A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1838: Do not open the cavity

Several black devil people chatted in Pavlovic's room. At this time, they were just like ordinary old people. From time to time, there was a burst of laughter in the talk.

After knocking on the door and pushing it in, Gao Yang waved at Pavlovic, who was lying in bed, and smiled: "Hi, I'll visit you, is it better?"

With a smile on his face, Pavlovic shouted: "You came to visit me, but you didn't hold flowers, didn't you visit the patient empty-handed?"

"Who said I didn't bring anything, take it, take it with me."

It ’s all old acquaintances, so you ’re welcome, Gao Yang looked at the place in the house where she did n’t sit. She sat down beside Pavlovic ’s bed, patted Pavlovic ’s leg, and laughed: Move, move in. "

Let Pavlovic make a little room, Yang Yang rubbed his hands, and said to the old men in the house: "This is the case, I have set aside 60 million dollars for you, you can divide. "

Yalebin smiled slightly and said, "Oh, a lot of money."

Gao Yang laughed: "It's okay, you helped me so much, and I'm embarrassed to take it out of it. Also, I prepared ten million dollars alone, Glewatov, is for you. Yes, do you want cash or transfer? I think you may not have a secure account, so I opened an account on my own initiative, and there are more than one million cash you can use. "

Glevatov said in surprise: "Specially for me? Why should I give it."

"Because they have no home, you have a home."

With a proper expression on his face, he spread his hands and said: "You are different from them. They are bachelors. You have a wife and children. Of course, I will prepare a separate copy for you."

Glevatov was silent for a moment, then he shook his head and whispered: "Thank you, but it's unnecessary, I can't use it."

"Not used? Why not?"

Gao Yang was very surprised, and Gleevatov was very helpless.

"Joining the black devil means to say goodbye to all the original, no family, no relatives. Since I am back to the black devil, then, then ..."

Gleevatov couldn't say anything, and Gao Yang said seriously: "You finally found yourself idiot?"

Grevatov didn't speak.

Gao Yang said helplessly: "Old ... brother, the Soviet Union is gone, the KGB is gone, you are still restraining yourself with the requirements of the past, you are really ..., cough, you just want to understand Now, you are a free man. You come out to find something to do now. If you want to go back, of course you will go back. Well, who will stop you? "

Pavlovic was also curious: "Yeah, isn't it allowed? Captain, isn't it?"

Yalebin sighed and looked at Gleevato whispered: "Sorry, it seems that my education for you, cough, education was too successful."

Gleevato stood up, just like the discovery of the New World, with a double-handed shot, shouting: "Yes, there is no discipline now, I am free!"

Yalebin said helplessly: "I'm glad you found this, and I'm glad you finally want to understand, that is, I don't know why you didn't think of this problem until now."

Glevatov shouted: "I'm going home! Well, I miss my wife, my children, my farm, and the tractor at home happened to be broken. Now I can just buy a new one!"

Gao Yang whispered: "I think you can consider buying a car for the child, maybe he will like it more."

Glevatov snapped his hand and shouted, "Yes, buy a car for my son!"

Yalebin shook his head helplessly, and Tarta said very strangely: "You have been miserable! Are you poor?"

Glevatov nodded and said, "Yeah, it's pretty poor, oh, I don't get no money, but I think a safe and stable life is good, I just want to run my farm well, I didn't think about it of."

Yalebin whispered: "Okay, okay! Don't say it, you can go home now, bring the money, ten million is enough for you to spend the rest of your life safely, go home, don't come again, you follow We are different. "

Rostoski said with a sentimental look: "Glevatov, my brother, you may be the only one among the black devils. Go back and live your life. The adventurous life is not for you anymore. . "

Glevatov wondered: "Why can't I come back when I go home, I'll go back to see them, and then come to see you again, isn't it?"

Yalebin touched his chin and thought deeply: "Yeah, why not? It seems that my thinking is also imprisoned. Why can't I go home if I want to go home, and work out when I think of it."

Gao Yang slapped his hand and said helplessly: "Yes! What do you think? Man, what age are you now, you are like, like, just like coming out to work, who will control you not to go home Will I? Will you want money? I told you to take a large sum of money. You guys just want to play as a family child, I think it ’s good. "

"That's it, I can't imagine this kind of life."

"Yeah, how nice and tall a person is, you think too much."

When several people shook their heads, Gleevato cautiously said: "You can go to my house to see, I invite you to visit my farm."

After Gleevato finally got through his inspiring brain, he became more fluent and quicker.

"You guys go to our farm to see, don't you want to see my family? Play in my house for a while, then we come out and go to Yemen, isn't that good? Do you want to go? Look."

"You have to come out again?"

"Of course, it's boring to live too long. I'm a little homesick, but I can't stay at home until I die. I'm still with everyone. If you feel homesick, go back and see. , We take a break and then go to Yemen together, is n’t it good? "

Yalebin waved his hand and shouted, "Go and see Gleevatov's house, and then go to Yemen."

Gao Yang hurriedly said: "Don't forget to meet each other, you are all rich now, what to buy."

As always, Lebedev said seriously: "But what do we want money for?"

Tarta also said very seriously: "All to Gleevatov."

Glevatov shook his head again and again: "No, too much money is not a good thing, really, I think 10 million is too much, this time I plan to give them only a few hundred thousand is enough, too much money Not necessarily a good thing. "

Gao Yang said cautiously: "Well, don't you need a lot of money for the event?"

Yalebin looked at Yang Yang, and then said dissatisfiedly: "You said it was money for us, not the event funds."

This is what Yalebin said, but when he turned his words, he was facing a humane: "We still have 60 million. We will give 10 million to Glevatov as a gift for several of us. The next 50 million will be used to finance Yemen ’s activities. This is our own money. You can use as much as you want. At least you do n’t need to apply for funds before you run out. "

Vasily exclaimed: "Okay! This is good, but, I think I'm still young, otherwise, I'll go find a wife?"

Grevatov nodded again and again: "Good, you are still young, you really should find a wife."

Vasili haha ​​smiled ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ loudly said: "I'm kidding, find a wife? Don't tease me, man, I don't have your courage, I think it's better to be single, this is impossible, I won't So stupid to marry a wife and take care of yourself. "

Yalebin looked up and said loudly, "When we go to Grevatov's house, when will your money be available?"

Gao Yang immediately said: "Now, I have prepared cash, you take it, and I suggest that you arrange a better path for Gleevatov, sit down and prepare for the child's future, you certainly have not questionable."

Yalebin pondered for a moment and shouted: "We won't be going too long for this trip. We can go to Yemen when we come back."

"No hurry, no hurry, we also need recovery training first, so you can arrange your holidays freely, I have no problem here."

Pavlovic, who was lying in bed, sat up and said loudly, "I'm going too, I mean, I also want to go and see Glevatov's house, and when you go to Yemen, you also bring me it is good?"

Yalebin smiled slightly and nodded, "Okay!" (To be continued)

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