A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1884: Wild rage

Gao Yang was silent for a moment, and then he suddenly said: "Do you think I should identify with him? I mean, ask him if he has anything to do with Pia. ≯ Bayi Novel Net ≦ ≤ < ≦ ≤≤≤≤≤ "

After thinking about it for a while, Yalebin whispered: "What is your situation?"

Gao Yang repeated the things that were born to Koval, especially focusing on that Koval would use the same gun-grabbing action as Tarta. After he finished speaking, Yalebin whispered: "This cannot be explained What, some of the tactical actions of the Black Devil are really only controlled by the Black Devil, but most of the actions, especially the action of capturing the gun, are common to many Soviet-era special units. However, they come from Estonia and have the last name Kovar ..., wait a minute. "

Yalebin shouted: "Who knows what Pia did after returning to Estonia? Does anyone know?"

Soon, Yalebin continued to talk to Gao Yang on the phone: "It's a pity that Pia's contact with us was interrupted. No one knows what he did after returning, but I think you can ask."

Gao Yang exhaled and whispered: "So, is Pia Koval his full name?"

"No, no, Pia is his name as the black devil. Joining the black devil means to cut everything before, so Pia ’s real name should be Salbany Koval, I remember it should be , The information of all members of the black devil is in my mind, but I am slowly forgetting now. "

Gao Yang exhaled and whispered: "Understood, if that person, he is really a relative of the Pia you said, then, what do I need to do? Do you want to contact a former comrade?"

Yalebin smiled in a low voice, and then he sighed, very confidently said: "One day black devil, life black devil, I think, Pia is probably dead, if he should be alive, he should be able to see Assembled, because Pia was the most unacceptable person for the dissolution of the black devil. "

Yalebin's tone suddenly became serious, and then he shouted: "No matter whether Pia is alive, whether that Koval is related to Pia, and no matter what their relationship, you don't need to help him do anything, because The black devil is very dangerous. The people trained by the black devil are equally dangerous. You have to figure out one thing. The black devil likes to solve all the problems by himself. In addition, the black devil does not like to accept friendship. I do n’t know you What's the situation there, so I can't give you a direct answer, but I can tell you that if that person is really cultivated by the black devil, then you should do nothing but express goodwill to him Just ask. "

Gao Yang bowed his head and said nothing. After thinking for a while, he said, "Okay, I understand. I will provide help within my ability. I will also ask him what it means. By the way, ask him if he and your Pia have any What ’s the matter, other than that, I ’ll be fine. "

Hanging up the phone, Gao Yang shrugged at the crowd, and then smiled: "Yes, now we are very likely that Koval has something to do with the black devil. Now I can ask him."

Grolyov kept scratching his head and raised his curiosity: "What's wrong with you?"

Grolev shook his finger and said: "There is a problem, there is a very serious problem, Koval is very powerful, we all know this, and Koval just called that he had an older brother, and he also wanted his My brother helped him get revenge together, so these are two powerful brothers, then, have you ever heard of the once famous brother group! Rage "

Everyone frowned, and then shook their heads in doubt. Grolev raised his hand and looked forward, but now that everyone had not heard of his name, he immediately hurriedly said: "The violent brother did not hear. Okay? Okay, it ’s too late for you to enter the industry. It ’s normal that you have n’t heard of it. So, what about the Three Lions Mercenary Corps !? ”

Gao Yang shook his head blankly, Eileen stood up, widened his eyes, and said loudly: "You are talking about ..."

Gao Yang immediately waved his hand and said: "Single!"

Ai Lin immediately lowered her voice and said extremely excitedly: "You are talking about the Three Lions Mercenary Corps?"

Grolev raised his hand and shrugged: "Yes, I only know that the Three Lions mercenary regiment has two famous brothers. The elder brother is called wild and the younger brother is called rage. They are so famous that many people think The Three Lions Mercenary Corps is called the Raging Brothers Mercenary Corps! The brother ’s nickname is Wild, and the brother ’s nickname is Rage.

Gao Yang curiously said: "Very powerful? And, how do you think he is that violent brother?"

Grolev raised his mouth, but after a moment of stunned, he suddenly lowered his head and said: "Guess, I just remembered that he asked for his brother's help, so I suddenly remembered this famous brother combination."

Yack disdainfully said: "Dude, what do you think is happening to you? And, the Three Lions Mercenary Corps, the Three Lions is a sign of England, okay."

Grolev said rightly: "No! The national emblem of Estonia is also three lions."

Gao Yang waved: "Don't guess, I'll ask."

Gao Yang rubbed out of the door and went directly to Koval, who was still digging. Then he whispered: "I'm sorry, I want to disturb you and ask you a few questions because, I think you might This friend has some connections. Well, I want to know if you know the name of Salbany Koval. "

Koval suddenly paused, and then he continued to dig in the pit without answering Gao Yang's question, but after digging a few times in a row, he stood still and nodded to Gao Yang, whispering: "Sa Albany Koval is my uncle. "

Gao Yang smashed his hand with his fist ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ and whispered: "Sure enough, this world is too small, well, don't get me wrong, I know your uncle's former comrade-in-arms, and then I follow your actions Feeling familiar, I asked those friends. This is not irony, they are really comrades in arms. "

Koval said expressionlessly: "I didn't expect to report my name, so that you can find out so many things."

Gao Yang waved his hand: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not malicious at all. I just want to know how your uncle is now. Many of his comrades miss him."

Koval bowed his head and said: "He died, he died ten years ago."

Gao Yang exhaled and said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry too, um, I want to ask you another question, but if you don't want to say, you can not answer me, may I ask, have you heard of the name of the violent brother, Also, the Three Lions Mercenary Corps. "

Koval looked at Gao Yang with strange eyes, and then he finally whispered: "I am really curious how you know so much, yes, the violent brother is my brother, dear brother, three lion mercenary group, pointing It is the three of our brothers, the boss is wild, the second is angry, and the third is brutal, it is me. "(To be continued.)

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