shouted in the intercom: "Guys, shoot freely, teach them!" (To be continued.)

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