A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1841: Hey, there are women.

Training can't just be running, shooting is also necessary, and then there are various tactical exercises and coordinated exercises.

The training is also targeted. Li Jinfang and a group of assaulters practiced how to attack the enemies in the open area under the cover of machine guns and artillery artillery. After running for 20 kilometers, they did not rest for too long, but only a little breath With a sigh of relief, he carried his rifle on his back and trot to the shooting range.

Shooting training is necessary when the physical strength is low. During this time, Gao Yang has never conducted long-range shooting. Now he has to practice and find a feel to avoid the ability to shoot at a long distance.

Gao Yang trot to the shooting range. The so-called shooting range is actually a farmland. Eastern Ukraine is a large plain. The land is flat and vast. A place is set in the farmland near the residence. Setting a few targets is a shooting range.

Cui Bo was already at the shooting range. He couldn't run or vigorously move, but there was no problem with shooting. When Gao Yang reached the shooting range, Cui Bo was lying on the ground and shooting a portrait target located 800 meters away.

There is a high-powered telescope with a tripod next to Cui Bo. Gao Yang walked to the side of Cui Bo and stood behind the telescope. After finding the target that Cui Bo wanted to shoot, he waited quietly for Cui Bo to shoot.

The firing of a 12.7mm caliber gun was shocking. Cui Bo fired a shot. The ground near the muzzle was shaken with a layer of dust. Gao Yang looked at the target carefully and whispered: "Off target."

Cui Bo shook his head, stretched his hand over the sight and adjusted it a few times, then aimed for a while, then fired again.

"Missing the target, but I saw a flare, about two meters to the left."

Cui Bo adjusted his sight once again. After a long time of focusing and breathing, he fired again. This time he shouted loudly: "Hit, beautiful!"

Cui Bo smiled, and then climbed up strenuously, shouting: "Come on, I will show you."

Gao Yang took the blade of Satan behind him and said, "Doesn't anyone serve you as an assistant?"

Cui Bo whispered: "When it comes to training, all the active ones are trained. Who will give us but an observer, let's help each other, okay, how many meters of target do you hit?"

Gao Yang lay on the ground, holding a telescope and observing at the same time: "From four hundred meters to one thousand meters, but there seems to be no one-kilometer target, then eight hundred meters, I will start shooting."

Cui Bo leaned on one hand, put his eyes behind the telescope, and said loudly, "Do you want to report the wind speed or something?"

"No, I will observe it myself."

After saying a word, Gao Yang twisted a bit of dust with his hand, threw it in the air and looked at the speed at which the dust was blown away by the wind, and then shouted, "The wind speed is a little too big."

After that, Gao Yang fired a shot. The target of 400 meters was not difficult for him, so Gao Yang could quickly shoot ten shots. After the gun was hit, he started shooting at a target position of 600 meters away, which was also a gun shot. After ten shots again, he started shooting at the target at 800 meters.

800 meters away, it is already a long-range shooting for the snipers. It is very difficult to hit, and it is normal to miss, and the consequences of being affected by various factors are also very serious. Missed.

It stands to reason that if you do n’t hit, you have to adjust and continue shooting, but Gao Yang still quickly finished ten bullets, and after a round, he shouted: "How is the result?"

"Four rounds of hitting, all of them hit the left."

Gao Yang exhaled and smiled: "Not bad, the wind is a bit strong today."

Cui Bo nodded and said: "Yes, horizontal wind at full speed, you try another round."

Wind is the enemy of snipers. No matter how accurate the marksmanship is, it is impossible to completely eliminate the influence of wind. Among the factors that affect shooting, such as wind speed, wind direction, temperature, humidity, altitude, etc., wind speed and wind direction have the largest effect. The full-speed wind refers to the force of the wind has completely affected the flight stability of the bullet.

Even if Gao Yang is a gun god, it is impossible to get rid of the influence of wind. It is better to encounter wind with a relatively constant wind speed. If the wind speed is faster or slower, the wind direction is also changeable gale, and the long-range target is hit. Can only help.

After reloading the bullet, he shouted loudly: "If you report the wind speed, I will play a precise round."

Cui Bo took out his hot-ball anemone, and after watching it for a while, he said loudly: "The wind speed is eight meters per second, which is close to a strong wind."

Gao Yang exhaled. After adjusting the aiming point according to the wind speed, he fired ten consecutive shots again. This time the hit rate was greatly improved, and seven shots out of ten were shot.

"Seven out of ten, good."

There is not much room for improvement, which is already the limit under the influence of strong winds.

"I play another round, and then you play."

Gao Yang hit it again, again with 10 rounds of bullets, but this time he only got five shots. This is because the bullets he used were special bullets. The influence of the wind was smaller than that of the 7.62X51 mm NATO bullet. If it was used, Ordinary NATO ammunition, it is estimated that you can't get a shot. You must know that it is a distance of 800 meters. For a precision shooter, it is shot at a long distance. Almost no one will shoot a target at this distance with a 7.62 caliber rifle.

Gao Yang climbed up, exhaled, and smiled: "Yes, my brother's shooting level has no possibility of falling. It's your turn. I will help you observe."

Cui Bo lay on the ground, after looking at it with a gun for a while, he said loudly: "You can be my deputy shooter, we all practice, about 1,200 meters away, where there is a tree, I want to fight that Try a tree. "

Gao Yang adjusted the telescope ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ loudly: "I see."

Using a laser rangefinder to observe the distance, after observing the wind speed, Gao Yang quickly said: "The distance is 1,176 meters, the wind speed is 8.6 meters per second, and the relative humidity is 63%."

Cui Bo adjusted the sight according to the data given by Gao Yang, but when he put his eyes behind the sight again, Gao Yang said angrily: "Stop shooting! Someone!"

Cui Bo said angrily: "What's wrong with me, this is the shooting range, everyone knows, who still runs here!"

Gao Yang moved the observation telescope with a relatively small field of view a little, and then shouted: "A lot of people, at least twenty, are all dressed in camouflage clothes, are they angels? Wouldn't it be the enemy."

Cui Bo shouted: "It's impossible, I see, angels have troops on the periphery, it's impossible to put people in this way, but this piece is a shooting range, and the angels also use this shooting range to train, no one does not know. , Let me see what's going on. "

Cui Bo, who was familiar with the situation, stood behind the telescope and looked at it. He picked up the intercom and said loudly: "Domansky! Someone broke into the shooting range, don't know the identity, you should send someone to see, hey! Female! "(Unfinished to be continued.)

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