A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 1836: Dividend

Both Taylor and Jessie Lee recovered quite well, but they were not injured for long, and they were also seriously injured. It is impossible to recover so quickly.

After seeing Taylor and Jessie, Sirte and his men left in a hurry. Yalebin and several of them were talking to Pavlovic. Polovic did not come back for a walk.

Gao Yang, who was surrounded by people sitting in a large room, clapped his hands and shouted to everyone who was still immersed in the joy of reunion: "Guys, today is a happy day, right, so let you be more happy. Now. "

After speaking loudly, Gao Yang nodded and smiled: "Today we will pay dividends!"

Cui Bo said with a smile: "It is said that it is divided into stolen goods, right?"

Gao Yang shook his hand and smiled, "It's dividends! It's not stolen goods. We put the money together and lent it to Andrey, that is, we lent the money to Da Yiwan. Now, Da Yiwan is back, he lent us The money is back, so we are paying dividends. "

Grolev gave a long breath and said with joy: "There is money, and finally there is money. I have to support my family. Tell me how much money is available?"

Gao Yang said slowly: "How much did you pay?"

Grolev raised four fingers and shouted: "Four million dollars, all my money!"

Gao Yang smiled slightly and nodded, "Then you can get back 40 million dollars."

Grolev stood up and said with a surprised expression: "How much?"

Gao Yang spread his hands and smiled: "We borrowed 30 million, and Da Yiwan paid 300 million, so, ten times the return."

Albert jumped up suddenly, opened his arms and shouted: "Yeah! Yeah! I knew that this business could be done! I became a multimillionaire, I am a multimillionaire! Haha, my Children, haha! "

Gao Yang rubbed his hands and said with a happy face: "Yes, now, the poorest of us are also multi-millionaires, the fat cat is you."

Albert said angrily: "Fak! If I had more money then, it would be fine!"

Li Jinfang said with a distressed face: "I am now a multimillionaire, what do I do with so much money? How to spend it."

Gao Yang pointed to James and smiled: "You are content, he has not invested yet."

The three billions returned by Great Ivan are nothing else, but the money they collected was lent to Andre, and James did not join Satan when Andre borrowed the money.

Everyone did the work together, but James didn't have to take the money. Whoever took out his family would get a tenfold return, which is fair.

But, James is also a person who has worked hard and played a life. Now the money borrowed by Satan is back, but there is also the money they earned. If the money earned is divided, there must be a share of James. Children.

Gao Yang smiled and waved his hand, shouting: "Don't worry, don't worry, guys, money is more than that, don't forget, we sold arms and cleaners during this time, in short, all earned in Ukraine The money for us belongs to us, Dayiwan is still very generous, and this money is also a lot. "

Grolev said energetically: "How much?"

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Forget it, the accurate number, and have a sum of RMB 270 million."

Cheering, waiting for the people in the house to celebrate, Gao Yang smiled and said: "This money is what we have worked hard to earn back this time, and now start to divide, I have an idea, come up with 100 million Come, we will share one cent, and the rest of the money will be invested in our company. Now it is time to do our own thing. "

Everyone nodded again and again, raising their hands high, and then continued: "We divide the money according to the rules, but then, James gets less, so I have an idea, give James 5 million , The extra is even a bonus. "

Grolev immediately said: "He deserves it."

James whispered, "So much! My God, so much money."

Gao Yang took a lot of them, that's what they accumulated along the way. James didn't join it long before and gave him 5 million points. Gao Yang was already very generous, and James was also very contented.

Gao Yang smiled, and then continued: "Taylor is special, and he has been with us for a long time, but he hasn't got a lot of money, although he didn't catch up with the two wars, but he hit here from Syria and gave him How about ten million? "

Everyone nodded again and again, Gao Yang looked at Lebrov who was sitting on the side, and smiled: "Rebrov, he hasn't joined Satan yet, but this time he contributed a lot, a million dollars in prize money. "

Rebrov said in surprise: "I have a share too? But I did almost nothing."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Why didn't you do anything? Your artillery is very accurate. You can't do it without you this time. I'll give you one million. Just hold it."

After talking about Rebrov, Gao Yang pondered for a moment, and said with a bit of distress: "Jessie Lee, who was injured when he first came. Although the time is still short, but after all, he has also worked hard. How much is suitable for him? "

Grolev thought about it for a moment, and shouted: "Two million, just as a bonus for his injury. He just came, and now he is given too much to fit."

Two million won in an encounter. Although Jessie Lee was injured, he should be content. After all, he has no contribution ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ It ’s really inappropriate to take more, let ’s talk about it If he went to other mercenary regiments, it would be nice to save two million in his life. A retired soldier can earn as much as he wants. Know that mercenaries are not lacking in him.

I figured out the money that everyone should share, and exhaled loudly, shouting: "This time the black devil has made too much effort. Everyone knows that without the black devil, we ca n’t divide the money here, Buff. The group of black devils brought by Lorovic lived two. They wanted to get one. The five of them were Yalebin. This time they played a key role. Without them, this time it was really over, Yalebin. They said they do n’t want money, but I still want to spend 70 million to share with them. Well, it ’s really useless for them to ask for money, but we ca n’t help but give. ”

Except for Rebrov, everyone nodded, Yang Yang waved his hand and shouted: "Everyone agrees, then that's the way to do it, but I guess Yalebin they will not ask for money, because they really did not take money Yes, but Yalebin said that they need a lot of money to go to Yemen. If they use it for their own use, then they will be used as funds and let them decide to spend it. Also, Grevatov is If there are family members, he wants the money to be useful, and I plan to give him 10 million out of this money alone. "

After arranging the money of the Black Devils and others, Gao Yang laughed and said, "One hundred million is left, which is the starting capital of our company, or our activities in Yemen." (To be continued.)

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