A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1888: What is the use

Stock speculation has become a shareholder, picking up a girl has become a husband, in fact, this is nothing, the most tragic thing is to come out to investigate, the result was from a passerby arrested into a strong man. Bayi Novel Net ≦

Gao Yang and Grolev looked at each other, and Grolyov said helplessly: "Look at the situation."

Gao Yang and Grolev ran over, and the middle-aged man grabbed Gao Yang's arm and walked forward a few steps, pointing at a gun and yelling: "Which gun destroyed three armored vehicles! But the enemy There are snipers, which have killed four of our gunners in a row! The shooting range is the best here, can you solve the enemy snipers for me? "

Which artillery is so high still knows, that is, when the battle started, the anti-tank during World War II that a few people pushed over was considered an antique, but this artillery is always older, but its effect is still very large. Although it is impossible to fight modern tanks, there is no problem with armored vehicles.

The middle-aged man's face is anxious. If he can solve the enemy's sniper, the gun position does not need to be moved. If he can't solve the sniper, he can only move the gun position first, affecting the shooting field. Threat.

The cannon can be moved, and it is of course more convenient for the sniper to move.

Gao Yang glanced his head out, and after a quick glance, he immediately retracted his head and shouted, "Is the sniper position now?"

The middle-aged man took a step back and pointed in one direction: "Where did the bullet come from!"

Gao Yang nodded and glanced again. There are two broken armored vehicles 400 meters away. Looking at the direction, it is from where the sniper shot.

After thinking for a moment, Gao Yang hurriedly said: "It's too late to search slowly, the enemy's tank will come up immediately. If you want to quickly solve the enemy's sniper, you must cooperate with me. The sniper may have moved its position. He shot again. "

The middle-aged man immediately waved his hand and shouted: "Come a few people to operate the gun. Be careful, don't stand in a place as a target."

Gao Yang looked around and shouted, "Take my orders and move again."

Gao Yang wanted to find a better shooting position, but only two corners were available, otherwise he would have to enter the yard and go to the roof, but that would be a waste of time.

Four hundred meters, after thinking about the tactics, he exclaimed: "In this way, you operate the cannon and lead the enemy to shoot. As soon as the enemy shoots, I can solve it."

Gao Yang held the gun and stood, and the commander said with a surprised expression: "Hello, find a place to shoot down on your back and prone!"

Gao Yang stood back and said loudly: "No, it's too late to find a shooting position. Rest assured, I have absolutely no problem."

Grolyov put the machine gun to the end and was ready to cover Gao Yang. He hung the telescope around his neck. He held the telescope in his left hand and the gun in his right hand. He stood towards the corner of the wall and said, "Action, quickly! "

The commander's face was tangled, but he immediately waved: "Move! Move, fight armored vehicles, don't stand in one place for too long!"

Three people ran to the cannon. One person observed the direction of the armored vehicle behind the artillery shield. Two people pulled the breech and propelled a cannonball, then immediately ran aside. While observing the armored vehicle, one has to be careful of the bullets from the sniper, which is terrible.

Gao Yang is using a telescope to search for the approximate direction of the enemy sniper. The field of view of the gun sight is too narrow, and there is no way to quickly search. The gun began to aim, and it was shooting in a standing position.

Gao Yang has been focusing on observing the vicinity of the two destroyed armored vehicles, where is a good location for enemy snipers to avoid, the most important thing is to have cover, but when he uses a telescope to search, he is now on the flat ground at a distance from the side of the armored vehicle The fire flashed.

Throwing the telescope, Gao Yang flashed out of the wall, holding the gun flat, the muzzle quickly aimed at a very disguised person on Tiange, and fired a shot.

After confirming that he saw the blood flower, Gao Yang flashed back and shouted: "Slay the local sniper, but be careful, there is more than one!"

The gunner did not die, the bullet hit the artillery shield, so after completing the aiming, the gunner pulled a gun in his hand and fired a gun, but he also missed this gun.

The commander was shocked and happy, and said loudly, "Have you hit?"

"Hit! But I think there is still a sniper, go on, you go on!"

Gao Yang used the gunner as a bait, but this was no way. The battle reached a critical moment. If you want to solve the enemy quickly, you have to pay a price.

The two loaders ran over again, and quickly loaded the shells. They should have stayed near the anti-tank gun to assist in the operation, but the threat of snipers prevented them from staying. They could only fill the shells and return to the concealed place. Now, Gao Yang has solved a sniper and made them more courageous. After loading the shells, he directly operated the cannon.

Gao Yang hoped that the enemy would go to the gunner so that he could find out the enemy's position, but when his probe was observing, he panicked and immediately put his head back, and then he clung to the corner of the wall. His face and neck hurt from the splashes.

The enemy's sniper did not go to the gunner, but he stared at Gao Yang, because Gao Yang only exposed half of his head, so the enemy was his head, but this shot was distorted, but if Gao Yang just did not hide , The bullet is likely to hit his neck after breaking the brick in the corner.

After a flash, I hid for a while. Now that I was being targeted by the sniper, Gao Yang immediately flashed out again, and it was a shot at the spot where the fire was just fired.

The sniper, who was trying to move backwards behind the ridge, immediately stopped, so he fired a shot and shrank back again.

"Puff, puff, want to hit me!"

Gao Yang spit out the debris that came into his mouth ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ After he said bitterly, he immediately shouted: "The second sniper is solved! I change positions!"

After speaking, Gao Yang waved at Grolev and shouted, "Come here."

The commander shouted: "You move freely!"

Gao Yang ran towards the other corner of the house with a gun. Grolyov followed him. After the two stopped, Gao Yang quickly looked out and looked at it. At this moment, he saw an armored vehicle being hit. The middle and back stopped, which is the masterpiece of anti-tank guns.

After observing it for a moment, I thought that there would be no more snipers, and then whispered: "Okay, let's withdraw quickly."

At this time, the sniper of the Zhengfu Army was beaten, and it was considered to have completed the task. It was not true that I really wanted to stay and hit the end. Taking advantage of the status of the sniper to be able to move freely, it is reasonable to apply oil to the soles of the feet.

Grolev immediately ran out first, followed closely by Gao Yang, the two ran forward, and suddenly heard a loud noise behind them while being blown forward by the shock wave, as if pushed by someone. Similarly, looking back, I saw that the smoke billowed behind, and I could not see anything. (To be continued.)

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