A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1903: Mutual exchange

"Check weapons!"

"Weapon inspection is complete!"

"Check the night vision equipment!"

"The equipment inspection is completed and the work is good. Bayi ≧ Fiction Net≤ ﹤<< ≦”

"Communication test, 1."

"Communication test, 2."

"Communication test, 3."

With a sound of numbers, everyone checked their equipment and confirmed that they were correct, Yang Yang raised his arm and looked at his watch. He had to whisper: "Out! "

Everyone had already put on the Ukrainian army camouflage clothes, and then tied white stripes on both arms as identification, but their faces were covered with camouflage camouflage, short-term melee indoor combat with masks, long distance A large range of battles that require vigorous running and sports are painted camouflage.

With a loud command, a group of people quickly left the house and walked through the streets and toward the edge of the city.

Although he had already made up his mind to fight street fighting, he dragged the enemy into the quagmire of street fighting, and inevitably dragged the residents of Harzisk into the fighting. Although Gao Yang believed that sacrifice was necessary and inevitable, but He can't still be left waiting for the residents here to stay at home, so the evacuation order has long been issued, and all residents must evacuate their homes as soon as possible.

The main force was on the position, and the miscellaneous troops carried out the task of evacuating the residents. However, many residents refused to leave their homes. In this case, Gao Yang could not help but can only let the person who specifically executed the order solve it. It ’s war. If someone just ca n’t understand the situation and stays at home forcibly and is injured by mistake, then it ’s really only a fate.

The evacuation is still in progress, so when walking on the street, you can often see residents who drag their homes and leave with big bags and small bags, but they are not affected in any way, whether they are evacuated residents or presided over the evacuation of residents. The militiamen kept silent as they passed by with the team of Gao Yang, and at most people silently watched the team rush into the direction of the position.

It ’s been a long time since I have fought a real battle with the people of Satan, and Gao Yang is still a little excited. Only in this group of Satan, only when he carries out such a dangerous operation with his brothers who live and die, will he not have a trace of it. Feeling scared.

Having reached the forefront of the front, Gao Yang waved his hand, and the formation spread out, each looking for a cover, and then fell down.

So far, Gao Yang has personally led the infantry reconnaissance and commander of the Harzisk Regiment, and Rebrov ’s side is a six-member artillery observation team. When people are together, the targets of attention are different. The methods of investigation are different.

Gao Yang took out his large night vision telescope and lay on the ground to start a closer look.

The enemy ’s position is about two kilometers away, which is the enemy ’s frontline. The position is basically deployed along the side of the main road outside the city. Most of it is a simple fortification temporarily constructed with bulldozers, and heavy equipment such as tank armored vehicles The position is even further back, and generally hide behind the woods or houses in the back, so as to prevent being attacked by the militia.

The anti-tank firepower of the militia is mainly a rocket launcher, but the effective range of the rocket launcher is only a few hundred meters at the farthest, but here is Ukraine in the end, plus Russia ’s participation in the war, either explicitly or implicitly, providing some weapon assistance is inevitable In order to prevent the militia from having an anti-tank missile with a longer range, the enemy can only deploy tanks and other equipment in this way, so as not to get too close and be hit by the missile when it is stationary.

With the night vision of the night vision device they used, they could not see the location of the enemy ’s armored vehicles. After observing for a moment, they whispered: "Cannot observe the location of the enemy tanks and armored vehicles from the enemy position. Judging from the situation, they seem to have no plans to launch a night offensive. "

While Gao Yang was whispering in the intercom, Rebrov was making another observation.

First, use the organ range finder to accurately measure the distance to the enemy ’s position, and then measure the angle, mark it on the map, and then calculate it for a moment, then Rebrov whispered: "Begin to delimit fixed coordinates, x77853, y61422 , The origin of coordinate number one. "

The radio soldier carrying the radio began to whisper Rebrov's coordinates in secret. After the radio soldier returned the coordinates, Rebrov whispered: "Request fire test, a test fire."

What Rebrov is doing is to define the fixed coordinates in advance, that is, he provides the coordinates in advance, the rear artillery position test fires, and finally determines the shooting elements of the artillery, such as the artillery depression angle, left and right machine scales, etc., In this way, when the battle is going on, Rebrov does not need to report detailed coordinates temporarily, nor does he need to test-fire during the war, only need to report a fixed coordinate, and the rear artillery position directly bombs.

Soon, the soldiers whispered: "You can test fire to determine the fixed coordinate point, the forest is ready."

Rebrov whispered: "Okay, a test shot, let go!"

With a bang, a shell exploded more than a hundred meters behind the enemy position. Rebrov observed the drop point of the shell and provided a corrected value. Soon, the second shell landed accurately. The enemy position.

Rebrov also directed the artillery position to test fire several shells. It seemed that the shells were aimlessly random, just like during the day, but this time it was all test firing to determine the coordinates.

Finally ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Rebrov marked the maps densely on his map, drew a small grid, and numbered each small grid, whispered: "No. 1 The coordinate group is set up, move the position and continue to the next place. "

Gao Yang and Rebrov are not far away, that is, a hundred meters, but they are doing very different things. A group of people pay close attention to the movements of the enemy's position. Compared to Rebrov, the coordinates are determined as The Lord ’s job is to observe the enemy ’s movements and make judgments.

"The enemy has changed and strengthened its troops on a small scale. You said, will the artillery's test firing alert them?"

After Gao Yang and Shen Sheng finished speaking, Li Jinfang whispered: "Unlike, there are too few soldiers left by the enemy on the position, only normal vigilance, unable to attack."

At this moment, Irene suddenly whispered: "Now the enemy! At nine o'clock, very close to our position! Moving!"

Gao Yang immediately turned the night vision device and observed it for a moment according to the direction of Irene. He whispered: "Six people, about a kilometer away from our position, moving low, looking like a scout, carrying sighting equipment, Oops, the enemy is not timid, and dare to approach reconnaissance. "(To be continued.)

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