A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1897: You are the company commander

Unsurprisingly, when Gao Yang said his plan in the manner of the following command, the deputy company commander's face was so dull that he could wring out the water. Bayi Middle School ≥ Wen Wang ≧ ≦

Looking at Gao Yang coldly, he bowed his head silently and thought for a moment, maybe after thinking about how to deal with Gao Yang, the airborne chief, the company commander turned his head and left.

No words, but Grolev said loudly: "Stop!"

The deputy company commander turned his head, and his face was dull, and Grolev said in a deep voice, "Obey orders!"

"The order I got was to stand firm until it was given by the order to retreat, or to get the final victory. If you want me to obey the order, please, take out the official documents and I will not accept the verbal order."

Gao Yang said lightly: "There is no command file, only verbal commands, new commands have been issued, you should follow the command line."

The deputy company commander waved his hand and screamed angrily: "I don't know you, I don't know your identity, a foreigner jumped out and made me obey orders, it's impossible, who knows if you are the opposite **** pie Here, the order I received was to stick here, and it was given by our battalion commander personally. You can find the battalion commander to announce the new order to me, or the head of the group will do too. As for you, get away with me! "

Gao Yang said with some exasperation: "The head of the Haltsik regiment has been killed, and your battalion commander has also been killed, you should know."

The deputy company commander turned his head and shouted: "I don't know, I only know to act on orders."

Bupasnov said nothing. As a comrade-in-arms, he could not persuade the deputy company commander to retreat and expose his hometown as a battlefield. As for Walwicks, he did not speak for him.

Seeing the deputy company commander leaving, Gao Yang raised the volume and shouted: "You defy the military order!"

The deputy company commander stopped, turned around, looked at Gao Yang, and said loudly, "No, I didn't disobey the military order, I just refused your order, and wanted to give me an order, you have to prove your identity first."

Gao Yang can call Knight, but to be honest, it's useless, and he can't afford to lose this person.

So Gao Yang waved his hand and shouted: "He took off his gun, grabbed it, and defied the commander, and was shot on the spot!"

Standing next to Gao Yang are Grolev and Peter, two Russians who are more hands-on than others, Li Jinfang and Irene.

Peter immediately stepped forward, grabbed the vice company commander's arm, twisted his arm with two snaps, and then Grolev put the vice company commander's rifle seriously.

"What are you going to do, you have no right to do this, brothers, help me!"

The company suffered a lot of casualties, and there were no more officers. The deputy company commander had already personally commanded everyone in the company. He was on the front line, and there were more than a dozen people around him.

When hearing the deputy company commander's cry, a dozen people responded differently, but they all raised the gun subconsciously, aiming at them.

Gao Yang's face did not change color, and he said loudly to the deputy company: "How many people do you have? How many people are there now? Look at the number of people around you that can die? The situation has changed, so naturally you need to change the tactics. Cope, continue to fight like this, how many brothers can survive! "

After Gao Yangyi finished his words, Grolev shouted, "Put down your guns!"

The deputy company commander also shouted: "Don't listen to him. This **** made us give up our position until now. The dead brothers are all dead. Behind is our home. Our loved ones can't let those **** raise. Over our position, brothers, can't listen to him! "

Gao Yang looked at the soldiers who looked very entangled with majesty, and said loudly: "The big step back now is for the big step forward. I know that you have a lot of people's home here. Now I don't want to say Too many, I just ask you one sentence, if you really stayed until all the battles died, can your family keep it? "

After asking a question, Gao Yang suddenly shouted, "This is war! This is your choice. You chose war and joined this armed force! Then you have to win the final victory and choose to keep your hometown? Just look at it now, Can you keep it? You are dead, the enemy enters the city, and then it is the real end of the city! "

Some of the soldiers lowered the gun involuntarily, but when they were seen by their companions, they immediately put the gun back up again. Gao Yang ignored the soldier who was holding the gun in front of him, and said loudly, "I am a foreigner, but I will fight, so your commander asked me to come here to fight the fire, and I will lead you to the final victory. There is nothing to say about me and my companions, and I have nothing to explain. "

Gao Yang looked at the deputy company commander and shouted: "You disobey the military order, shake the military heart, I declare ..."

Bupasnov hurriedly shouted: "Don't, don't, he's just too anxious, buckle him up, I'll go to lock him up, he's really brave, he has merit! Don't ..."

"Don't listen to him, don't listen to him, our brother can't die in vain, this **** is to turn our honesty into ruins and burn our home to ashes!"

Gao Yang has never shot anyone on the battlefield, whether it was ordered or hand-held. This is not the same as shooting and killing the enemy. Especially for a brave officer who is very beloved by his subordinates. To order to be shot on the spot is actually It's difficult.

Someone was pleading, Gao Yang really wanted to fall down, but looking at the deputy company commander who was still struggling and shouting ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Gao Yang finally said with a serious face: "I announced, just Ground shot! "

Gao Yang stretched out his hand to draw a gun, but Peter was faster, he pushed the deputy company commander, then drew the gun at the deputy company commander's forehead and fired a shot.

The staggering deputy company commander fell to the ground. A dozen soldiers were shocked, but nobody fired.

Peter gave Gao Yang a meaningful look, and Gao Yang stopped his gun-drawing hand. After loudly announcing his order to everyone again, he turned and looked at Walviksky, shouting: "Given Walvey Krksky has fought bravely and has an outstanding record. I have appointed him as your three-row platoon leader. Now, I have announced the appointment of Walviksky as the company commander of the second battalion of the Haltzike regiment. "

After speaking, Gao Yang pointed to Walviksky and said loudly: "The most important thing is that he has always been sober. Following him, you will not die so fast. Now, who among you has the highest position?"

"I, I am the squad leader, sir."

Gao Yang immediately said: "Very well, your new company commander is really inexperienced and needs an assistant. Now you are the company's deputy company commander to help him better complete his work." (To be continued.)

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