A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1882: You have to help me

Gao Yang winked, and Yake took out a satellite phone and placed it in front of the man. ≧ ≯≯ ≦ ﹤<<<

When he picked up the phone, when he wanted to make a call, the man suddenly put the phone down again, and then he looked up and said with a confused face: "No, I can't just call, I should at least figure out What was born, who are you? "

Gao Yangshen said: "The one who does business does not belong to any party here."

The man nodded weakly and whispered, "Understood, you just said that you are late too, can you tell me what it means."

Gao Yang sighed, with a sad expression on his face: "Not long ago this place was just captured by the Zhengfu Army, but it was still very calm, but then some people came over, and they started to go from house to house. People are doing some bad things, we decided to stop all this, so we started to kill them one by one from the east, according to the order of the houses, and then the militiamen here also knew what was born, so the battle started again, waiting for us to break into this house , Now ... sorry. "

The man shook his head and whispered: "No need to apologize. I came later than you. Although I failed, I have to thank you for trying to rescue my wife and daughter. I am the one who should come earlier. But I was 13 years late. "

After a painful expression, the man looked up at Gao Yang and said, "My name is Koval, I am Estonian, and my wife is Ukrainian, but we met in Russia, we got married and gave birth to children. , But I used to live a ridiculous life, so my wife could not bear my life, divorced me, and took the children away, I thought it would give her a better life, but I did not expect this Will hurt her. "

Gao Yang whispered: "Man, you should take a break."

Koval waved again and again: "No, no, please talk to me, otherwise I will be crazy, I haven't seen my daughter for many years, but she and I think they are exactly like middle-aged, my wife beat me On the phone, she asked me to pick her up and her daughter to leave. Fighting here started. She felt insecure. Although she still hated me, she knew that I would definitely be safe for her and our children. "

After speaking, Koval was stunned for a moment, then waved his hand: "Change the topic!"

Putting his finger on his temple, after waiting for a moment, Koval sighed and said weakly: "I am a man. At this time, I must consider revenge for my wife and daughter. This is for sure. This is inevitable, so please tell me, who made all this, is the person of the Seventy-two Brigade right? I have inquired halfway when I came, the Seventy-two Brigade is attacking here. "

Gao Yang shook his head and whispered: "In fact, the people who actually made these evil acts were not the people of the Seventy-two Brigade, but mercenaries."

Koval suddenly froze, and then he shivered: "Mercenary?"

"Yes, mercenaries, a mercenary group called Our Lady of Steel, one of the teams, twelve people, we killed seven, the remaining five ran, and it was the five who ran away that did These things happened. "

Kowal muttered to himself: "Mercenaries are mercenaries, the Virgin Iron, and the Virgin Iron Mercenary Corps."

With several words in his mouth, Koval was completely stunned.

Gao Yang exhaled and whispered: "I still know where those people are. They will definitely go to Donetsk, because the target they are looking for is in Donetsk. We know these because they are listening to them. Call content. "

Gao Yang waved his hand, and Fry put down the rifle from Koval's hand and placed the intercom from the moth squad in front of Koval.

When Koval picked up the walkie-talkie, he whispered: "This is from those people. We monitored the call. The seven people we killed were in the east house. No one can afford it now. Collect the corpses, their bodies should still be there. "

Kowal muttered to himself: "Our Lady of Steel, mercenary, went to Donetsk ..."

"The person they took the lead was called Raymond, and I do n’t know if it was his real name, but he was definitely an Englishman. Sas retired. We had a conversation with him before, and this person did n’t die. Of the five people who survived We just do n’t know if he made these here. "

Caval took a deep breath and shook his head: "Not important, this is not important anymore, thank you, I know who to seek revenge."

At this moment, Andy Ho walked out of the house, and he couldn't bear to say: "Man, grief and sorrow, your wife and daughter, they, um, are better now."

Caval stood up absently, trembling: "I, I should bury them."

Caval walked into the bedroom himself, and he whispered to the women who went in again: "Thank you, but the rest of the things let me come, please go out, I want to be alone with them, thank you . "

Erin, they came out of the bedroom again, and closed the door, and then, quickly, they heard the cry of crying from the room.

Li Jinfang leaned on Gao Yang's side and whispered: "This person is very powerful. Who do you think he is?"

Gao Yang shook his head and said: "It's not easy to say, but I feel like a soldier trained by the former Soviet Union. His tactics should be the Soviet style, and he is an Estonian."

Grolev nodded: "Yes, it should have been trained in Soviet mode, which is normal for Estonians."

Just then ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ The bedroom door opened and Caval walked out, first thanking Andy Ho and Irene, they bowed down in order and thanked, then tremble: "I can't waste it Time, I will use your phone now. "

Picking up Yake's phone, Koval didn't want to evade their meaning. After dialing the number, he hadn't spoken yet. The tears flowed down first, and then he choked: "It's me, I I already know that it was the mercenaries of the Iron Madonna mercenary who killed Merino. I also knew where they were going. Brother, I ca n’t do it by myself. You have to help me. "

I could n’t hear what the other end of the phone was saying, Kovar was in tears, sobbing: “Okay, I ’m waiting for you in Donetsk, where will the mercenaries go, I ’ll contact you again, just such."

After hanging up the phone, Kovar handed the satellite phone back to Yake and looked around silently, trembling: "I have to find a shovel. I'm going to dig a grave."

Gao Yang spread his hands and said: "We can help you dig, so it's faster."

Koval shook his head: "No, thank you, thank you for your help, but I want to come by myself, I must come in person." (To be continued.)

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