A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1843: Dorisen

After the training was over, a group of people gathered back to their residence. Cui Bo was carrying his big gun and carrying two crutches, which was still at the forefront. ≥≤ <﹤ ≤ ﹤﹤ ≤ ≦≦

When Cui Bo was blasted by a butter knife, he was blown up in the front. His luck did not hurt his face. His torso was protected, but his leg was hit by bricks and bricks. The blasting occurred. The fragment was almost the same as the bullet, so Cui Bo was injured everywhere.

The little wounds are almost all right, but some serious injuries have not been completely healed. Cui Bo can only move on crutches without affecting the wounds on his legs.

It was funny to walk forward one by one, but Cui Bo was still walking very fast. Fry could not help but laugh at the back: "Rabbit, what are you doing so fast?"

Cui Bo looked at his watch and turned his head, said: "Idiot, Dorothy should have dinner right away. If you don't go quickly, you can still rub it!"

Frye froze for a moment, then said excitedly: "Yeah! Go to Dorothy!"

"Dorezlian, Martyr? What is the name of my second Olympics?"

Gao Yang's first sentence was still in English, and the latter sentence was changed to Chinese, because Cui Bo said the name of the company, according to the Chinese pronunciation, it is really unlucky, right?

Cui Bo shouted: "A place name, a small city, most of the people in this company are Doris. The angel assembled people according to the place names. I don't know what he thought, but let's put together people from one place , It is said that the combat effectiveness is stronger. "

Grolev said loudly: "This is also a tradition of Ukraine and Russia, after all, it is a militia, and they are all pieced together temporarily. Everyone in a place knows it, and there are many relatives who gather them together. The fighting power is still stronger. "

Gao Yang nodded: "Well, I thought it was named like the Kiev front, or the Minsk front."

Cui Bo said anxiously: "Don't say that much, go quickly, and you will have no food later."

Gao Yang curiously said: "Their food is delicious?"

Elin laughed: "It's not too tasty, but it's much better than our food. Their ingredients are not very good. Now the supply of materials is relatively tight, but the vegetable soup is also better than ours. ate too much."

Grolev said loudly: "Yes, their chefs are all nearby residents, and the food they provide is also provided by nearby residents. At least there is no shortage of dishes."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Then hurry up, you can't eat rice late, you won't have to eat late."

The people of Dorez Lien had already begun to prepare meals. Many people gathered near the canteen. Gao Yang was the first time he had close contact with the militia team of Dongwu, so he was very interested in observing this team.

The so-called canteen is actually a shed with a few large pots. The black devil, which is essential for every meal, is placed on the shelf for anyone to take. The vegetable soup has not been out of the pot. Two 50- and 60-year-old men guard the two Stirring vigorously in front of the pot, four aunts moved out the cleaned dishes in the large laundry basin.

About fifty or sixty people wear all kinds of clothes, most of them are wearing camouflage, and a white cloth is attached to their arms as a difference from the Ukrainian government army, but at least one third of them wear casual clothes, and the clothes are not counted Uniform, but the weapons on his body are very complete, at least no one has an automatic rifle, and most of them have grenade launchers hung on the ak74, and even several people have extra backs besides the rifle. Holding a disposable bazooka.

Everyone was full of magazines, and grenades and grenades were also full. Ukraine lacked everything, but there must be no shortage of weapons and ammunition. Gao Yang also saw that five people were double gunmen. A Dragonov sniper rifle, and in the two cars parked outside the crowd, a 12.7 mm heavy machine gun was pulled behind a pickup, and the weapon pulled by another small truck was ruthless, Two consecutive 23mm machine guns.

From the perspective of weapons alone, this army is not like a crowd of people, but from the age of the personnel, there are all kinds of people. From the teens to the 50s and 60s, there are all kinds of people. Gao Yang also saw The man was wearing a suit and wearing glasses. At first glance, his speech and manners were that of a cultural person. He also carried a gun and chatted with people.

The soldiers of Dorisen had no discipline waiting for dinner. Three or five people gathered together to chat and laugh, many people were holding their own pots in their hands. Yes, there are aluminum lunch boxes made by the Russian army and the Ukrainian army, some people hold stainless steel pots, and some people take nothing, they will use the tableware provided by the canteen.

When eating, it is a good time to observe the morale of an army. Is it lifeless to gather together and eat together, or talk and laugh, you can see the current morale of an army particularly intuitively.

It seemed that Morrison ’s morale was not bad, and when he walked through the crowd, Grolev and they were already very familiar with the people of Dorezlian. A group of people joked and greeted them near the shed for dinner Afterwards, Cui Bo said angrily: "Take the pot, the food here is enough, but when you get there, there is no meat, and the soup is all rare. Hey, hey, hey, look, brother Yang ~ www .novelmtl.com ~ Newcomers, several women! "

On the other side of the canteen, there are more than 20 people waiting, and Dorothy is even talking to them, and it seems that they are also waiting for dinner, but these are secondary, the important thing is that the new arrival There are four girls in more than twenty people.

The four girls did n’t look big, they were all in their twenties, three of them were talking to the men around them, and only one girl was sitting alone in a common rack of a Ukrainian countryside. , Holding a Dragonov sniper rifle in both hands, smiling at the person in front of him.

Cui Bo suddenly came to the spirit, and when the eyes of many Satan's people lighted up, he rushed to the girl who was sitting alone in front of him, shouting in Russian: "Hi, hello, Are you a sniper? "

The girl was wearing a sea soul shirt, with two braids and a small round face. It was the type of dumb and dumb. It ca n’t be said how beautiful it is. When sitting alone, it is absolutely very cute.

After being interrupted by Cui Bo for contemplation, the girl's eyes focused on Cui Bo, and then she smiled slightly and shouted, "I'm sorry, what did you just say?" (To be continued.)

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